- Comment on Cellebrite Dumps AI Into Its Cell Phone-Scraping Tool So Cops Can Hallucinate Evidence 1 week ago:
Post-truth society sucks.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 4 weeks ago:
Maybe it’s the other way around… Maybe people predisposed to being lied to will have political views that are that lie.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
Americans don’t really value freedom. Not really. Americans pretend they like freedom, but they will give up all their freedoms for the slightest bit of convenience, and because social media told them so.
Am I talking about consumer electronics, or politics? Impossible to say.
- Comment on I love my smart TV (From Mastodon) - Repost 2 months ago:
Learning ESPHome has been the most liberating thing. Take back control of your home. Local first. Privacy respecting.
- Comment on Don't worry if you don't get this. It doesn't even matter. 2 months ago:
Clown egg number phase.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2: Electric Boogaloo 2 months ago:
Oh well. Federation makes this a non issue.
- Comment on Day 1 Reddit Refugee 2 months ago:
I’m pretty liberal and haven’t had much issue with Stay away from lemmygrad.
- Comment on Day 1 Reddit Refugee 2 months ago:
Been on Lemmy since the App/API ban. Haven’t looked back at reddit since, other than the occasional search result pointing to someone’s q&a.
Side note, anyone else tired of all the sanitized AI slop that pervades search results? The only websites worth visiting these days are user forums (incl. reddit/Lemmy) and wikipedia.
- Comment on Wtf is this? 2 months ago:
Fun fact, the accent circonflexe, the ^ in “â”, is basically an old silent s in French. So “râpe”, pronounced RAH-Pe, shows the etymology of the word: rasp. Similar with Hôpital, HOE-PEE-TAL: hospital.
Another fun fact, these style graters are also really great for making spaetzel at home.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Lots of great points in the comments. But I think so far no one has really addressed your core complaint head on, which is why society tolerates a double standard here.
Parents get a pass because they are supporting more than just themselves… It may appear that the parent who is getting a free pass is pulling less weight, if you look at this exclusively through the lens of comparing contribution to the company’s productivity. But if you expand that lens a bit, you see that raising a child is also work to be valued (which you benefitted from yourself, btw). Frankly, a company with a work culture that considers its social responsibility to the community beyond merely spitting out products is a really good thing.
If you are ok with the double standard of handicapped parking, you should be ok with this too.
- Comment on How likely will "Cloud Storage" eventually replace Local Storage? 3 months ago:
AFAIAC, all that that achieved was to push me off of those MS products.
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 3 months ago:
All prices are set based on what consumers are willing to pay.
The only way prices ever go down is by exercising a decision not to buy something or to go somewhere for an item.
It will not come from the government, unless the government mandates a specific rate.
- Comment on How to get over my reddit ""addiction""? 3 months ago:
I can’t relate with this feeling of wanting to “troll people on Reddit” at all. Are you conjoined at the hip with them? Is your identity defined by your relationship with them?
Try some scissors.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 3 months ago:
There is no justice in the US right now. Why bother holding this person accountable when we can’t even hold the highest position in the land accountable for their crimes. The social fabric is unraveling.
- Comment on Today's reaction 3 months ago:
The system is a product of each and everyone of us…
Except the rich and powerful have disproportionate control over perpetuating how the system works.
So fuck it it. No. You are dead wrong. This isn’t just the system. This is a few entrenched interests continuing to oppress everyone else. And I think this way of thinking is part of the way that broken system is perpetuated.
- Comment on what a moment to live 3 months ago:
The rich and powerful control the narrative. They use that narrative to craft stories to keep people’s anger and extremism directed inwards.
This isn’t some great mystery. It’s just the reality of what tyranny actually looks like.
- Comment on to those of you not very talkative / introverted, how do you survive the constant pressure and misunderstandings from coworkers and future employers to open up, talk more? 3 months ago:
Working in a team, means you have to be able to work with other people. It’s just a functional requirement of any such job. I get the impression that you are in denial about this reality.
Should you “come clean” with future employers? Yes. Be honest about what you can or can’t do and set boundaries. That also means being honest with yourself about what the job requirements really are. You will continue to be miserable if you don’t do these things.
- Comment on Meme. 3 months ago:
Dared create an account on an instance administered by controversial people, to say the least.
Personally, I couldn’t care less about the user names. Ad hominems are worthless, even if certain servers have certain tendencies. At the end of the day, only the substance of the argument, and whether it passes critical thought, matters.
- Comment on FIGHT 3 months ago:
Unchecked misinformation and algorithmic control of people’s eyes and brains will be the collapse of civilization before climate change does us in.
- Comment on Percentages 3 months ago:
Stupid people standing on soapboxes saying stupid shit.
Back in my day, people had to dedicate years of their life before they were given the opportunity to stand in front of hundreds of people and tell them things.
- Comment on Hustle? In this gig economy? 3 months ago:
This answer assumes a state of affairs where everyone living from paycheck to paycheck should be normalized. I think this way of thinking buries a much deeper issue which is that owners of capital continue to squeeze non-owners of capital.
Let’s assume we address that problem and ask the question again.
I would say, that choosing a riskier but higher average source of compensation is a perfectly reasonable, personal choice for someone to make.
- Comment on It's a tradeoff 4 months ago:
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Hmmm. More kneck beards on Lemmy than I expected. Then again, why should I be surprised?
- Comment on Why 'free' proprietary software will always end in tears 5 months ago:
The point, in one sentence:
If you are the product, not the paying customer, then not only is there no incentive to cater to your needs, there exists incentive to make the product worse for you if it means the paying customer extracts more from you.
Users of premium software are basically nothing more than willing cattle. Housed and fed for free only to be slaughtered.
Maybe people just can’t help themselves? I fear we can’t have a fair and free market if people are so easily manipulated.
- Comment on So now I have to PAY you to NOT store files on my device that I don't want? 5 months ago:
I broadly agree with your sentiment, in particular computing equipment that I purchase and ongoing trends in tech (like smart TVs) that are abusive to consumers.
However, I find this argument not terribly persuasive in this particular case. The content of a website isn’t an extension of your property. It is not even public property. Visiting a site is voluntary. You clearly didn’t pay for accessing the site, nor was it subsidized through a social program. So exactly how should content (regardless of how trashy it is) be funded? Statements like “rights” (i.e. temporary government-granted privileges) suggest you are espousing libertarian views, but at the same time, you are not expressing willingness to pay for a service privately?
I dunno, it just comes across as demanding a handout. Meanwhile, not visiting websites that don’t meet your vision for how funding content should be done seems like a perfectly simple and reasonable approach to have for this problem.
- Comment on Epic detail plans for Unreal Engine 6 and share vision of a metaverse spanning "Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite" 5 months ago:
Am I the only one tired by all these franchises constantly rehashed to death?
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 5 months ago:
You would never say
"What’s YOUR name?
“How old are YOU?”
“Where ARE you from?”
- Comment on PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug 5 months ago:
Cause consumers let them.
Why do consumers let them? It’s just step one of enshittification : first, be nice to your customers until they become dependent on you and you’re the only game in town…
- Comment on When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less? 5 months ago:
Let me take this a step absurdly far:
You may be slightly more buoyant (and therefore apply less force on a scale) everytime you breath in. It’s not the presence of air that has this effect, it’s the decrease in density of your total body (mass/volume) that has that effect. (Helium just contributes a fractional more difference in density compared to air, but how much you breath in probably matters much more than what you breath)
Except, maybe not. Because the air you breath in partially dissolves in your blood. Dissolved matter does not decrease density, rather the opposite: it packs tightly into the voids, increasing mass for the same volume.
How much of an effect this has is hugely debatable, probably depends on a dozen biological and circumstantial factors, and this is where my knowledge ends. But it’s fun to imagine.
However, if you can imagine inhaling but holding your breath at the same time, creating a vacuum in your lungs, then yes, you would be more buoyant, even more than inhaling helium, and the scale would read slightly less.
- Comment on Square! 5 months ago:
Is a corner with an angle of 180 degrees a corner? If yes, then all shapes have infinite corners and infinite edges.