- Comment on Definitely wasn't late to work making this 12 hours ago:
Oh neato! I thought that one was for when you had black paper. I do remember using plain wax crayons on easter eggs though.
- Comment on World travelers 2 days ago:
Makes a lot more sense than ASTROnesians, as spelled above, which makes them sound like aliens. Which is silly, because everyone knows aliens only land in either densely populated metropolitan areas (NYC, Tokyo, etc) or in the desert near Area 51.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
Lulz, I think I just found a collective noun for Republicans
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 3 days ago:
That’s probably why wolves prefer to live in packs. Just to be more evenly matched.
- Comment on Lemmy told me to make a lamb cake. Went about as well as I expected. 3 days ago:
It’s adorable! 🐑❤️
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 3 days ago:
It completely not, obviously. But it’s unreasonable to ask the not-yet-disappeared poor Latinos to draw ICE attention to themselves, and those already caught in the orphan-crushing machine can’t access social media.
These legally-documented scientists are the people who CAN speak out and the loss of whom might matter to those whose worldview is entirely transactional.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 5 days ago:
That’s a big “assuming.” It wouldn’t be treated like Jan 6, those were his friends.
- Comment on Remember the good old days? 5 days ago:
Thank you so much for the link. The clearer image shows the girl at the door has her hand on her hip. I was afraid it might’ve been a stump. Which could have happened if it were caught in the machinery, though she’d likely have bled to death or been unemployable and starved.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
Yeah I was thinking, what’s in those big green silos? Probably a good option.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
At least a wind block on the edges
- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
Looks like someone was farming it before, OP should contact them first since they will know about the potential and problems. Maybe make a percentage-of-profits deal rather than a lease. The timing is good for a crop, if they move quickly.
- Comment on Bumblin' 1 week ago:
- Comment on I'm missing an entire hour of my life. AMA. 2 weeks ago:
Just like the present incumbent to grift an hour from each of us. He’s probably pocketed them all to give himself 340 million hours!
- Comment on Whose bright idea was it to give the morning people enough power to set the "business hours" anyways‽ 2 weeks ago:
And then of course after checking the alarm you find yourself back on Lemmy…
- Comment on Anon is deeply disturbed 2 weeks ago:
Anything a store gives you “free” (as Anon says Papa John’s garlic) has already been priced in.
I worked in a gift shop, we did “free” gift wrapping and it was beautiful. But the cost of boxes, rolls of ribbon and reams of tissue paper were factored into our markup throughout the store. We had really nice things, so a lot of our customers would come in for a gift and spend as much or more on items for themselves, which just needed to be bagged. Maybe bubble wrap for the trip home, but that was reused from things shipped to us. So we made extra profit, while also giving them and their friends ideas for their next gift. Wealthy people, so they didn’t care.
- Comment on Somebody stabbed this repeatedly 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Victory after all 3 weeks ago:
Cool, but for a different kind of victory, go for the slow deliberate blink. And hold it closed for a second before opening. To a cat this says, “I’m so not scared of you I can close my eyes.” Which translates to “I like you and we can trust each other, in this moment at least.” Try it a couple times, see if you can get them to blink back.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 4 weeks ago:
A quick Google shows it’s not only not just a turn of phrase but it’s an apt pop (RHOA) reference to men refusing women their appropriate agency. Her title is facetious, but here’s a real one:
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 4 weeks ago:
This is true. As an old non-techie woman on Lemmy, I miss a lot of them.
However, “Who gon check me, boo?” was comprehensible (and funny) to me even though I have no reference for it. Combined with the rest of the title, especially adding the profile images, her point is abundantly clear. I don’t need to know where it came from to chuckle at it.
- Comment on where we putting these? 4 weeks ago:
Don’t eat the rich. You could get prion disease. Feed them to the wolves.
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 5 weeks ago:
“Sometimes I just think funny things.”
If they insist,
But what were you thinking that’s so funny?
“No,that is it. It’s a quote from Arthur, (do a drunk voice this time) sometimes I just think funny things.”
It’s not that funny but it’s clean and reusable.
- Comment on Mitosis 5 weeks ago:
I love OP and updooted their meme.
- Comment on Mitosis 5 weeks ago:
Well, I have to say I think it’s okay because generally we do capitalize the first letter of a sentence. But my phone of course autocorrected it. And since it’s a name, we should defer to the preference of the person or thing being named. If I said “e e cummings was a poet perhaps best known for his rejection of capitalisation and punctuation,” it would be stupid and perhaps rude of me to type it as “E. E. Cummings,” and yet that’s how he appears in Wikipedia. So I guess I come down on the side of, “I’ll allow it.”
- Comment on Mitosis 5 weeks ago:
That definition doesn’t fit this example either.
- Comment on Mitosis 5 weeks ago:
But not metaphorically, which is what we’re seeing here, in this visual pun.
- Comment on Mitosis 5 weeks ago:
Okay I’ll be that guy. Not literally.
It’s still a funny visual joke, and loses nothing by being simply
iPhone went through mitosis
Or if you’re even more pedantic than I,
iPhone camera went through mitosis
Are there many more urgent problems in the world than proliferation of misused "literally"s?
Absolutely. And I do my tiny part. But focusing for a moment on something small like this helps me step away from the abyss.
- Comment on Infuriating update to the broken lift plea. Signatures were added two days ago. And now someone has added a note. 1 month ago:
Our apartment is in a building on a rise/hill. There’s an elevator to take us up one floor from the street level lobby and 2 floors from the garage/basement/laundry. But at the other end of the building, there’s an exit directly to the street, because of the hill. So when the elevator is broken it’s an inconvenience to go around, but at least my husband can get in and out in his chair!
- Comment on Infuriating update to the broken lift plea. Signatures were added two days ago. And now someone has added a note. 1 month ago:
I am an even older fart, and I TAUGHT cursive. The only “cursive” here is the angry scrawl of someone who’d prefer to be cursing.
Look, for example, at the word immediately after HOLY MONTH. The closest correct cursive letters to fit the scrawl are:
It’s only by context, and allowing for the angry misplacement of the tittle, that we can read it as “that.”
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 1 month ago:
I agree, but I fear that would require a comically large exterior. Ten gallons, as it were.
- Comment on What job do you need this hard hat for? 1 month ago:
Is it because the strength of the arch is diminished by the crease? Or because it could channel a falling sharp object into rather than away from one’s skull?