Canada has implemented a new tax savings from December to February for some things like taxable groceries, crafts, and gaming physical media. I wanted to get a new Xbox controller and found the best price at Walmart for $55 a week ago. The tax holiday starts today and I now see that the $55 has increased to $62 and change, which is about how much tax I should be saving. Great to see this thinly veiled attempt to help Canadians ( /s - win votes) is just going to be extra profit in the corporations’ pockets.
the prices probably won’t go back down in february, either. 3 months ago
See, trickle down economics works ladies and gents /s 3 months ago
Fuck this is gold.
Well, unless people realise the actual worth of gold… But until then. 3 months ago
How would trickle down work with gold? I’m picturing some kind of golden shower? 3 months ago
That’s not really relevant. A break in sales tax that just targets consumer necessities should be a progressive tax.
The problem is that a lack of competition in this country means that grocers can raise their prices with no fear of losing customers 3 months ago
It doesn’t matter how much competition there is of they’re all going to do it anyway. 3 months ago
This has nothing to do with supply-side versus demand-side economics.