- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 4 weeks ago:
History is what it is. Reality is what it is. It won’t be productive while you imagine to only be a tune in my head and result to insults.
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 4 weeks ago:
As predicted, not going to be a productive conversation.
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 4 weeks ago:
Same with those civil rights people, they were always marching, and shouting, and angry at an unjust system, and scared of police beatings. Always complaining about lynchings and how they were oppressed. So scared and hate filled.
Funny how history rhymes.
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 1 month ago:
Me when I’m attracted to feminine, no matter the source.
- Comment on Maybe There'll Be Birdseed! 1 month ago:
This has the feel of a trap.
There’s something in my hindbrain that wants absolutely none of this.
- Comment on Can we stop asking people who are on the brink of death and suffering greatly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of able bodied people who refuse to stand up and sacrifice themselves for us? 1 month ago:
Interesting timing. I was considering my own guilt associated with this. I watched and was dwelling on innuendo studios South Bank of the Rubicon video. I was thinking where mine was whe I would act, what that action looked like.
Part of me had the same reasoning, I am disabled and my qol is set on a ever increasingly downward slope. Physio is merely to slow the acceleration of the decent, as such why wouldn’t my South Bank be a little closer, action a little more drastic.
I do have a fiancee whom I love dearly, but no kids. My social circle is very close but quite small. My job is a hobby money fair.
All of which screams why wouldn’t my South Bank be a little closer, action a little more drastic.
I see JSO keeping corporate sponsored climate disasters in the news. I think who among them had better QOL prospects than I?
I don’t have answers, or I do and I don’t like them which is functionally the same. Just a mild sense of guilt which peaks whenever I see someone doing something.
- Comment on Smart methodology 1 month ago:
I try keep my ID10T errors between an LLM and myself now. I diligently follow all of it’s first steps that I know won’t work. Excuse me, what do you mean check pihole is installed? Of course its, oh it errored and didn’t install. New chat copy-paste error.
Happened today actually. apt didn’t have access to the internet because the pi’s DNS was set to GPT didn’t figure that out, it did politely ask me whether lighttpd.conf not existing was because pihole didn’t exist after I just, ahem, installed it.
- Comment on Should I avoid communities on lemmy.ml? 1 month ago:
I think I’ve blocked more .world users/ communities too. But, I think it’s just because of the sheer quantity of them. At least I tell myself it’s just because there are so many of them.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Watches video… Oh, oh no.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
I was setting up people’s profile pictures on the home server… Everyone’s a different concerned dog…
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Working class trying to strip other working class of rights and privileges. Yes parents of children should get considerations according to their need.
- Comment on where do you draw the line if you ponder quitting a job? 3 months ago:
Pereto’s law is universal: ~80% of the work is done by ~20% of the staff. Either find a place where managers recognise who the 20% are and act accordingly, or don’t be one of the 20%.
I’ve done both, I aim to be the 20% and see if it’s valued, if not I aim to be one of the 80%. Successfully moving from 1 to the other isn’t too challenging, you’ll find a lot of the extra work load wasn’t noticed anyway and a little weaponised incompetence sheds the rest. Just be better than the current worst person and you’ll be fine.
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 3 months ago:
New MAD doctrine: all belligerents in any international conflict gets nuked. Thank you coming to my ted talk, I have a proof but it is too large to fit in the comments.
- Comment on Do you think being left-handed gives any unique qualities or advantages compares to other right handed? 3 months ago:
No-one hates fencing a lefty quite like another lefty.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
“Had to be me.”
Also, there was a Warhammer RTS that had “AHH my spleen!!!” Which I never got over.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 4 months ago:
I thought the headline was not conveying the emphasise. “We’re going to be ok” says member of the owning class.
- Comment on It's never a bad time to check your biases 4 months ago:
Can you imagine my fiancée’s dissapointment when I showed her my “finger tricks”…
- Comment on i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper 6 months ago:
Someone identifying with Homelander would. That’s the real meme here.
- Comment on Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence? 6 months ago:
As a beginner in self hosting I like plugging the random commands I find online into a llm. I ask it what the command does, what I’m trying to achieve and if it would work…
It acts like a mentor, I don’t trust what it says entirely so I’m constantly sanity checking it, but it gets me to where I want to go with some back and forth. I’m doing some of the problem solving, so there’s that exercise, it also teaches me what commands do and how the flags alter it. It’s also there to stop me making really stupid mistakes that I would have learned the hard way without.
Last project was adding a HDD to my zpool as a mirror. I found the “attach” command online with a bunch of flags. I made what I thought was my solution and asked chatgpt. It corrected some stuff: I didn’t include the name of my zpool. Then gave me a procedure to do it properly.
In that procedure I noticed an inconsistency in how I was naming drives vs how my zpool was naming drives. Asked chat gpt again got told I was a dumbass, if thats the naming convention I should probably use that one instead of mine (I was using /dev/sbc and the zpool was using /dev/disk/by-id/). It told me why the zpool might have been configured that way so that was a teaching moment, I’m using usb drives and the zpool wants to protect itself if the setup gets switched around. I clarified the names and rewrote the command, not really chatgpt was constantly updating the command as we went… Boom I have mirrored my drives, I’ve made all my stupid mistakes in private and away from production, life is good.
- Comment on Anon wants to play a game 7 months ago:
Mop, wire coat hanger, pregnancy test.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Mass Effect 10 months ago:
Favourite game - 1, it was the first one I played and the one I’m most familiar with.
Least is 3, it was the first game I encountered with day 1 dlc, so didn’t get any. Jokes on me I guess because I got the remaster instead.
I enjoyed KOTOR/II before it and I was hoping for more of the same, more HK-47 really. No HK but the play is familiar: go to a planet do some quests, X person wants to talk and on to the next.
Femshep is the only shep for me.
- Comment on Recommendations for RaspberryPI 4B case? 11 months ago:
Personally running an Argon Neo on the pi 4, zero complaints. Flirc is better looking by half (imho), but the Neo out performs it thermally (with the cover off).
I’m running it as a pihole/jellyfin&servarr passively cooled with zero problems.
- Comment on Staying for the week at an AirBnB in Rochester, MN. This is what I just found out I'm stuck with. 11 months ago:
“How does your network availability compare with your expectations”
- Comment on New guide on Ico dropped on Gamefaqs 1 year ago:
Funnily, I just finished this game for the first time last week. Wonder what happened in our lives that it became relevant. I might use the guide for a NG+ if it tells me how to get the lightsaber.
- Comment on Amazed these aren't real 1 year ago:
In my day the punchline to this joke was
Polo: the one with the whole… Shit
- Comment on What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? 1 year ago:
Wildermyth is just so endearing I loved my time with it.
Taking the same character through each campaign was pretty fun like I was making a serialised demi-god: Doofus and the mountain horde, Doofus and the ancient threat etc. Because characters age though the campaign, it has interesting implications in the world lore. Like we’re an archivist document the various legends of Doofus, acknowledging where they contradict and maybe speculating on how the differences in each culture’s legend of Doofus reflects back.
Downside is I optimised the fun out of the combat in always having Doofus at the center of the strategy, each encounter then played out the same.
- Comment on American bully XL dogs to be banned by end of year - Sunak 1 year ago:
Yeah I tried to summarise that in the what would prevent fatal attacks paragraph. I try to see through a “what effective measures have we done to regulate things that can cause harm” lense.
Cars can cause harm, we demand training, licencing, registering, insurance, stoppages by police to provide proof of the above, etc etc. There are still fatalities though. I would accept every one of those measures being applied to dog ownership, you’re right it sucks for the peeps owning chihuahua’s, their insurance will likely be low though.
That said, after engaging with the dog foster system, I have other reasons for wanting to limit access to dogs. I weigh the harm done to families that lose an opportunity Vs the harm prevention what I think the above will do to the number of homeless dogs as I would add all animals are neutered at the earliest possible convenience unless owned by a registered breeder, that registration being an absolute bastard to get, perhaps requiring yearly inspections to curb puppy mills too. I love dogs, I don’t see their ownership as a right but a responsibility first and a privilege second.
I did think about banning characteristics, which then lead me on to blades as we regulate blades by characteristic. I have absolutely no idea if it was effective though, and didn’t care to check, so I didn’t include it. But how to apply it to dogs, weight maybe, biting force are objectively measurable but what happens if some family just lands an absolute chonk. As you say, the actual relevent characteristics are functionally impossible to police.
- Comment on American bully XL dogs to be banned by end of year - Sunak 1 year ago:
Nice argument, I showed you the data the proves it wrong though.
But beyond that the argument is flawed fundamentally, dog breeds aren’t static and the gog abusers don’t have to start with dachounds.
My argument stands and is supported by the data.
- Comment on American bully XL dogs to be banned by end of year - Sunak 1 year ago:
Once again, someone didn’t read my first two paragraphs.
- Comment on Major changes to most benefits systems from next year confirmed by DWP 1 year ago:
I went through PIP twice, denied, appealed and won the first time. Second time I was denied I just couldn’t do it again. I’m also, lucky in that I have a supportive partner otherwise I don’t know. Currently rocking a part time job as enforced physio and some pocket money, but there’s no pride in that.
What’s worse, if you’re denied PIP you can’t apply again for the same condition so I’m SOL now. If it hits the fan I don’t know what I’d do, an increase in hours at my current job to support myself would be such a decrease in QOL I don’t think it would be worth it, that’s assuming I could do it at all.
I’m currently retraining but I don’t know how I can sell a recliner as a reasonable accomdation for full time work. Mostly I’m just broken… kinda just unloaded there, sorry.