- Comment on Antarctica's Only Insect 5 days ago:
Very lobster like.
- Comment on I just watched the wrong version of Drive (2011), and didn't realize until the last 10 minutes. Any similar stories? 6 days ago:
I accidentally watched The man who wasn’t there in black and white and it became my favorite way to watch it.
- Comment on I'll show them 2 weeks ago:
DeArrow is really good too.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 2 weeks ago:
Did you check the livestream at Peertube? They recorded someone on a loop or something. Creepy.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
Don’t criticize if you haven’t murdered yet.
- Comment on Evolution without sex: How asexual mites generate genetic diversity and ensure survival 3 weeks ago:
Your male calico is likely intersex XXY. very rare.
Sorry, I had indeed misinterpreted your previous comment. Thanks for clarifying.
- Comment on Evolution without sex: How asexual mites generate genetic diversity and ensure survival 3 weeks ago:
Nope. The egg starts dividing before the deactivation of the extra X, and that propagates.
For instance: In cats, a big part of their skin pigmentation is controlled by the X chromosome. Which is why you’ll only find female calico cats. Males only carry the one X and can only manifest one color pattern.
- Comment on Evolution without sex: How asexual mites generate genetic diversity and ensure survival 3 weeks ago:
Usually which X chromosome gets deactivated as a Barr body changes depending on where in the female body you are. Or, as Veritasium put it: women are stripey.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 3 weeks ago:
It has been under corporate dictatorship for over a century.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 4 weeks ago:
Real story. A friend of mine was working on new year’s, maintenance trailer inside a factory. Suddenly a puff of dust. A new home on the ceiling and and his desk, the line going two feet from his head, and a ~.45 round at the rubberized metal floor.
Bullets go down about as fast as they go up.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 4 weeks ago:
Real story. A friend of mine was working on new year’s, maintenance trailer inside a factory. Suddenly a puff of dust. A new home on the ceiling and and his desk, the line going two feet from his head, and a ~.45 round at the rubberized metal floor.
Bullets go down about as fast as they go up.
- Comment on Traveller / Cepheus Engine? 1 month ago:
I’ll tell you, the RPG groups on lemmy tend to be very fantasy focused. It would be awesome to have a space for sci-fi. I’ll be glad to help you nurture it.
- Comment on Traveller / Cepheus Engine? 1 month ago:
Not sure I’d be able to contribute all that much to Traveller. But perhaps expand your horizons a bit and create a c/SciFiRPG community?
- Comment on This message will not go away unless I agree to their spyware. 1 month ago:
Good to know.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 1 month ago:
And it was usually next to the kitchen and the restrooms. Worst tables all around.
- Comment on This message will not go away unless I agree to their spyware. 1 month ago:
TD Ameritrade?
- Comment on Buddy baka 1 month ago:
Don’t worry, the author went on to create the most hated ending for a popular series in modern history. So it balances out.
- Comment on Buddy baka 1 month ago:
Yeah, I read that and… the author is still a piece of shit.
- Comment on Anon makes weed eggs 1 month ago:
Use the butter to sauté magic mushrooms and trip balls.
PS.: I have no clue what I’m talking about.
- Comment on Mama mia 1 month ago:
It’s porn-adjacent.
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 1 month ago:
Definitely don’t lock yourself in with them and repeatedly stab their lungs in a flurry of blows on both sides. That could cause their lungs to collapse and / or fill with blood, which might result in a death by either filling your chest with air but still gasp for air, or drowning in their own blood. And nobody wants that.
- Comment on Evil 1 month ago:
Oh shoot. It was a great joke and I totally missed. Woooosh.
- Comment on Evil 2 months ago:
“Hey, this is exactly like a strawberry pie, if you replace the strawberry by veggies and meat, and the pie by water. It’s actually a stew.”
By all means, do whatever comparison you want, but I’ll reserve the right to disagree.
- Comment on He was pretty awful too, you know. 2 months ago:
Could you point me to the ones that didn’t?
- Comment on Evil 2 months ago:
I did, but the direction is reversed. XKCD talks about how standards multiply and get more complex. This is talking about a different motivator for computing technologies, which is having a leaner, simpler alternative, that eventually gets bloated.
- Comment on Evil 2 months ago:
It’s talked about in this thread. The short version that IBM built a logistics machine for the Nazis that was used to coordinate the transport of supplies for the war effort and transporting people to concentration camps.
- Comment on Evil 2 months ago:
- Comment on Evil 2 months ago:
Slightly different though.
- Comment on Evil 2 months ago:
This isn’t talked about enough.
- Comment on He was pretty awful too, you know. 2 months ago:
Those experiments didn’t advance a thing. That’s a myth. They had no scientific rigor. Nothing was gained from that.