- Comment on Anon critiques humanity 1 day ago:
Amon is under the impression that humans are designed, so they’re not in the smarter half of humanity
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
As far as i can tell it’s not music, just a repeating sound effect, in which case compression van easily be that effective.
- Comment on Hate crimes 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is there a less stinky way to cook broccoli? 4 weeks ago:
Air fryer broccoli is best broccoli
- Comment on Anon disturbs the Force 4 weeks ago:
Intelligent design is a lie
- Comment on What would happen if all undersea cables got severed worldwide simultaneously? 4 weeks ago:
If all cables get severed that means a huge amount of data will be rerouted to a couple of satellite links. I wonder if they could handle the DDoS
- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 5 weeks ago:
I’m not suggesting another cultuur or religion is backwards, only that their views on divorce often are. The result of these views often is that women get stuck in abusive marriages and have no way to get out. I know people who are in arranged marriages. Some of them are happy, but the ones that are not are stuck.
- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 5 weeks ago:
Most countries where arranged marriages are still a thing so have that backwards religions view on divorce though.
- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 5 weeks ago:
Everyone knows Disney’s movies are 100% accurate depictions of reality
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 5 weeks ago:
Around 1000AD there were no real clocks yet though. Spring driven clocks appeared in the 1500’s and pendulum clocks in 1656
- Comment on A balanced diet is important 5 weeks ago:
how in the world have you not heard of Tostino Pizza Rolls
I dont think they’re sold on my continent
- Comment on please punish me 5 weeks ago:
Not talking to your partner when you’re angry is a pretty stupid way to express your answer though
- Comment on Kryptonite 1 month ago:
The first jacuzzis were probably using geothermal energy, but more likely volcanic heat than uranium directly.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Marketing does not increase prices in itself. It can only help reach more potential customers. So it really depends on whether there’s someone out there willing to pay the increased price and if the chosen marketing method is effective in reaching those people.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
I have no clue what you’re on about. Maybe try forming a full sentence and add a bit of context.
- Comment on garlic 1 month ago:
I would drink that
- Comment on Gravity 1 month ago:
Ah yes, because everyone on this continent had the same frame of reference.
- Comment on Gravity 1 month ago:
I am one
- Comment on Gravity 1 month ago:
Discovered != Invented
- Comment on I would like to apology, 1 month ago:
- Comment on Anon is a philosopher 1 month ago:
Teenagers hardly know who Nietzsche was, let alone claim his work to justify anything. The few who do know about him are not the ones living hedonistically.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
If you keep voting for people like modi yes, but you guys still have more of a democracy than China so there’s still a possibility
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
There are two countries on this planet with more than three times you population and enough resources to take over your position of most powerful nation if they stop fucking around and you guys screw up badly enough.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 1 month ago:
I don’t know if its different in the US, but over here a judge would not be considered “in the government”.
- Comment on Gotta be quick 1 month ago:
hos boots weren’t fucking yellow
I’m clearly ootl here, what does this mean?
- Comment on Yeet! 2 months ago:
Then I might as well just get a new one
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 2 months ago:
No one ever really cared
That’s just not true. The problem is that the people who care were never the kind of people who’d come into power in our society.
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 2 months ago:
If we want the wind farms to blow we’ll have to power them using fossil fuels of course
- Comment on Yeet! 2 months ago:
One of the spokes is missing, this way the baby will fall out before being yeeted. Literally useless this way.
- Comment on Each jump brings us closer to God! 2 months ago:
Should have used a trebuchet