- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 33 minutes ago:
The epitome of Californication lol
- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 2 hours ago:
Even then, most of California was predominantly Hispanic from the mid 1700s onward. When the Spaniards came to Baja California in the mid 1750s, they established 5 Franciscan missions in baja, along with 21 missions between San Diego and just north of the bay. They mixed with the indigenous population, who then became known as Californios. It wasn’t until white people started showing up just prior to and especially during the gold rush, with then California becoming a US state in 1850. Even then, it wasn’t until the late 1800s/early 1900s that California became predominantly white, and that was primarily due to the sheer number of white folks that moved west in such numbers that eclipsed the local Hispanic population.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 13 hours ago:
Damn dude, chill out. You’re assumptions are out of this world and it’s laughable.
I can tell you’re blowing smoke out of your ass because anyone with eyes and rudimentary gun knowledge would be able to tell pretty quickly this is an ar-10, not 15. This was built for me by a buddy, the optic and stock I purchased after the fact. Yes the optic is overkill for this particular rifle, and will likely get transferred to my 30-06. The image is from the shop where we signed the transfer paperwork.
You’re showing your colors as a stereotypical arrogant keyboard warrior, who takes their assumptions and runs a marathon with them, parading around like a pathetic asshat to make yourself feel better. Grow up and be better.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 15 hours ago:
It’s not a Magpul, I forget the brand but it’s super comfy.
My small town is very heavily armed, but is also way more moderate (purple) than anything. Sure we have our far right wingnuts, but they tend to be on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum in these parts. They tried forming a militia a while back, and most everyone in town just laughed at them. A lot of of us enjoy going shooting regularly (when it’s not freezing out), and I’m certainly not trying to take on the gravy seals by myself lol. My good buddies and I have contingency plans in place in case shit goes sideways in the worst of ways.
- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 15 hours ago:
I’m reliably accurate to about 800 yards and I really don’t like fascist assholes.
It’s also not hard to buy a gun, that’s just a bunch of baloney, even here in CA. Yes there are carry restrictions, and yes it’s more involved than other states, but buying one is not as difficult as people make it out to be.
- Comment on 7th-inning stretch 17 hours ago:
That’s actually pretty clever in a real sadistic way
- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 18 hours ago:
All of Southern California really.
My favorite is when dickhead white folks want “all the brown people to go back where they came from,” without the slightest clue that they were here first, and then they get real pussy when you point that fact out.
- Comment on Why don’t wireless connections (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) use anything between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz? 1 day ago:
The difference there though is that those devices are point to point, not broadcast/receive. Iirc there are different rules in place for direct line of sight devices, and misuse will land you a meeting with the FCC, hence why the more powerful variants require a license.
- Comment on Why don’t wireless connections (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) use anything between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz? 1 day ago:
But, the key takeaway there is that those portions of the spectrum where mobile bands are are restricted to those uses. 2.4 and 5 are “free bands,” in which any device can use them (assuming compliance with FCC part 15 in the US). If I built a device and operated it at say 4.3GHz, I’d get in big trouble once found.
- Comment on Anon gets handed a note 2 days ago:
Something something Wayne Gretzky
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 4 days ago:
Just checked my DW and yup, sure enough, it is connected to the hot line. I was thinking of the refer line. I’ll be honest I never really put much thought into it and now I feel silly.
I actually am American lol. I’m an electrician by trade, so I was thinking more in terms of the equipment on board of the DW itself, but this is much more logical now that I think about it. I let plumbers do their thing and avoid installing/servicing appliances for customers (although I did just pull a 24" hair snake out of my shower drain this morning, smelled wonderful).
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 4 days ago:
I’m assuming dishwashers have their own water heater (if at all) since you typically only connect to the cold supply line? And they can’t be that powerful as they are fed from a regular 120v line and only draw maybe 7-10 amps, which includes the jet pump.
- Comment on Late 1900s 5 days ago:
This is borderline acceptable.
- Comment on Late 1900s 5 days ago:
Hey now, 1995 will always be 10 years ago. Always.
- Comment on Old photos in real life 6 days ago:
Or waiting for the plumber
- Comment on Roll tide! 1 week ago:
What in the ass backwards Ricky Bobby done got here
- Comment on TSLA gonna rebound. Proof: 1 week ago:
I’m guessing it’ll continue along the crease of his neck and fly off into the ether. It would be rad if it decapitated him, but the real world isn’t that pleasant these days.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 1 week ago:
Iirc he flies up Monday, stays in the corporate penthouse during the week, then flies back Thursday or Friday. I’ll be honest I haven’t kept up on it as I really don’t care lol, I just remember the article from a few months or whatever back.
- Comment on Starbucks continues to be terrible 1 week ago:
OC to Seattle, but yes. The guy didn’t want to relocate from Newport Beach, so they bought him a jet to make his weekly “commute.”
- Comment on You're not your job 2 weeks ago:
I’ll work 60-70 hour weeks in the summer, but it’s my own company and it’s our busy season. This allows me to work 20 hrs/week in the winter and not stress. My guys can work OT all they want, but it isn’t mandatory.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
“How many hydraulic levers you need?”
“All of them”
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
So that when the oligarchs assume full unchecked control of the US, no one will lift a finger to help the rest of us.
- Comment on Does 'attempted murder' require a viable method? 3 weeks ago:
Believe it or not, also jail.
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
This is anecdotal, but most every labdoo I’ve met has been absolutely neurotic, though there may be a correlation with off tilt owners as well.
- Comment on Has no soul 3 weeks ago:
Mongo just pawn in game of life.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 3 weeks ago:
It absolutely does provide security on a public WiFi network.
- Comment on Regeneration from the commerical seed bank 3 weeks ago:
Lol that’s how my family has always been with Denny’s.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 3 weeks ago:
Eh, I see it as a necessity in the modern age, it’s politically agnostic for me. I run a full time VPN as a matter of privacy and security.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, old 4chan was definitely something. You had some of the absolute funniest shitposting imaginable, right next to some shit that no amount of eye bleach and showers could cleanse you of. Like, it was fun every once in a while for shits and giggles, but it started messing with your psyche after even an hour. The casual racism alone was in no way ironic. And So. Much. CP; to the point where most of the images aren’t even worth a glance because there’s a good chance it’s underage revenge porn. I genuinely don’t know how that site is still up.
Nowadays it’s pretty damn tame, at least compared to how it used to be. And the wicked thing is, there are people who legit live on there, as in it’s damn near all they do with their lives, both then and now. I’ll go peek in every few months for a nostalgia trip, but I’m out after 10 min on average, it’s still toxic as hell.
- Comment on Is it a pattern that every time a movie, show or animation that doesn't have a white person as the protagonist is attacked by right-wingers? 4 weeks ago:
And constantly forcing a particular set of values/viewpoints down everyone’s throats is exactly how we ended up in the situation we are in now. Promoting equity and inclusion is great and the right direction for society, but forcing people (especially conservatives) to turn on a dime is going to yield resistance, and taking it over the top is how people like Trump get elected. That is the culture war aspect even moderates don’t care for, the constant drum banging. If we keep the ante up for slow and consistent change, we’d be much further ahead than via social force. You catch more bees with honey, and it would take generations to effectively breed the excess amount of hate out of American society.