Bees have a stinger, and “bird” has been a slang term for a woman (like, what, 1920-1950s?).
Regards, I agree that’s needlessly vague, and just about to the point of useless.
Submitted 9 months ago by to [deleted]
Bees have a stinger, and “bird” has been a slang term for a woman (like, what, 1920-1950s?).
Regards, I agree that’s needlessly vague, and just about to the point of useless.
The only bees with stingers are the female ones, though.
Fine, Bs represent bra size so that’s the women’s room, and a cock is a bird, so that’s the men’s room.
Any way you slice it, these signs don’t help.
Birds have peckers
Wow, how did I miss that??
Alternate comment: I love how you need to internalize 100 years of sexism before you can relieve yourself
Harmless old slang terms are now sexist. Got it.
You’re using logic in a situation where someone has to pee badly.
Thank you for the explanation.
As someone not too familiar with American cultures, I’d probably make an assumption and go for the (to me) more masculine bird over the docile and flower loving bee, since bees have stingers that they normally would never use and birds have beaks/peckers.
I’ve only ever heard bird used as working class slang for a woman in Britain.
Odd that so many people are coming out the woodwork to say they didn’t know Britons fairly often call women birds.
I’ve heard dame used more often than bird myself. Honestly, not sure I’ve actually heard bird used… it’s like a vague sense of “I think I knew that… right?” and my brain shrugs back.
Find a member of staff and ask where the “human bathrooms” are. Don’t let them leave until they explain. Bonus points if you piss your pants while they are trying to explain.
Look them intensely in the eye as piss streams down your leg to establish dominance.
Better piss on their leg to mark your territory
“Excuse me sir/madam, I am looking for the human bathroom as I need to pour out some liquid from inside of my body through my urethra.”
One of the most uncomfortable episodes.
Doesn’t matter, just wash you hands when you’re done
don’t pee on the seat and flush would be my priorities
Slang for women is “chicks” and a bit more archaic, “birds” too.
Bees have a…stinger? Dunno about that one.
Aren’t most bees female though?
They are. Hence confusion with the signage.
_prick /prĭk/ noun
… A small, sharp, local pain, such as that made by a needle or bee sting … A pointed object, such as an ice pick, goad, or thorn. _
Suppose calling men bees are more polite than calling them pricks…
Just look for the one with a line (queue) outside.
Or be fair and pee half in each.
Or be chaotic and scrawl “Mammals” on the wall and pee under that.
If you carry and deposit pollen - use the Bees, if you are laying eggs - use the Birds, else use the floor.
But bees also lay eggs, and birds also carry and deposit pollen
Also male birds don’t lay eggs 🥚🥚
And only the queen bee lays eggs, any bee out and foraging around is a sterile female.
Isn’t it mostly just hummingbirds that would get involved with pollen? Or are there others?
But bees are almost only females
To be honest, the gender binary makes even less sense for bees (as well as wasps, ants, hornets, termites, and other hive insects) than it does for humans.
Hive insects have three sexes: queens (analogous to females), drones (analogous to males), and workers (which could be analogous to intersex people, but this doesn’t really translate into human biology).
Yeah, males are the drones.
I am shocked how few people know flowers can symbolize vaginas. Does no one see Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings? Bees (females) going flower to flower, pollinating vaginas.
I hope those are single user bathrooms.
Wow never actually got the meaning:
According to tradition, “the birds and the bees” is a metaphorical story sometimes told to children in an attempt to explain the mechanics and results of sexual intercourse through reference to easily observed natural events. For instance, bees carry and deposit pollen into flowers, a visible and easy-to-explain parallel to fertilization. Female birds laying eggs is a similarly visible and easy-to-explain parallel to ovulation. Another interpretation of the bird laying the egg is childbirth, although that is not as common.
PS: left the links in this time, on iOS usually have to copy to PasteBoard to get plain text - just started happening in Voyager
If you don’t have a cloaca you can’t use birds
I know some of these words
A cloaca is kinda like an anus that you also piss and reproduce with.
So anybody with a cloaca can just go around and use birds?
It’s that what you’re saying?
Have an open mind. It’s 2024 for crying out loud. If they identify as a bird then of course they use birds rooms.
Honey this is an Applebee’s, shit wherever you want.
Especially in the microwave. Adds flavor.
Why not just make every bathroom a one occupant room? Just because someone has the same genitals as me doesn’t mean I want them to hear me fart.
I once was in the resroom when my (then) boss (plus later doctor father) came to the toilet and farted as loudly as humanly possible. It was very satisfying. Happy that guy is not my boss anymore, he thought grad students are personal slaves.
Because men piss on the seat, and women get pissy about piss on the seat.
Women also piss on the seat, some squat over the seat to avoid touching it.
It’s cute that you think women’s bathrooms aren’t an absolute train wreck.
There’s a reason the seats are liftable. It’s to lift before you piss and if you pissed on the rim, then just use the nearby faucet to wash it down, then drop the seat back down when leaving.
The problem is not men, but people who don’t think of the next person using the thingy.
I was in a hostel for multiple years and I used to was the toilet before and after the deed.
You should still have the standing to piss area elsewhere
I went to a restaurant this week where the washroom was just one big room with full door stalls and a full door room the size of two stalls with a few urinals in it. No fear of pissing on the seat of you use a urinal. Also, just lift the seat?
LOL, I worked on a construction site. The men sat for their business or used the funnel on the wall, the women hovered and wet the seat
That would be nice, for small venues that only have a few stalls. However that would take a ton of rooms and money for high traffic areas like stadiums, airports, and so on.
Just make a big trough and make new friends.
Bees for pees, birds for tuds.
Can’t remember who originally said that but it had me creasing.
That reminds me of stingers for strings and wings for flings.
Used to hear it all the time got me cut up like what.
this is how i feel when a website presents me with a gender prompt with only two options
Or when a webform requires an honorific and none of them is suitable. (I’ll usually pick “Honorable”)
I love it when serious companies make it a text field, and i get my bills in a letter adressed, in all sincerity, to Intergalactic Lord Emperor GoosLife
Hole or pole?
Void or avoid?
This is literally the only reason I’m considering a PhD: I can put “Dr.” on official documents and it’ll be accepted.
Citizen Hellfire
Birds eat worms, so it’s down to sexual preference.
I seriously don’t know what the hell the “Birds and the bees” even refers to beyond an olde movie cliche.
OP’ was actually meant to take a left, but is now lost in the back corridors of the local zoo. Regardless of the which door they chose, it ended with a senior first aid officer and a local school group being traumatised.
Women are Bees. Men are Birds.
Of the 60,000 bees in a hive, almost 99% of them are female! Female honey bees, or worker bees, make all of the decisions in the hive and do all of the work. There are a couple hundred male bees in a hive, but they don’t do much but sit around and eat food.
The British call women “birds” sometimes. Idk.
I’m going in and committing to whatever I find inside.
Bees have stingers, birds have peckers…
Neither unless your a bee or a bird.
Bees are all female, so…
That’s an easy one. Just wait for someone to come out and you’ll know the answer.
It’s not the right answer, but all the same, my head said:
Queen bees and Dodo birds
… - I think that checks out.
Bees are mostly female and most birds have a pecker, so factual knowledge is the logic I would use to guide my decision.
Just select one, if you are wrong, say you are trans.
Answer the question, Claire!
Just pick one and piss. I’ve pissed in the woman’s bathroom before when the guys one was full. It’s not a big deal. No one cares.
Now I’m wondering about hummingbirds. 9 months ago
Anarchist answer: They’re both unisex - bees for pees, birds for turds. 9 months ago
Hmm… You might be onto something here 9 months ago
Yes, this establishment’s blacklist. 9 months ago
Do I have to hold my pee while I’m pooping until I can get to the other bathroom? 9 months ago
You don’t already?!?? 9 months ago
ngl I’d shit in the bees stall bc the other one probably nasty af 9 months ago
I would say they’re unisex and just pick one.