- Comment on It's a good group! 1 month ago:
> join good group
> look inside
> neo-nazis
- Comment on Always start your y axis at 0 2 months ago:
Please don’t tarnish our beautiful, antiquated British system with such names.
- Comment on Always start your y axis at 0 2 months ago:
- Comment on Anon goes on a first date 2 months ago:
Was meant playfully but nice to be inclusive too!
- Comment on Anon goes on a first date 2 months ago:
don’t change your hobbies for a girl/boy.
Change yourself for the enbies is what I’m hearing?
- Comment on Vibes based cooking 2 months ago:
I think that’s why some people “can’t cook”. They treat a dish like a magic potion, where you’ll destroy the house if you add 2g too much chilli or something.
- Comment on Who can relate? 2 months ago:
Well it’s not so much that I won’t be stopped but that I want acclaim for it.
- Comment on Who can relate? 2 months ago:
Ah, my woahs are in my other jeans.
- Comment on Who can relate? 2 months ago:
Wish I could get away with wearing a billowing cloak like that.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
We do have that in other countries (so in this world), and you’re going to laugh, but the Dutch one is literally called the Consumentenbond.
- Comment on Can't throw me off the scent 2 months ago:
I can’t be annoyed by someone who knows it’s an L and correctly guesses I love marmite!
- Comment on Can't throw me off the scent 2 months ago:
£300 is about $375, yankee doodle.
- Comment on Can't throw me off the scent 2 months ago:
People do that now in the Netherlands. The bins on the streets of Amsterdam sometimes have little holsters for bottles and tins so you can leave them for people who’d otherwise (or I imagine who still) dig through the rubbish for the deposit.
- Comment on Android games 2 months ago:
Could’ve picked a better abbreviation for “no BS games” than “nobsgames”, haha.
- Comment on Greens are far-right? Bitch I'm Far-ting. 2 months ago:
Now that’s a typo. Thought you were on about tapestries for a moment.
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
Most euros have no goddamn idea just how huge the US actually is.
We do, because Americans never stop bleating on about it.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 months ago:
We really need better education in this country.
I wasn’t educated in the USA and I didn’t stop to wonder whether shower water was hot enough to cook spunk.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
But imagine all the weed gummies you could pilfer if you could threaten people at pink-pill-point.
- Comment on Duh 2 months ago:
Looks like someone hasn’t heard the Darkness classic Love Is Only a Feeling!
- Comment on Thanks mom, I don't want any 2 months ago:
I fear soup over waffles is a poor example of that but I understand.
- Comment on Thanks mom, I don't want any 2 months ago:
I’ve noticed that American recipes often have ingredients like “1 packet (brand name) (foodstuff)”. I wonder if this kind of advert is how it started.
- Comment on Anon has a GF 2 months ago:
I read “small white” and thought: this is an appliance, isn’t it.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 2 months ago:
I had a running joke with this lad in school where he’d say “your sister’s fit” and I’d punch him in the arm. No idea why we did it or how it stayed so friendly. Just remembered it for the first time in maybe 20 years. Thanks!
- Comment on Those poor kids 3 months ago:
But I am le tired!
- Comment on Anon's first time 3 months ago:
Kharkov, a city in Ukraine.
- Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 3 months ago:
I saw that after pressing send and thought to myself, ah, no one’ll pull me up on that.
- Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 3 months ago:
That happened to a few of my cousins years ago. We were at a family function so I thought they would’ve put two and two together, but alas.
- Comment on CEO brains go brrrrr 3 months ago:
I started writing a song about a year ago that started, “have you ever noticed how no one has assassinated Elon Musk?” I need to get off my arse (and write the song, I mean).
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 3 months ago:
I live in the Netherlands, where it’s not the Americans assuming everyone speaks English. Sometimes it’s quite bizarre too: we have this deaf, Ukrainian colleague who doesn’t speak but communicates with Russian Sign Language (and whatever gestures you can think up on the spot), and it’s very blatant that he doesn’t speak English because he doesn’t speak and can’t hear, and has never written any notes in English or anything like that, but I’ve still caught other colleagues mouthing, or sometimes outright saying, things to him in English, as if it’d help. I remember once coming across a mute man who obviously understood Dutch, who then tried to ask someone a question, who then replied in a very “my husband is antiquair” kind of way. Otherwise it’s mostly European tourists and immigrants who assume you speak English.
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
I stand corrected!