- Comment on This 18th Century French Doctor Has a Solution to Oligarchy… 12 hours ago:
Good article. Long, but good. As it was published in 2019, it references the then current events.
- Comment on I'm leaving the US for good, anything I should do before I leave? 23 hours ago:
Have a plan for investments and bank accounts.
Update correspondence information.
Sell or give everything you are not taking.
- Comment on Dig this trench to protect your landlord's ability to gouge your decendants. 1 day ago:
Cheaper than bringing your own gun! The government can buy in bulk.
- Comment on Struggling 4 days ago:
Sometimes, a photo shouldn’t be taken. (I have moved from the “authentic” phase of life to the “3-piece suit in all photos” phase.
- Comment on Do I need to choose a language when posting on Lemmy? 6 days ago:
At one point, it was suggested to not label posts with English if in English. With is my attempt at explaining the current state.
Really, it the setting is important, it shouldn’t be allowed to be undefined.
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 6 days ago:
Fantastic! wonder how people are adjusting? Walking more, pooling trips, or avoiding slow roads?
I wondered at the definition:
defined as roads where lamp-posts were no more than about 180 metres apart.
Will this result in worse lighting to avoid the reduced speed limit?
- Comment on Remember the good old days? 1 week ago:
So childhood poverty was handled?
- Comment on He's totally not a Nazi tho 2 weeks ago:
True True
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
Pick up the jar.
#I played that game as well.
- Comment on low iq in love with high iq person, is that bad?? 3 weeks ago:
Did you take a real IQ test administered by a qualified human, or an internet IQ test?
Real IQ tests have shaky research behind them. Internet IQ tests are worse than garbage.
I am bothered by the relationship dynamic you describe. Look into signs of an abusive relationship.
Know that even if you are not smart, you still have worth. You can have and be successful at many jobs and can find a partner that will treat you with respect.
- Comment on Return to office: Newsom orders California state workers back four days a week 3 weeks ago:
He has lost my vote.
(I don’t live in California, but in the future.)
- Comment on fingerme 3 weeks ago:
When I handled these, I always checked for poor taste collisions. If found, granted an immediate exception.
She would be Megan.finger@.
Fuck the old systems with hard character limits.
- Comment on Choose to live in reality 3 weeks ago:
Ah shit, I didn’t kniw living a lie was an option.
Can I do this at home, or do I need a remote cabin?
- Comment on Oiligarchy: Play as an Oil Oligarch that puts profit above all else, fund coups in other countries, assassinate protestors, and fund political parties to ensure they remain under your boot 4 weeks ago:
People cannot believe something is real if they don’t understand it. Helping more people understand it will help them see reality.
(The rebuttals about imaginary creatures mostly prove the point. All are simple caricatures.)
- Comment on Off to earn less then I need to exist yet again 4 weeks ago:
Then a book recommendation. “Make the Bread, Buy the Butter”.
The author does the math on a number of products to see if one should make or buy. It factors in things like skill involved.
I like it.
- Comment on Why don't states in the US come up with their own health insurance program? So people can pay into it prolly less then what they pay now and the state put the money in a bank and use the interest for 4 weeks ago:
I think hospitals and clinics have been operated by states and cities for a long time.
Hard to start, easy to teardown.
- Comment on Why don't states in the US come up with their own health insurance program? So people can pay into it prolly less then what they pay now and the state put the money in a bank and use the interest for 4 weeks ago:
Massachusetts has one (I don’t know details)
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
There are books for children on this. Lots of them. Read a few and pick ones that fit your values. I suggest providing a few.
He is hearing information already. Much of it wrong.
- Comment on Live fast 5 weeks ago:
Microwave it first. Just to soften.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
After?! Get paid again and read carefully.
Before? Read carefully.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks ago:
Nah. Just ignore all laws that slow it down.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Take then to do things you enjoy. Do things they enjoy.
Your kids will be the best and worst of you both.
Be certain you like them as a person.
- Comment on Luanti (formerly Minetest) v5.11 out now with an in-game settings menu and better server browser 5 weeks ago:
Because I want people to be interested, but that requires knowing what a thing is.
From FAQ:
Is Luanti a clone of Minecraft? # No. Luanti has very different goals from Minecraft, and doesn’t aim to compete with or replace Minecraft. Luanti is an engine and a platform for many different voxel games, rather than one cohesive gaming experience.
When Luanti was initially created in 2010 it intended to replicate what Minecraft Alpha had been shown to do at the time, but it has later diverged into becoming more akin to a game engine.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
Yes, it works as a “plan B” (along with many other things).
Don’t loose hope. We can still win. Keep pushing for producing less CO2.
- Comment on Dinner bell is going off 5 weeks ago:
No necessarily.
- Comment on Dinner bell is going off 5 weeks ago:
Yeah. Juat be sure to drink fluids. Way easier to do than people think.
- Comment on might be time to legally change your name 5 weeks ago:
Ah yes, I am a bit off on the English translation. You found the phrase.
- Comment on might be time to legally change your name 5 weeks ago:
Yes, but apparently my understanding is a bit off.
- Comment on might be time to legally change your name 5 weeks ago:
Mandarin for “I don’t know” is also problematic.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
One doesn’t need to stop on a 3.5 hour trip. (5 hours likely needs a stop.)
A 3.5 hour trip with buddies is a trip with lots of stops.