- Comment on That's a good one 13 hours ago:
You’re definitely doing your part, and I appreciate it.
- Comment on That's a good one 14 hours ago:
Dude you are everywhere on Lemmy. Legit the only name I ever recognize.
Thank you for bringing so much entertainment to my life.
It’s crazy. Almost any time I see a post I like, there’s your name.
- Comment on Christmas message from Batman 15 hours ago:
Bibbly bebop buh dop nop dah na! Wooooo!
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 1 day ago:
Well thank you. :p You’re beautiful too!
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 1 day ago:
I’m not ugly, but I’m the least attractive member of my family.
My brother looked like a Greek god, my sister looked like a model. My dad was so sought after that his name was spray painted all over our town with hearts and love confessions. Bridges, buildings, love for him was everywhere. He was chased by women aged 18-90.
I was born with crossed eyes and had to have a corrective surgery. Every man in my family is over 6ft tall and on 5’7. I still randomly message my mother to thank her for going through with the surgery.
I definitely lost the lottery, but it could have been worse.
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 days ago:
The Mario’s of the world probably be thinking deep thoughts about right now…
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 2 days ago:
Man I was tormented with that crap as a kid. “HOLY CRAP YOUR SISTER IS HOT!!! That’s your mommmmmm? Whoa!”
Same crap with my sister.
I see them both as living farts.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 2 days ago:
Throw asparagus in there and I’m in.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 2 days ago:
This is awful lolol
- Comment on Simple spelling rule. 3 days ago:
Reyali, more like Geigh-ly! Huht huht
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 4 days ago:
I wish I could upvote you a thousand times.
- Comment on We dumb 6 days ago:
This right here. Being content with ignorance s fine with me at the end of the day.
- Comment on The things you can buy on amazon 2 weeks ago:
Man, I might buy some coyote piss and spray my trash cans to make the raccoons fuck off.
I don’t want to hurt them, but if that don’t work I’m going airsoft on those assholes. If that don’t work, paintballs.
I’ve tried everything. I left them some food about 200 yards from my home and they’d eat that and still come and tear my trash cans apart.
Even if I got the cans with locked lids, it’s an apartment so I’d walk out to find the neighbor’s trash everywhere and they just walk past it like they didn’t see it. I left it once to see how long they’d ignore it. For four days my yard looked like a landfill. No one bothered to touch it,
It’s easy to see it’s your trash too. I see my one neighbor carrying 12 packs of sprite in every day. Sprite cans litter the yard? Yep. She doesn’t even care.
Told me once that she would have cleaned it but she didn’t have gloves. I asked her if she had soap and she huffed at me and went inside.
I’d chop my nuts off to live in a house again.
- Comment on everybody liked that 2 weeks ago:
Appears to be JFK (1991).
- Comment on Anon plays spin the bottle 2 weeks ago:
Double u vay and if you squeeze him too hard he pop all over the playse
- Comment on Anon plays spin the bottle 2 weeks ago:
Man. I used to sing a song to any kid who got a pimple when I was a teenager. “Big pimplin from WV and if you squeeze him too hard he pop all over the place!” With a little spin on the V to make it rhyme with place.
Had every kid in the neighborhood singing it to each when they’d get pimples.
I hope the pimples left you alone man. If not I hope you came to terms with it.
- Comment on alpha 2 weeks ago:
Every time I see this band mentioned I can’t help but think of the terrible album cover for virgin killers. That shit is like a stain on my brain that I wish I could clean.
Don’t google it. Please trust me on this one. Could get you put on a list.
- Comment on Binary search 2 weeks ago:
Oh god, yeah I’d be out. I would not do that.
Watching surveillance is truly like watching paint dry. Realtime? Yeah, just shoot me.
- Comment on Binary search 2 weeks ago:
Man, as someone who worked surveillance for years, I can’t believe that anyone would have a hard time with this.
It was so, so, so, so easy to find when something vanished.
Now, did so and so walk in the building? Yeah, kiss my ass. Not happening.
- Comment on Anon goes to school in Arlen 2 weeks ago:
And everything runs on propane I tell ya hwhat.
- Comment on Get the door! BREACH BREACH BREACH 3 weeks ago:
Finally! Some recognition. I’ve been watching him browse the internet for 7 of the last 8 years! Where were you when he seen that one meme four years ago?
Doesn’t matter. Calm down angryseal. He’s getting recognition and that’s what matters.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 weeks ago:
Mmmm, mold.
I’m right with you on that though. Small basement apartment with a concrete floor that was built in the 1930s. Yep. Mold.
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 4 weeks ago:
Hehe, “cut it out”. Hehe.
- Comment on Examination you say? What kind? 4 weeks ago:
We need to make it slang everywhere!!! Now!
It needs to become so standard that one day an old man will call his grandson a goober and the whole family will be mad at him. He somehow missed the memo.
Also, later seasons of the Andy Griffith show will be up to 100x as funny.
- Comment on Currently happening 4 weeks ago:
I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. Probably childhood abandonment, abuse, and neglect.
My poor mom tried, she really did. She was abandoned, abused, and neglected too. A lot of things that would have seemed absurd to a healthy person were normal for her so she tolerated a lot and expected a lot. She suffered so much as a kid that whatever idea she had about family, she was sticking to.
I have no close friends and I LOVE it that way. I wish I didn’t.
Being alone is my favorite way to be. I can’t move in any direction in life because of it. Fortunately my wife wants me to be a stay at home dad. She isn’t crippled like I am and she loves me anyway, thank goodness.
- Comment on rocketman 5 weeks ago:
Let me know if it’s any good. I’ll totally eat the next one if it is.
- Comment on They used to be all metal too. Its time for a revolution 5 weeks ago:
Awww man you just unlocked a memory of mine. I had several of those.
Also, like the other person who replied to you, I had He-Man toys that did that. I’m like 90% sure it was Skeletor and He-Man.
- Comment on Not gonna lie, I kind of want this 5 weeks ago:
There was a point in my childhood where everything shirt I owned was a Stone Cold Steve Austin shirt.
I mean, he did say so.
- Comment on At least he was a nurse on the walking dead lol 5 weeks ago:
Ok Hector!
- Comment on Are disabled people and the elderly going to survive another Trump presidency? 1 month ago:
Man, I don’t even know if I could sit down and count the folks that I knew personally who died from Covid. Shit was crazy.