- Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 5 months ago:
It’s the Reddit people.
- Comment on How do I... Do court? I didn't realize my license was expired and got pulled over. Now I have court tomorrow. 5 months ago:
Most of the criminals in a murder trial are wearing prison tracksuits, I think they’ll be fine.
- Comment on 50% survival rate 5 months ago:
Normal people too.
- Comment on Thanks, Logan. 5 months ago:
It’s like sending candy.
- Comment on sassyfrazz 5 months ago:
I’m just wondering.
- Comment on sassyfrazz 5 months ago:
Can you make molly from this?
- Comment on Anon likes horror books 5 months ago:
Can we stop using mental issue labels all the time and just be honest that it was not autism but fear?
- Comment on It's important 5 months ago:
I just keep editing this comment trying to make it more positive and it keeps backfiring, sorry.
You don’t have to. It’s exactly the point I was trying to make.
Anyways, I feel for you. But I often recommend going out and hanging out with friends over professional help. Nothing ever gets better if we wait for it.
I’m sorry I can’t really help you.
- Comment on It's important 5 months ago:
My brother killed himself. I wish he actually had talked with the people around him. I talked to him everyday and I didn’t even know he was feeling that way.
- Comment on It's important 5 months ago:
You are making my life worse so I’m just blocking you.
You obviously use people for your own reasons.
- Comment on It's important 5 months ago:
Ah, so you’re including abuse. Well abuse is a no go ofcourse. All the rest is just something you’ll have to live with and first reflect upon yourself. If somebody suddenly respects you less, maybe you’re not being respectful either. Regarding the unhappy argument. I find that extremely selfish. My friends are not MEANT to make me happy. They are meant to be there when I’m unhappy. Sometimes they’ll have to “make me unhappy” to make me realize my mistakes. That’s what friendship is all about. If somebody drops you for being at your worst, they are worse.
- Comment on It's important 5 months ago:
t the end of the day, all human relations rely on a cost/benefit analysis. If I’m losing more than I’m gaining from this relationship, why should I continue it?
I would drop a person that thinks like this in an instant.
I also don’t think you’re doing that person any favors by ignoring their bad behavior.
Nobody said anything about ignoring. People can help people, yet lately they only think of themselves.
- Comment on It's important 5 months ago:
When somebody is going trough a mental crisis, I also shun them into loneliness. I only want good vibes! /s
The only thing that matters between friends is real vibes, like truth, respect and understanding of pain. Sometimes we do indeed have to set up a boundary, but not in the general sense as this Twitter quote claims. There is no black and white, and kicking people away for going trough a hard time is not healthy in the long run whatsoever.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 5 months ago:
WoW membership gives you 65 character slots.
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 5 months ago:
YES! And I will tell you! Eggs soaked and boiled in the urine of young boys, preferably of the age 10 or younger. It’s a delicacy in one of the Chinese provinces.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 5 months ago:
Yeah it does a lot of stuff very good. The only thing I miss is something like chasing WoW raids drops. In GW2 you’re almost always working on crafting/mysticforge/achievements instead. I play a lot though don’t get me wrong :P
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 5 months ago:
Yes it does. The waste of experience feels terribly wrong on RS.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 5 months ago:
I stopped playing due to all their stupid additions all the time. Like the sailing/whatever skills they want to add, it’s all bullshit and copium by and for adults wanting new stuff. Their “democratic” voting is an absolute joke; “oh it didn’t pass? let’s just poll it again with slight changes”. That’s a cheap and dirty way of pushing their own agenda.
I did the maths some time ago, a subscription to 1 Runescape character is 20 times more expensive than a WoW character.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 5 months ago:
Guild Wars 2 is still kicking.
- Comment on Google now requires JavaScript 5 months ago:
They don’t need javascript to serve their website, and their website hasn’t really been updated all that much. So there wasn’t really any reason to stop supporting it.
This change is very likely meant to be against privacy respecting users.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
a broer
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 5 months ago:
That’s extremely wrong.
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 5 months ago:
Soy sauce, execution vans, chopsticks, virgin boy eggs…
- Comment on Anon tries smoking for the first time 5 months ago:
It is believed nicotine tests you the first time so it can weed out the uncool people
- Comment on every damn morning 5 months ago:
Just like ADHD medication, “uppers” only work relaxing up until a point. After this point, you’ll get the same effects like anybody else.
- Comment on Vinegar 5 months ago:
I wash my clothes with vinegar.
- Comment on Nintendo's lawsuit against Palworld isn't just bad for the industry, it's bad for Nintendo 5 months ago:
The problem is that the fans of Palworld are actually fans of Pokemon and they will defend it like a Pokemon game.
- Comment on Tesla workers in Germany complain about home visits from their bosses 5 months ago:
But Thierig claimed checking up on sick workers at home was common practice
Yes you have to send a doctor if you suspect it’s a lie. Only doctors are allowed to diagnose people. A manager at the door is pure fearmongering, and they can’t even legally use their observations in their reasoning.
- Comment on Blizzard Co-Founder Reveals True Reason For Departure 5 months ago:
They all think they did something amazing and they always forget all the people that carried them to the top.
Giving away power that gives you certainty of success is something only the best leaders can do.
- Comment on It's Wednesday, my dudes. 5 months ago:
They are also good to protect your bladder if you take a lot of ketamine.
Keep in mind though that they do not heal. They protect against damage and infections but infections don’t just go away.