- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 12 hours ago:
I once had a group chat that got leaked. There’s a possibility that it may have involved some light treason.
- Comment on Another treasure stolen from us 3 days ago:
The GameCube cases also came with a pizza roll holder but it was a little too small.
- Comment on Ever wonder how the term "pink slip" came about? This is how you were fired. A pink slip on your desk. 4 days ago:
Sex: not getting any cause I was fired
- Comment on fetching bleach after this one 4 days ago:
Why was I born with eyes?
- Comment on History is funny that way 1 week ago:
I learned about her from Double Dare.
- Comment on Waking up an hour before you intend to 1 week ago:
That happened to me this morning. Lousy bladder.
- Comment on What exactly are they teaching in our schools? 2 weeks ago:
Look, we all can’t get into Yal6, okay.
- Comment on If everyone goes to baseball games by car and everyone gets wasted like Randy Marsh, how do people get home? 2 weeks ago:
Baseball stadiums usually cut off alcohol sales after the 7th inning, which allows for fans to somewhat sober up before the end of the game.
- Comment on They got everything covered 2 weeks ago:
Even Cousin Bob’s funeral?
- Comment on Times are tough for everyone 3 weeks ago:
A soup place I go to started to charge $3 for its once free bread. When I asked about it, they said “no soup for you!” and “come back one year!”. Then they took away my soup. At least I got my money back.
- Comment on Classical Meme 3 weeks ago:
As an American, I had to work out the Roman Numerals the only way I know how: using Super Bowls. So the 1st Super Bowl is Super Bowl I (Packers over Chiefs), the 2nd Super Bowl is Super Bowl II (Packers over Raiders), and the 50th Super Bowl is Super Bowl 50 (Broncos over Panthers). Putting this together I get:
I II II 50
I’m at a loss as to what it could mean.
- Comment on I purposely make my voice mail message as long as the time limit allows to waste the time of people looking to waste my time. Hope they like listening to screamy music. 3 weeks ago:
But how else am I supposed to find out that my car warranty expired?
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 3 weeks ago:
The Simpsons Hit and Run is a solid GTA style game and is considered to be one of the best Simpsons games ever. The Simpsons Road Rage is a rip-off of Crazy Taxi but is still a solid game. The Simpsons Game is also a good game that kinda does it’s own thing. Don’t bother with the Simpsons Skateboarding, that one sucks.
- Comment on No one can know my shame 3 weeks ago:
I don’t have to get in the forever box because I’m Homer Simp- Image
- Comment on Sad 3 weeks ago:
Strangers never offer me free candy.
- Comment on Mr. Grey, can I go to the bathroom? 3 weeks ago:
She could be a hero. Can’t see her being on Grindr though.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 4 weeks ago:
The Venn Diagram between people who actually support this and people who just want to own the libs is a circle.
- Comment on Member when all it took to lose the confidence of the American People was too much enthusiasm? 4 weeks ago:
Or too little
- Comment on Kryptonite 5 weeks ago:
I’m not worried, I have paper!
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 1 month ago:
Brah, you just need to have a rock star attitude about being 27.
- Comment on okra stealing whore 1 month ago:
Too bad he couldn’t be stuck in Weird Al’s accordion.
- Comment on Remember when you thought Ground Hog Day was legit? 1 month ago:
If only Phil could’ve relived the same day over and over again until he was able to patch things up with his wife.
- Comment on Watch out! 1 month ago:
My parents could tell tails about how I used to run into the hedge. One time I really bloodied my my knuckles.
- Comment on When memes interact with each other 1 month ago:
The cat isn’t supposed to talk anyway.
- Comment on My marxist big pharma shill of a “doctor” keeps trying to tell me i have a “testicular torsion” i told him my balls are red from my carnivore diet and are “swollen” because of my lively high t sperm. 1 month ago:
Does it change how his pee is stored?
- Comment on I like the determinism of Murphy’s Razor 1 month ago:
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 1 month ago:
Kids have it too easy. Back in my day we did it the hard way! (using Game Genie)
- Comment on It's impossible to lose 2 months ago:
Peggy Hill disagrees.
- Comment on Full immersive experience 2 months ago:
That would explain why there’s lots of banana peels but no bananas.
- Comment on bernie on 21 2 months ago:
Hooray Blackjack!