- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
That is true, for an adult issue, a serious and adult conversation must happen with this girl, even if it could be okay, the situation itself should be evaluated because it can get very gnarly. We don’t know much about OPs way to handle it, but it’s also possible this specific situation is fine.
Either way, I agree that just telling your daughter to stop doing something she clearly feels like doing, even if she has a distorted view of that something, is not going to help anyone.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You are not wrong, but age gap should be considered relative to the people age. 20 yeats difference between 20 and 40? I guess, still not the best thimg ever… Between 17 and 38? It’s very very different, people mature A LOT between 17 and 20. Then of course it depends on the person, maybe this 17 years old is mature for her age, but maybe she is just being taken advantage of.
Also, the wording of the mother really implies it’s an assimetric relationship, not really one between consenting adults, of course we don’t know, but still…
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 2 months ago:
“Fact checkers are politically sided”
- Comment on Disney sued for $10billion over Moana 2 2 months ago:
why did he wait so long?
Copyright laws protect 70 years after the death of the author. If Disney infringed his intellectual property, why should a couple of years matter and his case be dismissed?
- Comment on Please create a non-secure password. 2 months ago:
That is true for online password managers, you need an offline one
- Comment on Justice should be equal 2 months ago:
He was ironicly making a comparison with Trump, convicted of serious crimes but still being elected president
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 3 months ago:
In any reasonable country, that should be illegal. In many places it is
- Comment on What a bargain 3 months ago:
I always heard this for decades and still am not convinced the average human really thinks 199 is any different than 200. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t recognise it as a cheap uneffective trick
- Comment on Starbucks wants a Bachelor's degree for a barista 3 months ago:
Why are you asking women and not parents?
- Comment on Washer estimated "1 minute left", took 13 minutes to finish 4 months ago:
Wash 1% complete… 2% complete… 5% complete… 15% complete… 15% complete… 15% complete… 15% complete… 15% complete… 15% complete… 99% complete… 99% complete… 99% complete… 99% complete…
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
It’s one of the least forgettable movie I’ve seen in a while (it’s a good thing) and the concept is just so good because it’s idiotic but at the same time completely true
- Comment on I just got this latest text from the scammers that have been sending relentless texts to me in the past few weeks. 4 months ago:
I knew about that being the reason for grammar mistakes, but I would never think about such illogical stuff
- Comment on I just got this latest text from the scammers that have been sending relentless texts to me in the past few weeks. 4 months ago:
Shouldn’t it be from Kamala to you? Why the opposite?
- Comment on Mail addressed to Mr. and Mrs. (husbands name) 4 months ago:
That’s not how language works, that’s how culture works. Mrs and mr are referred to you, not relatively to your spouse. I am Mr John Smith, even if I’m married to Mrs Amy White. Amy is not Mrs Smith and John is not Mrs White. They are Mr Smith and Mrs White. In the usa for some reason it’s custom that the woman changes surname to that of his husband, in many other places it was like that in the past but ia not anymore
- Comment on Mail addressed to Mr. and Mrs. (husbands name) 5 months ago:
That’s a little sexist, don’t you think?
- Comment on TechSpot can't help but sellout in their own editor picks 5 months ago:
Well, depending on your use case, you might not care. If you want casual power point editing on your laptop, just slap a cheap key and it will work fine, buy another one for your home desktop and you are still <10% of a “genuine” licence. If you change your pc just buy a new one and you might even find a newer version. As for the MS account, I don’t know anyone who uses it for office licence sharing, so I can’t tell about it
- Comment on TechSpot can't help but sellout in their own editor picks 5 months ago:
You can buy legit office keys for like 4$ on many sites. It might just be a couple years old
- Comment on One car accident, endless spam calls 6 months ago:
How would random laywers have access to your number?
- Comment on Redirect to prevent back button 6 months ago:
Microsoft website does this (especially their useless answer), I guess it’s malice
- Comment on My alarm clock doesn't work right 7 months ago:
(Assuming you are using your smartphone) check your battery saving options. Sometimea battery saving for the entire phone or for the clock app can make it less “respondent” to times
- Comment on Is this just how it’s gonna be till Election Day? 7 months ago:
Why is it so obsessed with “white dudes”? Even if you are soecifically tagreting them, it seems odd to keep repeating it, especially since people who are goinf to vote a black woman of asian origins as preaident should tend not to be white supremacists
- Comment on Google Maps tests new pop-up ads that give you an unnecessary detour 8 months ago:
It has a better car navigation interface and some nice features like traffic amd live events data, but it really looks like it’s update much, if any at all. Organic Maps is a little more barebone, but it constatly gets new features
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 9 months ago:
If developers optimized their apps, we could have phones that are 10x faster than 10 yeara ago. Instead they are the same speed and the same amount of apps fit in the bigger storage, because developers are lazy and use heavy, unoptimized technologies that use 10x the resources
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 9 months ago:
May be, but I don’t think apps use it. Afaik Teams, Discord and such are all epectron apps, yet they have not much in term of dependencies and large install sizes, so they must ship with their own versions.
- Comment on Futuristic movies timeline 9 months ago:
“Was able to establish a wide broascast data link through the planetary communication system” is such a fancy way to say “got viral on a tik-tok livestream” which would be the most likely outcome
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 11 months ago:
I never undertand the more granular, the scale is in 180 because that’s the most precision they could use to manufacture scientific thermometers, nowadays it’s completely irrelevant. Celsius thermometers have a granularity of 0.1°C and that is useful soley when you want to differentiate between “almost a slight fever” and “maybe a slight fever”. Do you find yourself needing to differentiate between 45 °F and 46 °F?
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 11 months ago:
Unless you have some kind of color blindness, orange is among the most noticeable colors to the human eyes, especially in an urban background
- Comment on Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons 11 months ago:
Some professors kept the online exams for convenience (theirs and for the students depending on the type of exam), but did in presence in a university class, they dropped the recording but kept the lockdown environment so you cannot cheat even with your laptop
- Comment on FBI Warns Of Extremist MAGA Plot To Go To A Polling Location And Vote For Preferred Candidate 1 year ago:
Sarcasm is the weapon of the weak, especially if it’s your only defense to others accusing your side of being antidemocractic
- Comment on Era of complex and ambitious TV is over, says Sopranos creator 1 year ago:
It really depends on the producers. On one hand netflix is greenlighting everything it can hoping to get a new Squid Game, killing everything that does not become viral in the first season. But then you have series like Fargo, not even producing a season per year, while maintaining the quality constantly stellar over 10 years.
Has the amount of disposable tv series increased? Absolutely. Has the number of overall series increased? Also yes. I cannot tell you the ratio between shallow/complex, but saying that “nothing new is made anymore” is just wrong.