- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
Your eugenic sentiments aside, if you want people to have fewer babies, you don’t just tell them to stop fucking; you teach them how to use contraception and make it as accessible as possible.
- Comment on Red Flag Warning? Neighbor Has Fire 3 weeks ago:
Maybe lol
- Comment on Red Flag Warning? Neighbor Has Fire 3 weeks ago:
I could be wrong, but they likely asked because vinyl/PVC is generally toxic to the environment so it was probably a means of asking whether your neighbor replaced the foliage in their yard with a fixture that poisons the ground. I wouldn’t be surprised if the strips in the chain link were vinyl, as that’s a pretty common outdoor filler material.
- Comment on Red Flag Warning? Neighbor Has Fire 3 weeks ago:
I’m not the person you replied to, but pretty sure the question was whether the neighbor in your story replaced their hedge with a vinyl fence specifically.
- Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 5 weeks ago:
I feel like you and I have very different understandings of the 4chan userbase demographics
- Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 5 weeks ago:
her boyfriend? bold assumption
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 1 month ago:
Replace the hot sauce with 2lbs of piping hot, thick, white American Patriot mayonnaise
- Comment on 😔😔😔 2 months ago:
- Comment on Funny how that works 2 months ago:
Nobody is stopping you from giving free drinks to shirtless men
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
Is there a range limit on magenta? Do they have to be in my presence, just able to hear my voice, actively be paying attention? These are important factors!
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
I always found the idea of stable Boltzmann brains fascinating. The idea that on an infinite enough universe, there must exist self-sustaining minds that function on an entirely circumstantial set of rules and logic based on whatever the quantum soup spit up.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
It’s also hard to argue while also claiming your god is moral, which is why creationists usually scapegoat the task of planting fossils to Satan.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
I always found it funny how they’ll sometimes try to justify their claims scientifically to give it an air of legitimacy. If god created the stars close to one another and expanded them to fill the sky over a single day, the skies would be dark for billions of years. A YEC could easily say “oh well god put the light there to make the stars look like they’ve been in the sky for a long time” but very often they just don’t have an answer because they didn’t think of one. Unfortunately, there’s almost that will stop them from doubling down on their beliefs and just becoming more prepared for the next person they talk to
- Comment on Chatbot that caused teen’s suicide is now more dangerous for kids, lawsuit says 4 months ago:
Ideally, I agree wholeheartedly. American gun culture multiplies the damage of every other issue we have by a lot
- Comment on Chatbot that caused teen’s suicide is now more dangerous for kids, lawsuit says 4 months ago:
One or more parents in denial that there’s anything wrong with their kids and/or the idea they need to take gun storage seriously? That’s the first thing that comes to mind, and it’s not uncommon in the US. Especially when you consider that a lot of gun rhetoric revolves around self defense in an emergency/home invasion, not having at least one gun readily available defeats the main purpose in their minds.
- Comment on Anon questions physics 5 months ago:
In dry climates, the water actually will dry itself relatively quickly as long as there’s not an overwhelming amount. In more humid areas though, yup.
- Comment on Debian Femboy uwu 5 months ago:
Is that a Roland Quad Capture I spy?
- Comment on Artifical Intelligence 5 months ago:
Without scarcity, artificial or not, the ruling class loses their grip on power. Capital will manufacture scarcity to whatever degree it is capable of, because without it there’s even less justification for owners to exist at the top of this neat little hierarchy they desperately cling to. They need to have their gated fortresses and their toys, cleanly separated from the rest of us undesirables.
They’ll use AI to bolster the security of their bunkers while drying up the rivers to run them. The whole while, they’ll blame any economic decline on the claim that “nobody wants to work anymore” after having automated all the jobs and offering no replacements.
I’d like to believe an alternative is possible. Perhaps we can come together and push for a better future, but that doesn’t seem to be the way things are going currently.
- Comment on Anon shares his dating preferences 5 months ago:
I believe a lot of the problem with 4chan is that they publicly declare everything, when a lot of it should really be contained to a private scope
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
I know this might not be the most convenient solution, but learning to resolder mouse switches means you can just replace the faulty components (and maybe the sliders too) and just keep using the hardware that works for you. As long as you don’t have a mouse with that awful rubber that de-vulcanizes after about 3 years, and don’t mind the visual wear from your hand on the shell over time, you’ll easily 10x the life of most products manufactured with planned obsolescence. Logitech almost always cheaps out on the switches for their gaming mice, unfortunately. After replacing the switches on my g pro wireless when they started double-clicking after 2 years (almost exactly), it’s been smooth sailing ever since.
ifixit almost always has comprehensive teardown and rebuild instructions for popular peripherals. Bonus points is that whenever you take apart something to do a repair, you can clean out all the hard to reach places that collect random dust and debris. Can be kind of gross but is also pretty satisfying. Additional bonus points for being more sustainable with your consumer habits and minimizing e-waste in landfills!
If you’ve got a mechanical keyboard, you can do the same but it’s generally a lot more tedious since most have the switches soldered on, and LEDs double the amount of joints you have to deal with. I recently did just the WASD and a few other high-traffic keys on my board after one one of them failed, and it was a several hour process
- Comment on Platypuses 6 months ago:
It’s like a Swiss army knife of biological features
- Comment on i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper 6 months ago:
Just like the shopping cart theory itself, this is mostly just a thought experiment at this point in time.
The point of a protestation is to make it hard for others to ignore, and make it clear what the end condition is. I don’t plan on just starting to do this as an individual because it would have no impact; I still make sure my own carts get returned personally.
The point stands that our goodwill is frequently exploited for profit, often under the pretense that it’s just basic human decency.
- Comment on Platypuses 6 months ago:
They also don’t have nipples (though do have mammary glands) and mother platypuses basically sweat milk through their skin for the pups to collect off their fur
- Comment on i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper 6 months ago:
I gotta be honest, my bf or I still make sure the cart goes back every time we shop, but I increasingly question whether I should bother. These grocery stores keep raising their prices well above inflation so they can pocket the rest and brag to shareholders about it, at the cost of people who actually shop there.
It’s tempting to say that if they’re going to play that game, they get no courtesy from me as a customer and can hire more cart collectors. It’s miniscule on an individual level, but it is unpaid labor.
There’s the argument that unreturned carts mostly inconvenience other customers, but honestly if the store is exploiting both customers’ goodwill and wallets, I think it’s fine to make the experience at that store just that little bit worse; maybe that last little push will encourage people to shop elsewhere (where it’s an option of course, i.e. not a small town).
I don’t feel this urge at stores like H Mart even though they have so many fewer return stalls and it’s often a longer walk to do so.
But yeah this is kind of an antithesis to Shopping Cart Theory I’ve been developing in my head.
- Comment on The state of Facebook Ads 6 months ago:
If you look at the whole coin (in the original image without the red circle) and trace the text, it looks fairly uniform except for the empty space under the hammer’s handle. It’s a rather unseemly gap that could have been made more aesthetically pleasing with better design.
- Comment on Minecraft *Movie Edition* 6 months ago:
I think they’ll get away with it because they’re deliberately marketing it the way so many similar movies are managed: formulaically for kids, but with some actors and writing meant to give ‘the adults’ something to watch too. Unfortunately, ‘the adults’ are almost always assumed to have only a passing familiarity with the subject material, and I have a feeling they’re going to write the ‘for the adults in the room’ jokes with that assumption in mind.
It feels like it’s being written on an outdated manual, ignoring the fact that there’s a very sizable core audience of 20 and 30-somethings they could tap into. My guess is that everything they tried only tested well with children in focus groups, since apparently they were dead-set on a live-action format from the very beginning. I hate to be so cynical, but it’s possible they decided to go all-in on kids because they can hit the appeal without worrying as much on the production standards.
- Comment on color-coded and pool-approved 7 months ago:
Very impressive clustering, I must say
- Comment on color-coded and pool-approved 7 months ago:
I will save this image for the very likely situation where someone asks this exact question. Thank you for the suggestion!
- Comment on Chrome will block one of its biggest ad blockers 7 months ago:
I’m pretty sure the traffic for the ads still gets sent to your device over the Internet, it’s just that the ad blocker keeps it from rendering in your browser.
- Comment on Anon is suspicious 7 months ago:
Just replace every censored word with dick and it gets the point across well enough