- Comment on John McTiernan, director of ‘Die Hard’: ‘My movies were quite patriotic, but being in prison changed my attitude’ 13 hours ago:
About a billion dollar
- Comment on John McTiernan, director of ‘Die Hard’: ‘My movies were quite patriotic, but being in prison changed my attitude’ 14 hours ago:
When you’re rich they let you do it
- Comment on Neo(Nazi)Liberals 2 weeks ago:
Liberal as in economically liberal
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 3 weeks ago:
The turtle moves!
- Comment on What’s your best “they must have had a lot of fun making this” movie? 3 weeks ago:
Definitely The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent! Pedro Pascal and Nic Cage had a blast and it transpired through the movie.
- Comment on I'm not sure I'm toning up my arms the right way, can you help me? 1 month ago:
I didn’t even start talking about that, but yeah, at least to me, form is paramount over weight/complexity. At least until you have a strong enough foundation. Then you can take some liberty to strengthen in unusual moves. Mobility and amplitude are also something to work on, it makes many things easier to do in your daily life.
But that’s something for another long post I guess ! - Comment on I'm not sure I'm toning up my arms the right way, can you help me? 1 month ago:
Being sore doesn’t mean that muscle is being built, that’s a misconception, it’s actually muscle being damaged.
Soreness is actually micro-lesions in your muscles, and what builds them stronger is actually the rest following a workout. Because that’s when the body goes around to repair these lesions and builds stronger bonds within the muscle.
What builds muscle is resistance, nutrition and rest, the latter two being the most important.
You can’t build muscle if you don’t feed them right and give them time to recover.
So, killing yourself at the gym 3/4 days in a row, focusing on the same muscle group is actually really counterproductive.
Rotate your training focus with a split like push/pull/legs/core, or upper body/lower body/cardio, or whatever, as long as you enjoy it.Give yourself time, eat right (as right as you can, don’t fall into the rice/chicken at every meal madness, balance is key), sleep a lot, take some rest days and deload weeks once in a while, and drink plenty of water. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
- Comment on Anon is dangerous 2 months ago:
I believe that the deep web used to refer to websites not referenced on search engines. Which was the case for 4 chan.
- Comment on Germany’s four-day work week proves to be a massive hit 2 months ago:
In France they talked about the week in four days, instead of a four days week. Bunch of wankers…
- Comment on How they make a horror movie 2 months ago:
Looks like The Exorcist
- Comment on Anon memes 2 months ago:
Yeah I don’t know why I said that ahah.
It’s a great show, if you enjoyed what Michael Schur made so far (The Office, Parks and Recs, Brooklyn 99, etc.), you’ll definitely enjoy it. - Comment on Anon memes 2 months ago:
The Good Place! Just go in blind, and definitely push through it it’s not too much of your thing, it’s absolutely worth it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I personally don’t want to hear anything about coming in late when I usually am the last one to leave the office in the evening.
- Comment on Hypothetically, if you are a witness or whistleblower who's adversary was a very big corporation (such as boeing), what measures could you take to prevent yourself from being "suicided"? 3 months ago:
Definitely a dead man switch, and several letters from me and my psychiatrist specifying that I’m not suicidal.
- Comment on Update on ConcernedApe's Haunted Chocolatier 3 months ago:
It’s the Terraria move !
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
For assisted suicide, I think you just need to make sure it’s the only option left to stop or prevent the suffering of a person (like an incurable disease, or debilitating conditions with no cure, etc.). You also need to make sure the choice is made with enlightened consent.
To allow someone to kill someone else is another level of complexity. The processes of gathering consent, and the reasons to proceed are extremely complex to make sure the decision is taken within the bounds of actual consent, especially if the person to be killed is not conscious or in a capacity to understand.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 4 months ago:
Even a 1 or 2% per trade would bring massive amounts of money, not even trying to make it progressive or anything.
- Comment on Terraria hits over 60 million sales with Terraria 1.4.5 shaping up to be another big update 4 months ago:
… So far
- Comment on Sugar vs baking soda to neutralize acid in canned tomatoes? 4 months ago:
I use both depending on the mood, but I noticed that baking soda neutralises the taste of tomato whereas sugar neutralises the acidic taste.
- Comment on Megaflopolis 5 months ago:
I’d say less, because the movie makes itself completely clear that it’s a fable about power and greed.
- Comment on Can't. Busy. 5 months ago:
Cum jar and one guy one jar, I assume?
If you don’t know what they are, good for you, keep your innocence.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
Yes but not necessarily in the way you think. “Bad” posture is usually linked to weak muscles and lack of mobility/flexibility. If you strengthen/stretch your muscles and connective tissues, eventually it should help correct your posture.
- Comment on Platypuses 6 months ago:
God was tripping balls that day
- Comment on Bodies found in sunken yacht confirmed as Brit tycoon Mike Lynch and daughter 7 months ago:
Only the rich ones
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 7 months ago:
You’re right for processed veggie stuff, but OP’s statement also works for tofu, seitan or tempeh. It’s usually way more expensive per kg than meat, be it chicken or beef.
- Comment on Cannonball 7 months ago:
In French we call that the PDC, aka Passage Des Couilles. Coincidentally, it also works for women, Passage Du Clito.
- Comment on Borderlands stunt coordinator says the film was originally shot with an R-rating in mind 7 months ago:
God damnit, it’s Borderlands, an R rating is almost mandatory
- Comment on Basic 7 months ago:
Very nice, thanks for the reply!
- Comment on Basic 7 months ago:
Any base that could be dangerous enough to have to evacuate a building? When thinking about bases, I’m thinking bleach
- Comment on "Deadpool & Wolverine" has made more money in its' opening weekend than the entire box office runs of "The Marvels" and "Madame Web" - combined. 7 months ago:
The Marvels was definitely a good one, it was fun, it didn’t take itself too seriously and was a nice change of pace. Shame it didn’t work out too well.