- Comment on Anyone want my 12 year old old Ubuntu install DVD before I toss it out? No? Your loss. 1 week ago:
VHS I could forgive, but floppies? That would be cause for divorce!
- Comment on Anyone want my 12 year old old Ubuntu install DVD before I toss it out? No? Your loss. 1 week ago:
Man I had sooooo many of those, I would order stacks and leave them everywhere. I have no clue why I somehow don’t even have a single one left! I suppose I gave all of them away.
- Comment on Anyone want my 12 year old old Ubuntu install DVD before I toss it out? No? Your loss. 1 week ago:
I even have the case badge in there!!
- Comment on Anyone want my 12 year old old Ubuntu install DVD before I toss it out? No? Your loss. 1 week ago:
Kidding about the 64bit, that disc supports spar64!
- Comment on Anyone want my 12 year old old Ubuntu install DVD before I toss it out? No? Your loss. 1 week ago:
- Comment on Does anyone know what Trump is going to do with people with mental disabilities who get SSDI? Or can someone link me something on Trump and SSDI since google is cleaning up Trump from searches? 1 week ago:
Canada did the same thing as well around the same time period.
- Comment on Just asking questions. 1 week ago:
*25% import tarif not included.
- Comment on When would it make sense for someone to get a domain name? 1 week ago:
Well not if you own a block of IPs ;)
- Comment on You don't want to be sentenced to The Spire, right? 1 week ago:
Fun fact, potash memes are now 25% more expensive since like 90% of American potash is imported from Canada!
- Comment on When would it make sense for someone to get a domain name? 1 week ago:
If you self host, its mandatory
Technically there’s nothing in the SMTP specs that forbs using IPs directly, but yeah good luck with that 😅
- Comment on What's the deal with Signal? 1 week ago:
Nothing in there is incorrect.
- Comment on What's the deal with Signal? 1 week ago:
I don’t think I’ve ever seen people say it has CIA financial backing. It did however until only a couple of years ago have strong ties to the State Department Open Tech Fund (from the same financial envelope that brings you RFA/RFE/VOA).
- Comment on I left Linus Media Group - What do I do now? Emily Young is back! 2 weeks ago:
Link to her account doesn’t work for me?
- Comment on If the United States has Cuba banned from things, how does Guantanamo Bay exist? 5 weeks ago:
Yes it’s true, the fascists did not mind taking American money. Surprising!
- Comment on If someone murdered me, how long would it take (if ever) until they catch the murderer? 1 month ago:
I mean Alabama alone has around 700 murders a year.
- Comment on If I wanted to make and distribute videos without profit motivate, but also with no or minimum expensive, what would be the best platform? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Bad Ports 2 months ago:
NetBSD users.
- Comment on CEO brains go brrrrr 2 months ago:
Wished the tweet was real, that would be one for the history books.
- Comment on It's over 💦💦💦 2 months ago:
I do all my business during November. All these idiots with no post nut clarity are easy marks!
- Comment on Alice in Wonderland began the furry fandom confirmed 2 months ago:
You do know that Ho Chien (He Jian) was a fascist, and not a communist right? He was highly instrumental in the KMT’s white terror and the formation of Taiwan. He kidnapped Mao’s wife and children, tortured and murdered the former in front of the latter, before doing the same to mao’s kid’s wife.
- Comment on If I go to Canada can I retire there and draw SS from the US? Also can I go to Canada buy a cabin or house with a plot of land and not work? Unless I just needed some walking around money? 2 months ago:
Right now the law is set to expire in January 2025, but I would be surprised if it wasn’t renewed, it’s a pretty popular measure.
- Comment on If I go to Canada can I retire there and draw SS from the US? Also can I go to Canada buy a cabin or house with a plot of land and not work? Unless I just needed some walking around money? 2 months ago:
But you still can’t purchase property without a PR or citizenship.
- Comment on If I go to Canada can I retire there and draw SS from the US? Also can I go to Canada buy a cabin or house with a plot of land and not work? Unless I just needed some walking around money? 2 months ago:
Flip side is you pay on all capital gains, while Canada doesn’t charge on primary residence sales for example. And it makes investing far more complicated if it isn’t in an RRSP (401k equivalent). TFSA’s for example (the other retirement plan type) isn’t included so if you have investments in a TFSA you’re going to pay.
- Comment on If I go to Canada can I retire there and draw SS from the US? Also can I go to Canada buy a cabin or house with a plot of land and not work? Unless I just needed some walking around money? 2 months ago:
Good luck getting a permanent residence in Canada if you are of retirement age. Even above 30 it’s pretty dicey unless you’re at the top of a professional field and get sponsored by an employer or a university.
- Comment on Drink the climate change away 2 months ago:
There are offbrands like Indigo, but they can be refilled as well. Stores won’t do it, but you can buy a 5~10lbs tank from a beer supply store and fittings and adapters from eBay/Ali.
- Comment on Drink the climate change away 2 months ago:
Mind you you also support apartheid by buying an overpriced product made in occupied West Bank Territories.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
You should read your own link, because it also mentions that by the end of his term, most disapproved
Uli clearly stated “at first”.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
It was viewed as illegitimate inside the US too.
Something like 65% of the population approved of it at first. Meanwhile there were protests in the millions of people around the world against it.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
Yeah no, I’m gonna disagree. Being outside of the US at the time, most people did think that. And yes, obviously I’m talking about Jr since Sr didn’t get re-elected. 9/11 was a full three years before the election of his second term.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
Remember when the entire world was convinced there was absolutely no way Bush, an idiot, could get re-elected?