Yeah op you’re right, people who hate science are definitely liberals with eyed bright hair
That's why it's called science fiction duh
Submitted 1 day ago by to
Comments 1 day ago 1 day ago
Agree with your sarcasm, but Poe’s Law applies. Always close your sarcasm HTML tag. 1 day ago
lol not all people with dyed hair are lefties 1 day ago
It’s still the recognized Internet stereotype.
People just aren’t noticing that this is protection. 1 day ago
Just 99% 14 hours ago
People have started to believe that opinions are the same or better than facts. That’s also the reason why politics is fucked. 6 hours ago
The internet is a very big reason for that. It gives everybody a platform to spread utter bullshit.
Like people thinking the earth is a sphere. Weirdos. 13 hours ago
Ironic that the Right is the movement associated with the phrase “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” 12 hours ago
“Facts researched by the University of My Brown Balls” 9 hours ago
People have also gone from disagreeing with each other to outright despising the other party and all people who are associated. Social media has created an echo chamber that has divided us unfortunately. 1 day ago
Maybe I am in a different environment (particularly not being American), but the old scientists still exist and are still hard at work. In fact, all scientists I know (and I work in academia) care very little for misinformation on their day to day lives. They’ll make fun of it, but don’t have any more contact with them than anyone else. They still spend most of their time working on their actual projects. The only thing that changed is that now they’re bending over backwards to include AI in their grants to make sure they’re accepted, but having to include the latest buzzwords is nothing new.
Science communicators, on the other hand, yeah, those probably have their hands full with fixing misinformation. 1 day ago
all scientists I know (and I work in academia) care very little for misinformation on their day to day lives.
Well in the US, that misinformation is coming for scientists now. Their funding is no longer a given, especially diverging from orthodoxy. Self-censorship is becoming the norm.
It can happen elsewhere, too. Use us as a warning. 1 day ago
also, please send very well armed help. if you don’t liberate us, america will start invading soon. first it will probably be canada or greenland, but that shit won’t STOP at any point. 1 day ago
I bet they do still consume misinformation, just not in their fields. I know enough scientists that believe in great man theory or that a magic hand fixes the market to know that they’re out there. 13 hours ago
“Science just doesn’t know if this trans stuff is safe, don’t Leftists know their biology? Men are men and women are women!” Is something my trans ass is tired of hearing. 1 day ago 1 day ago 1 day ago
I mean, everyone knows were on the back of a turtle, being held up by elephants 1 day ago
Nice try.
Everyone knows it’s turtles all the way down. 1 day ago
No. Everything is tuberculosis. 1 day ago
The turtle moves! 1 day ago
The turtle is named the Great A’Tuin, btw 1 day ago
Behold, the Turtle! of enormous GIRTH!
Upon his shell, he holds the EARTH! 1 day ago
The turtle lives 1 day ago
So funny, if atlas hear you will drop the land to the void 1 day ago
(… ya’ll, should we get a community? is there one already?) 1 day ago
There’s !
But, being on .ml, not everyone has a guarantee of access, since it gets defederated from a few instances. There’s a couple of others, but they’re really not active at all.
I’d suggest, if anyone was to start a new one. Kinda their focus 1 day ago
I always think it’s so weird when someone uses the aryan chad guy or whatever it’s called to show the “good old days” or whatever. Additionally in this case I find it curious that the images used for the folks who seem to represent the regressive anti-science crowd are a group of characters with more diverse looks. Care to explain your choices OP? 1 day ago
Not disagreeing with you, but we really need to stop letting “Aryan” mean what the Nazis decided it should mean. Aryan is, and always has been, a term for the Indo-Iranian cultures. As scientists, we need to be the first to take it back to its actual meaning. 1 day ago
Honestly, my opinion as someone of Indian descent is the only people that really care about “reclaiming aryan heritage” from nazis are hindutva “Brahmin piety” type people
I consider myself Indian, not Aryan
That’s just my opinion, I don’t claim to represent all indo Iranians but like honestly in my opinion the nazis can keep the aryan name
“Real” Aryans aren’t even worth being proud of anyways, the Aryans were primarily known for using chariot warfare to subjugate the Indian subcontinent and then spent centuries enforcing and enacting the horrific caste systems.
Nazis can keep the Aryan culture personally I don’t need it anyways
- my own opinions ofc 1 day ago
Thank you for pointing that out, I have changed it to be more accurate. 21 hours ago
Agreed, as an Indo-Aryan person that always made me feel uneasy 1 day ago
Dude, I’m sick to death of these undying white supremacy memes. There’s billions of cartoon faces out there, why does everyone have to use the one that’s born out of racism and hate? 1 day ago
Eh… a lot of people were protesting “Frankenfood” when the human genome project was going on.
People have always been idiots about science, just that the idiots are more organized and more vocal now. 1 day ago
MSM let them on and gave them a megaphone. 1 day ago
What do you have against Adam Conover, a certified member of the reality-based community and someone who has spent much of his career fighting on the side of facts against myth and misinformation? 7 hours ago
I was wondering the same. Simply seems like a right-wing meme relabeled. Although notice the cyclist and colored hairs. 13 hours ago
The problem is that Adam Ruins Everything is guilty of spreading more misinformation than it solves. (The Video Games episode is particularly embarrassing)
It’s neat entertainment and it does expose some bullshit, but it aint perfect. And to its credit it does have a few “Times we were wrong” episodes 1 day ago
COVID was somehow the visceral turning point. Variations on visitor restrictions in hospitals still exist since then due to the extraordinary and amazing displays of bad behavior from that time.
People could always behave badly. Direct care staff, as one example, have been wearing panic buttons linked directly to security and calling a violence code over the announcement system, since around 2015 on the medical side of things.
But COVID was a severe escalation point. Families screaming in hallways that the diagnoses was “fake news” or part of the hospitals “corporate conspiracy” escalating to the point of pulling medical equipment off their loved ones, who could not breathe without that medical equipment.
Behaviors that could potentially kill people wrapped up in an inexorable belief that science was lying. No trust of medical personnel who are there to help whatever the system around them contrives to do with care.
While the behaviors are not like COVID times any more, there’s a residual skepticism of, well, everything since that time. Sadly, one that is preyed upon by politics to keep us fighting one another instead of punching up.
Forgive me, maybe “punching up” is now a ban-worthy turn of phrase. 1 day ago
I’m in a very conservative state and until recently I worked in hospitals around the country. You would not believe the amount of times I’ve heard covid conspiracy shit from actual healthcare workers. The most common one is that it’s just the flu, but when anyone died for any reason at the time they put down covid as cause of death. Why would anyone do this? I guess it doesn’t have to make sense. Just to hazard a guess I’d say more than half of the people in my state believe some form of covid conspiracy or disinformation. 1 day ago
I used to live in Seattle and while I didn’t work in the medical field… I knew quite a lot of nurses and other, fairly entry level kinds of medical workers.
Most of these people, again, in Seattle, a supposed bastion of lefties… were vaccine skeptics or outright antivax, when COVID happened.
A lot of these people came from the more conservative areas outside Seattle, and then worked in Seattle because it was the only area hiring… but yeah, my anecdotal experience was/is that many medical staff themselves succumbed to vaccine conspiracies, and would freely admit and bitch about masking and vaccines when off the job. 1 day ago
Forgive me, maybe “punching up” is now a ban-worthy turn of phrase.
This isn’t reddit, you can say whatever you want
Luigi did nothing wrong and neither did the guy who actually fired the gun 1 day ago 1 day ago
The difference is Galileo produced a highly successful theory with more explanatory power than its predecessor, while people who don’t trust “The Science” nowadays spent exactly 2 seconds thinking about it before saying “nuh uh”. 1 day ago
It’s mostly the red hat cult that doesn’t trust science. 1 day ago
What do you have against 1 day ago
They shifted to a paid subscription model and fucked over any goodwill they had. Yeah they were major contributors to open source, but we gave them clemency because we didn’t think they’d position themselves to fuck us over so eagerly. Had we known, we wouldn’t have made so many downstream distros from them. 1 day ago
Science then: if you try to prove that the Earth orbits around the sun, we’ll have you tortured and killed
Science now: 2x2 is not 6, but go off Terry 12 hours ago
To be fair: there are momebts when 2x2 =6 may not be an entirely unreasonable way of looking at things. (It would mean that 2=0, which is an assumtion that both can be made and is sometimes made) 1 day ago
That wasn’t science, that was religion for fucks sake! You know, dogma! Ideology. Fuck off! 23 hours ago
I mean at the time, religion and science were closely intertwined, with primarily religious scholars studying astronomy and astrology 1 day ago
This memes imagery couldn’t be more reversed from reality even if the message is accurate. 1 day ago
It took me way too long and finally zooming in to realize the first dude didn’t strap knives to his face… 1 day ago
I see that Adam Connover fan. TBH that guy used to seem cool but he’s spread a lot of information the last few years. The end of College Humour must have broken him. 1 day ago
I’m curious, what’s the issue you have with him? I’ve only seen him vocal about the writer strikes lately and his message was fine. 1 day ago
He was very critical of the DNC candidates during the election. Saying he wasn’t pro-union and talking about how unfit Biden is for office, etc. He also seemed to be very critical of socialism in the USA. He seems to take a controversial stance on every possible subject, possibly just to promote his podcasts and live shows.
He comes off as one of those people who doesn’t want anybody on the left to win, but he just doesn’t support the right, either. 1 day ago
Go watch a clip from when he went on Joe Rogan and dismally failed at supporting and explaining trans issues.
He is a moron who acts like he has the moral high ground by default, but can’t actually formulate an argument.
He’s a smug, overconfident blowhard.
He is the stereotype of the privileged, limousine liberal know it all.
His heart may be in the right place, but his mind isn’t up to the task. 1 day ago
Oh, I really liked “Adam ruins everything”. 1 day ago
disinformation??? that’s quite a claim 1 day ago
Literally the only thing I can find is an opinion piece about his electric vehicle video.
Notably, Electrek offered discount codes for Teslas around the time the article was published, giving them a massive incentive to lie about Conover’s credibility 1 day ago
Completely disagree. His podcasts are stellar. I understand people might not like his monologues, but other than that, bunching him with the “world is flat” people is far-right moronism. 1 day ago
Is that the Andy Ruins Everything guy? 1 day ago
…Adam? 1 day ago
Is almost like rampant breeding without any environmental pressures causes a decline in the traits that evolved to deal with those pressures. AKA, Idiocracy has happened because we’re too soft to tell people to stop fucking. “Having babies is a Gawd-given right! You can’t take away muh freedums!” Most people shouldn’t be breeding, the species weeps when ~90% of us give birth. 1 day ago
Your eugenic sentiments aside, if you want people to have fewer babies, you don’t just tell them to stop fucking; you teach them how to use contraception and make it as accessible as possible. 1 day ago
But Idiocracy’s point still stands, the most poorly educated in that scenario will be the ones to reproduce the most.
I don’t think that there’s a compelling argument against population control as the future looms, how it is implemented is what I think is up for debate.
I strongly believe in personal freedom, but in an overpopulated world, I’m not certain that freedom should extend to reproduction.
Here’s where I get a little eugenic-y, and it feels icky, downvote if you must, but I’d prefer an intelligent reply. Why should a species, faced with the problem of overpopulation and gifted the power of sentience, not elevate it’s best and suppresses it’s worst? Maybe because I don’t feel a personal drive to have kids, my partner isn’t interested either, but it feels very selfish to think you personally have the right to add one more unregulated specimen to the petri dish.
Is it a huge turn away from what has made us human since forever? Yea, but wasn’t the Internet? Internal combustion engines? I don’t feel strongly enough about this to not be swayed in my ideas, but I just see it as a logical extension of a problem we face. What would Vulcans do? 1 day ago
The earth is an island on a turtles back. 1 day ago
in less than a decade 2 hours ago
There’s always been people doubting science. Nothing new