- Submitted 1 hour ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
I’ve been shooting since I was about 5 too.
I haven’t in many years, but I think I was 10 or 11 when my dad got me a 20 gauge.
- Comment on Which game is it? 1 week ago:
Now you need to make it 1,234.5 hours and stop.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
Pay them more? So they can lose their benefits? Are you crazy?
I’m kidding, of course. I know that what you mean is, “pay them so that they can afford to live without requiring benefits.”
You get into some of the poorer places in the country though, that truly would be nearly impossible for most businesses. There are some places in West Virginia that would immediately have no access to gasoline, groceries, etc.
It is crazy to think that Bobby McBusinessman gets to ride around in a giant RV all summer because the government pays his employees. They don’t see it that way though, as they collect their HUD payments and accept food stamps while all of their employees receive food stamps and medical benefits.
All while the rest of the community lives on nothing and experiences very little joy in this life.
What do I know though? I’m just a pissed off hillbilly who helped make someone who isn’t me very rich.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Dude, more. 200% more as my wife and I sit her and suffer tonight. She’s getting it dealt with next month, mine rotting out while I wait to even get a luxury bone appointment.
You are the clear evolutionary winner.
- Comment on surgeon generas warning 1 week ago:
Worked on me. Been a lifelong problem and by the time I was old enough to realize it wasn’t cool I was hooked. I collected camel dollars as a child.
I thought I looked so rad at 11 marching down the road with a cigarette. I see that now and it just looks so wrong. It’s still like that where I’m from too. Little kids with cigarettes are a common sight.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 1 week ago:
I did some reading. It would be spot on if he wasn’t convinced that he was perfect and everyone else wasn’t.
No one is smarter than him. No one does it better than him. No one could even come close to comprehending his work. When he dies he feels sorry for anyone who has to work behind him and it will take teams of people to understand tie genius of his work. Anyone who has a slightly different worldview than him is “thinking wrong”.
He isn’t obsessed with perfection. He is perfection. No lover could please a woman like him. No one is stronger or more capable. He has done the work of 500 men in one lifetime.
He prides himself on being the best, but not because he has anything to prove to anyone. He knows he’s the best. No one is better.
His father’s dying words were, “Please God. Let my son find some humility. Please. He’ll have no peace until he finds it.”
His father was a great man. An activist. A man who actually worked to change the world.
He wasn’t always that guy though. He had to learn some hard lessons to get there and his son suffered while he learned those lessons. He knew that. He took accountability for it.
I don’t know. I wouldn’t have made it without him in this life, but it was always a transaction. He doesn’t know how to do anything without a transaction. I’ve been trying to show him that it isn’t always about that. Every job we do, he tells me to keep track of my hours so he can pay me. I don’t want him to pay me. I want him to see that life can be something we experience and enjoy without it being a transaction.
I’m probably wasting my time, but I love my uncle irrationally and I don’t know why.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 1 week ago:
What ended up happening to him? Was it drugs that stopped him from being successful enough to really hurt people?
Sorry to say it like that. That’s just been my experience.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 1 week ago:
I have spent most of my life dealing with a successful sociopath. Thing is, at times it really looks like he means well.
It’s a constant battle in my head. Is it just his belief system? Is it just that he views everyone else as incompetent?
I constantly find myself making excuses for him because I love him. I get angry and I’m able to really look at everything sometimes, or he does something really shitty to someone else. Like recently, he wanted to buy tires for his son. Great, right? But he had to find a way to make it a tax write off or he didn’t want to do it. He got his daughter a car, but with the condition that her mother couldn’t drive it under any circumstances. And it had to be a flood damaged car. Good deals with the salvage titles and all.
He finally caved and sent his son money when I guilt tripped him, but he was mad for weeks about it. He’s probably still fuming. Mom ended up buying his daughter a car she couldn’t afford on credit and have the one he bought her to his girlfriend.
He ended up buying his son used tires because he couldn’t work it out to get the write off without sending a check and he didn’t trust him with it (with no reason to feel that way).
He built a cabin with his step brother in the 80s. They both poured blood, sweat, and tears into it. He had the money so he technically owned it, but it was understood that it was theirs with no strings attached.
When it was completed he informed him that he was welcome to use it any time he wanted, so long as his mother never stepped foot through the door. Naturally his step brother said “fuck that”, took the L and never went back.
I don’t know I’m doing dealing with it. Emotions are weird.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 1 week ago:
You have to be willing to exploit your fellow humans to get where he is. Either you don’t have a soul to start with or it gets torn to bits every step you take up the ladder.
I’ve known people like that. I’ve been very close to people like that. It’s crazy, everywhere they look they’re looking for some win/something they can take. They never feel guilty. Honestly, the only thing they feel is betrayal when someone won’t bend the knee.
That’s my little observation.
Sad thing is, they still have people who love them but they aren’t truly capable of reciprocating. Everything is transactional and they always expect it to be profitable for them. The only thing that truly hurts them is when it isn’t profitable. It sucks being caught in their orbit too. Believe me.
- Comment on Sam Bankman-Fried is angling for a pardon from Trump 2 weeks ago:
Also this. I doubt he will forget it.
- Comment on Almost done 2 weeks ago:
This is where i’ve been for about 7 months.
The cracks in my mind are just starting to show. I don’t know if I can keep doing it.
It is different though. She wants me to be a stay at home dad so I left my job of 24 years. First 5 months was awesome. My last day of work was the day before our third little one was born.
She’s in the “cry for nothing until you hold me” phase, so I’m hoping once she cuts it out I’ll be ok again.
I’ve been about to crack though. 4:30 this morning it was bottle time. Mom is working from 4AM TO 2PM at the moment, so that’s just the way it is for now.
I’m so so so tired. I guess I’d be even worse working right now.
I hope you enjoy every minute of retirement.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 weeks ago:
This is my go-to explanation, but christofascists don’t care.
- Comment on Bawitdaba 3 weeks ago:
Oh man now I want to get a rascal so I can have rascal nuts.
Why did you make me realize this possibility.
I want to get a little smart car and give it nuts too.
Everything needs nuts. We should fucking nuts for our phones bro.
PHONE NUTS! My 6 dollar idea!
- Comment on nuked from orbit 4 weeks ago:
Yeah that’s him. Love that dude.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 4 weeks ago:
That my game bro!!! I love that shit.
If y’all don’t know what it is, look up the dude who makes divorced dads on YouTube.
I love that guy.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
This is almost identical to what I said to my kid. I explained that it would be a process for both of us and he would need to be as patient with me as I was with him.
My kid has not spoken to me in 4 years. Two slip ups (said she or her twice accidentally) and me saying I was just going to avoid pronouns until it sunk in. Nope. “Fuck you dad. You’ll never see me again.”
His mother messed him all up though. We were very young when she got pregnant (I was 15) and naturally we didn’t make it as a couple.
He was allowed to eat family packs of Reece’s multiple times a day until he was so overweight it was ungodly. I was the bad guy for trying to do anything about it. He had to have a meal separate from everyone his entire life. If the family was having baked chicken and vegetables, my son was having ramen noodles or chicken nuggets. The body issues started there. When I refused and said, “Eat with the rest of us and eat healthy or I can’t help you. I can’t in good conscience feed you pop tarts and ramen for dinner.” Mom used this to paint me as some kind of monster who was starving my kid.
When the kid got to middle school those kids ate him alive. He ended up developing an eating disorder and starving/surviving on lettuce. Mom finally decided it was time to do therapy and blamed me for it. “You just had to make a big deal about what he ate!”
My kid has been spoiled and turned into a self obsessed person who I don’t recognize and I’d cut a foot off to just have my kid back. He’s an adult though, and I can’t change any of it.
All I can do at this point is hope that he regrets this one day but I don’t have much hope. That kid could have a best friend and love them with everything, and then just cut it off like it was nothing over some small thing and never speak to that person again, so my hope is very small.
Sorry to spill all that here. This just made me spin when I read it.
All I can do to show my love is keep paying for the services. (Netflix, Spotify, Hulu, etc.) And it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he’s laughing at me for it, but I’m happy to be doing something, anything. As silly and small as it is, it’s all I have left.
Y’all take care and if a trans kid reads this and can relate to this story, please don’t skip on your family because things aren’t going the speed you like. My kid stopped talking to everyone in my family overnight and never had a conversation with anyone but me. I get that it can be hard and I’m certain there are people who you will have to leave behind, but don’t cut your lifeline/support network and burn bridges unnecessarily. You could end up regretting it and causing yourself and everyone else a lot of unnecessary pain.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 5 weeks ago:
I’m rocking five of them at least so, I hope you get here.
- Comment on 'tis the season 1 month ago:
I have no idea to be honest, she’s the clerk at the gas station below me. I might ask her but I don’t want to be rude so I’ll wait for or create an opportunity if I get the guts.
- Comment on 'tis the season 1 month ago:
I was just talking with a woman last night who lost her husband in July to Covid.
It is crazy how many people I have known personally to die from it.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 1 month ago:
Abe Normal is just a guy like me. We knew each other in the old country. Shady characters all around. We never got close but I could count on him in a pinch. I never dreamed we’d be partners, solving mysteries together.
Norm Al Goody runs a pharmacy at the edge of town, and I’d bet my life on the fact they he’s supplying the Wretch Heads with their junk.
If I have to beat it out of him, I will. Abe thinks we should handle it by the book, but I’m Detective Diff Fective. I’m not known for playing by the books.
Sorry. :p
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 1 month ago:
I like this. Diffectively works better but someone will chime in saying you made a spelling error even with context.
Or differctively. I’m differctive for sure.
- Comment on The key is to match the 4/10 pain with a 8/10 high 1 month ago:
Man. I wake up with a headache nearly every morning. Almost everyone in my family does (mom’s side, don’t know dad’s side) so I haven’t thought about it.
After about 20 minutes it goes away.
Now that I think about it, it’s probably sinus issues. That’s something else common in my family.
Maybe because we all had coal stoves growing up. Who knows? A doctor maybes :p
- Comment on I got a big head start early in life in not giving a shit about what other people thought. 1 month ago:
I dated a girl when I was a teenager that probably does this now. Haha
She was a sweet girl, she just wasn’t right. In every photo she posted on her homepage back in the day, she blasted the brightness up until no one had a nose. That was the filter of old.
Of course, maybe she finally feels good about how she looks these days. Being a teenager is hard.
- Comment on Victim Anon 1 month ago:
I haven’t seen her since 2006. It’s been a long time.
- Comment on Missed connection 1 month ago:
Ah. See, I grew up when we all rode horses. Before the autocarriage. I didn’t know anyone who wouldn’t know what a Clydesdale was.
Clip clop was the sound of the road, pardner.
- Comment on Victim Anon 2 months ago:
Oh yeah that’s definitely what I’ve done. I’m getting old now.
I had multiple experiences like that, but I was an isolated kid who left school at 14 and I was just a mess.
I had a girl he so direct with me when I was younger that there was no other way to take it and I thought she was picking on me.
I’m very far removed from that awkward young man now.
- Comment on Victim Anon 2 months ago:
It depends on how you’re raised I think, and then you gotta fuck up and figure it out when you get older.
It’s a disease in my family. I was talking with my uncle the other day and he had been upset with his wife. He didn’t tell her, he just went and slept on the couch. Done the whole cold shoulder thing.
I told him he needs to spit out whatever he’s feeling in that moment if he wants things to work. No sense sitting on it thinking the other person should know why you’re upset. Different things hit people different ways. Something that might make your blood boil might get a chuckle out of me.
You have to talk and express these things or it won’t work. I’m glad I know that now and am applying it in the relationship I’m in today.
- Comment on Victim Anon 2 months ago:
Good lord, my ex. Everything was a guessing game with her and she liked it that way because if things were calm and normal she wasn’t happy.
I’m so happy to be in a relationship with someone where we say what we mean and communicate our needs.
- Comment on Victim Anon 2 months ago:
Man. Back when I was doing that work I took my principles very seriously. I never looked through people’s private files. If I happen to stumble on something accidentally, I never mentioned it.
This made me think about what a spaz I was when I was young.
I worked at a call center in my early 20s and I was hanging out with this beautiful redhead. I thought she was so far out of my league that I never stood a chance, so I never even thought about it. She was 100% my friend in my mind.
One day she told me that she needed her computer sped up. Told me there was nothing wrong with it, she just wanted to see if I could speed it up. We were tight enough at that point that I told her I would do it for free. We spent our lunches together, drove to the bank and cashed our checks together. We were good friends.
She said, “in my documents. There is a folder titled dance lessons. It’s full of naked pictures of me.”
I said, “Don’t you worry about it. I will not look at those photos. I will respect your privacy 100%.”
She replied, “Oh no I want you to look at them. I want you to see all of them and then tell me what you think.”
So you know what I did, I looked at them. I came back to work the next day with her computer. I sped it by disabling fading effects, and things like that, animations when minimizing and maximizing. Just a basic crap.
She looked at me and said, “So what did you think of my naughty pictures?“ I replied, “You are absolutely beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous.”
That was that, it was time to clock in. Couple months later, a mutual friend of ours told me that she confided in him that she had been trying hard to move on me for months and was fully convinced that I was a homosexual.
By that point, she was already in a serious relationship with a manager who worked there. They ended up getting married and having a child, they are divorced now.
Jesus Christ, I was just terrible. I was oblivious to everything around me. I swear there’s something wrong with me.
Who knows what would have happened? All I know is that I am happy with the course that my life has taken, but it is still something I look back at and cringe at my younger self.