- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 2 weeks ago:
I’m a little confused by that statement. Where should locally installed (non-sudo) applications, such as virtual python envs who are accessed by multiple other not-necessarily-python apps or perhaps baloo, flatpak, etc, store their shared data? I’m rather convinced that giving all users write access to /usr/share is a terrible idea.
- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 2 weeks ago:
That’s respectable! But yeah, the FHS is something that’s surprisingly hard to find in-depth information about if you don’t already know about it.
I think this page from systemd (or this page from the arch wiki, if you prefer formatting) has a decent description of not only the FHS, but also the more standard user/home structures.
- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on I hate when this happens 1 month ago:
Mmmmh, thunderflies.
I just LOVE when my new monitor has 5 dead bugs within half a year. Though, I don’t think I’ve ever found a hair.
- Comment on Good night, sleep tight... 2 months ago:
I somehow remember that it didn’t fit last I tried it, but playing around with the demo, it feels like it’s fills all the holes.
Thank you, I’ll try setting it up and see how it goes.
- Comment on Good night, sleep tight... 2 months ago:
Hmmm, seems much the same as catbox, except that you need a click more to get the image link but gives you more options in return.
What I’m really interested in would be a (preferably) self hosted solution which allows one to share either single images or albums with visible (but non-obscuring) labels, and where one can easily flip through images in an album. Also needs batch upload (can be by FTP, the method doesn’t matter much). I’ve tried Pixelfed half a year ago, and while I really wanted to like it, it didn’t really have proper albums and labels at the time.
Hosts like Postimages and Catbox are fine, I guess, much like Discord is “fine, I guess”, but I don’t want to spam the host by uploading an image 50 times for 50 different posts, and no way that I’m gonna check all previously uploaded images whether I’ve already uploaded the one I need.
- Comment on Good night, sleep tight... 2 months ago:
Thank you, and it absolutely is, but I’m lazy and haven’t yet found a proper solution for hosting images.
I sometimes host smaller images like the above on Catbox, but Imgur, Catbox, and other similar sites feel just as clunky and unfit as Discord. At least to me.
- Comment on Good night, sleep tight... 2 months ago:
Don’t forget to put all your clothes, bags, and other belongings in the freezer for a week when you come home.
I sheltered two people during the storm surge last year and I think they brought in bed bugs, though I didn’t wait long enough to properly confirm other than the itching and bite marks. In other words, the floor still has “bubble marks” from when the varnish started cooking during my week-long extermination craze.
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 4 months ago:
I think i read that fighter pilots need to be able to identify a plane in one frame at 300 fps, and that the theoretical limit of the eye is 1000+ fps.
Though, whether the brain can manage to process the data at 1000+ fps is questionable.
- Comment on u can just do stuff 4 months ago:
Hurr hurr, I’m gonna plot f(x,y)=x^2+y^3 where y=x for x limit inf. Checkmate science!
- Comment on Anon wants more pizza 4 months ago:
Yeah, we’ve noticed you taking the joke and reference rather seriously.
- Comment on elucidating 🤌🏼 5 months ago:
“Knowledge is never useless”
Going on a tangent here: While I fully agree with the above, there is an amount of knowledge after which fact checking becomes bothersome, and some people just skip fact checking overall. One could argue that, while knowledge is never useless, unchecked knowledge might become bothersome or dangerous.
See flatearthers, scientology, etc. for extreme examples.
- Comment on Microsoft breaks some Linux dual-boots in a recent Windows update 5 months ago:
Huh, is Windows screwing over GRUB and Linux not a bi-monthly experience anymore? Sad that it happened, but glad that it’s become novelty enough to write about.
- Comment on Corn 🌽 6 months ago:
We get to choose the genes when genetically modifying, and it usually takes a few years (plus health metrics and research once complete).
Contrary, when selectively breeding we can breed for traits which we are not guaranteed to actually get, and it takes a few decades (plus health metrics and research once complete).
- Comment on Accept message request? 6 months ago:
Should have seen him before!
- Comment on I Received an AI Email 7 months ago:
One could see it as a bad thing as the AI is lying on two occasions, and that the letter was sent in bad faith (laziness, automated ads, perhaps even passing off others’ content as your own/wording).
In extension, or rather because of the two first points, one could call this a “scam for Tim’s time”.
The scam in OPs post might just be worse than regular scams, not because it is dangerous, but because it makes us lose trust in others. How hard would it be if you actually happened to be a Nigerian prince who wants to share his wealth? Well, now smaller developers can finally find out!
- Comment on Tethered Bottle Caps 7 months ago:
I had quite some beef with the tethered caps in the beginning when they didn’t latch properly, but have since gotten used to them. That said:
- Cap on top -> Funny hat for nose!
- Cap on bottom -> Beard gets to take a moist nap.
- Cap on sides -> Mustache also gets to take a sip!
Obviously not much of a problem. I’d need to clean my facial hair either way if eating ice cream or other messy foods, but cap rotation might not be effective if your “face” sticks out 1-2cm from your mouth.
One could also attempt to rotate the cap in a way to achieve quantum tunneling, but I don’t feel that I’ve achieved that level of “tethered cap proficiency” yet.
- Comment on Which is which? 8 months ago:
Hmm, well, I have heard women being compared to singing birds (or more degrading as vultures or pen of hens if in group), but I’ve more often heard women being romantically compared to bees or flowers. Though, I don’t think I’ve ever heard men being compared to bees, but often to birds (eagles, vultures, seagulls, etc.).
Might also be local culture, as I usually think of harmony, nature, and perhaps matriarchy when pondering bees, while birds seem much more gender neutral, like, standoff-ish, elegant, brutal, impulsive, egoistic, even presented as predatory and evil in children movies and some media.
So, using common stereotyping, you can see where I’m coming from.
- Comment on Which is which? 8 months ago:
Thank you for the explanation.
As someone not too familiar with American cultures, I’d probably make an assumption and go for the (to me) more masculine bird over the docile and flower loving bee, since bees have stingers that they normally would never use and birds have beaks/peckers.
- Comment on AI is the future 8 months ago:
Now LLMs are even taking the jobs of professional trolls! What’s gonna be next? The scambots loosing their jobs to LLMs?!
- Comment on Old comic, more relevant than ever 9 months ago:
Luckily that was only the abbreviation and not the actual word. I know that language changes all the time, constantly, but I still find it annoying when a properly established and widely (within reason) used term gets appropriated and hijacked.
I mean, I guess it happens all the time in with fiction, and in sciences you sometimes run into a situation where an old term just does not fit new observations, but please keep your slimy, grubby, way-too-adhesive, klepto-grappers away from my perfectly fine professional umbrella terms. :(
Please excuse my rant.
- Comment on Old comic, more relevant than ever 9 months ago:
LLMs (or really ChatGPT and MS Copilot) having hijacked the term “AI” is really annoying.
In more than one questionnaire or discussion: Q: “Do you use AI at work?” A: “Yes, I make and train CNN (find and label items in images) models etc.” Q: “How has AI influenced your productivity at work?” A: ???
Can’t mention AI or machine learning in public without people instantly thinking about LLM.
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
Multi-target laser guided auto-lock eye upgrade for sports now available at your local augmentation center. Ads included!
- Comment on Discord Quests have started (ads) 10 months ago:
That does make way more sense. Though, the ad makes it seem like a (clothing) set and not a skin, but I’ve never played the finals so I wouldn’t know.
- Comment on Discord Quests have started (ads) 10 months ago:
So the way that promotion is worded, if I stream “the finals” to a friend for 15 minutes I’m guaranteed to receive that item, shipping paid for and all, like in a quest? Or are they just baiting and entering you in a lottery?
Seems like an easy way to farm real life merchandise.
- Comment on yeet 11 months ago:
Rest in pieces, NeatNi, you’ll be forever remembered for your bravery.
- Comment on Could you stay in the roundabout indefinitely? 1 year ago:
Depending on the definition, you’re not obscuring traffic if you’re driving 60kmh in the fastlane either, or if only you manage to get over the green light because of your tardiness, as traffic is still flowing, just very, very slow.
Either way, you’ll be slowing down traffic and get in the way of other drivers, unless you are the only person on the road.
- Comment on Could you stay in the roundabout indefinitely? 1 year ago:
Where do you live, OP?
In Denmark it goes in the same category as not driving when the light is green or keeping to the left on the highway.
While you seldomly see someone get fined for it, taking more than two turns in the roundabout is considered an obstruction of traffic, and therefore illegal.
- Comment on what is the fedipact? 1 year ago:
Not relevant to the question, but the overuse of hearts makes it seem like they play more on feelings than on logic. Kinda feels like a cult.