- Comment on If bot, why aneurysm? Is it stupid 8 months ago:
I tried it myself and was convinced it was only ai you talk to.
Well maybe I talked to humans, but I don’t think so, even though it said it was a human.
The ai changes it’s behaviour for each chat and you only have very little information to decide.
Basically it is flawed from the beginning.
- Comment on Finish him. 🪓 8 months ago:
The scientific method varies from field to field. In medicine you usually need to proof it by taking a significant amount people. Then create a control group and a testing group. Then test your medicine on the group and give the other placebos.
When you can measure health improvement for one group over the other there is a reasonable amount of proof that the medicine works.
The scientific method has one major goal. Reduce human made errors in science. Humans do not work objectively. Humans always have an bias. Things like reproduceable tests and peer review try to reduce the bias.
- Comment on Which is which? 8 months ago:
Well if no queen is there one of the workers will transform into a queen.
- Comment on Which is which? 8 months ago:
But bees are almost only females
- Comment on Big Science 9 months ago:
I am kind of a scientist myself.
- Comment on Conspiracies 9 months ago:
Well 340 is the shortest distance of the orbit
- Comment on Conspiracies 9 months ago:
Ok shortest distance earth moon surface: 340 000 km.
Diameter Jupiter: 143 000 km Diameter Uranus: 51 000 km Diameter Neptun: 49 500 km Venus: 12 000 km Mars: 6 800 km Mercury: 4 800 km
Earth: 12 800 km
Damn I even can fit an another earth in there and it is still plenty of space
- Comment on Conspiracies 9 months ago:
Hold on a second. You can fit Jupiter and Uranus in there?
WTF?! I have to check this.
- Comment on That damned smile. 9 months ago:
Aaaahhh it’s a spider! How dare you!?
- Comment on Country music 9 months ago:
Have you ever heard of sea shanties?
- Comment on Voyager 1 9 months ago:
Yes if they can track them in middle of space.
It’s impressive that we can still send data to the satellite. I mean you need to send the signal to the place where the satellite will be in 24 hours.
- Comment on Funding 9 months ago:
Then you should get paid as much as he did
- Comment on Funding 9 months ago:
You should be in the position and get paid their wage. Ask for a raise whenever possible.
- Comment on Yep 9 months ago:
- Comment on vengance 10 months ago:
So is the theory of relativity.
- Comment on Ah, Yes! AI Will Surely Save Us All! 10 months ago:
Yes and no.
In a civilized country you could still engage with your hobbies and/or passion while working for a minimum wage.
But yes it is worse that those who loved their job now are working for free or not at all.
And even in Europe the conditions are worsening. The gap between rich and poor is increasing until the rich own everything.
- Comment on Ah, Yes! AI Will Surely Save Us All! 10 months ago:
Well cooperations usually just pay enough that the job gets done.
Meaning before we had underpaid artists that did it because they love their work and accepted inhumane wages and now they are replaced by even cheaper AI.
- Comment on Ah, Yes! AI Will Surely Save Us All! 10 months ago:
It isn’t replacing artists. It’s a tool that makes it easier for everyone.
Meaning the competition increases and prices drop.
- Comment on doggos 10 months ago:
I mean my dog could be an exception but she shits always in the direction we walk. No exceptions.
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
I mean of course, but laws will change people’s behaviour indirectly. If it is more expensive to consume co2 heavy products, people will buy the co2 less product.
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
How much do you think it will change, if people really do the minimum consumption within their possibilities?
And how much will it change, including people’s habits, if you make laws that force companies to consider their co2 output as a problem?
1. About maybe at max 20 - 30% probably much less. 2. Probably about 60 - 90%.
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
Because oil companies paid millions or even billions for propaganda that climate change isn’t real or not their fault.
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 10 months ago:
I could use german grammar to set the commas, but then I would have probably 10 to many for English grammar. So I tend to use less in English.
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 10 months ago:
I as a german asked an expert on that topic. Chatgpt. According to chatGPT there is no genocide if you don’t kill them with the intention to wipe them from the planet. So if for example you drop accidentally poison into their water because you mixed the Botox and sugar bottle in the water station then even if they all die it is not a genocide.
And since chatgpt is infallable this is the only truth.
- Comment on To be fair, that's more than two words 11 months ago:
It’s called lyrical art and I think it’s beautiful.
- Comment on Apex predators 11 months ago:
Researchers have figured out that wild mamals like cats or foxes lose their typical camo fur after having not to hunt and low adrenaline levels for 3 to 4 generations. Then they get typical mixed colours more often like red, white, brown and so on.
So the cat in the picture is pretty close to the wild colours and obviously it works.
- Comment on I wonder what lead to this... 11 months ago:
Ok I mean fir science it is actually interesting, but WTF!?!
- Comment on RAW DATA 11 months ago:
Sebastian Not Torvalds
- Comment on Please help! 11 months ago:
Nothing but it somehow is too real for an image
- Comment on Please help! 11 months ago:
Sth. is off with this image. However it looks real and unreal at the same time.
Is this AI generated?