Nice. And then soon it’ll be “watch this add to take the fastest route”.
Then “subscribe for an add free experience” without subscription you get the add, as well as navigation that requires you to drive to a detoured location and take a picture of said location before continuing on to your destination (or yet another detour add, if the trip is long enough).
Look at us, peak civilization here.
/s 8 months ago
I will 100% uninstall when I see this.
Their analytics need to see how little time it takes me to uninstall. I’ll fucking pull over and uninstall mid trip. I am a psycho against ads. I’ll call the AG and say it caused me to get in an accident.
Fuck ads. Fuck any company that forces them down your throat.
Fuck. Ads.
Fuck. I’m mad now. 8 months ago
My brother in arms lol.
Was just having a conversation last week when the subject of roadside billboards came up, the other guy says to me that he reads every single one of them. I tell him when I look at billboards the only think I think about is how much fun it would be to cut them down and set them on fire. Dude looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead. 8 months ago
I live in the lovely state of Vermont where billboards are fucking illegal. 😍 8 months ago
I can’t say that I can agree with you more.
A new bright as FUCK billboard was put up on a frequent road I travel. I want it GONE and the people responsible for it to just die.
It’s seriously a hazard at night… 8 months ago
So, when we drive up to Georgia or South Carolina from Florida, there’s a point on I-75 where the Jesus billboards come out. Many of them are the usual “Babies have heartbeats” variety, but there’s also the following: 8 months ago
Totally feel that. I will go to extreme lengths to avoid ads. 8 months ago
Brothers from another mother… I fight ads daily … Been pretty lucky I stay away from TV. They keep trying, really all it’s done lately is forced me to go foss for most of my apps. 8 months ago
My Brothers / Sisters from other misters, I have been successfully avoiding ads for around 2/3 years and wow, no regrets. Talk about a war worth fighting, life is better without. This new in-navigation ad felt specifically made for folk like us, who are almost unreachable for marketing. I did some FOSS car navigation today. Bye Gmaps :) 8 months ago
I don’t mind TV commercials. They aren’t creepy and the remind me to get up. 8 months ago
I’m not even against ads, because their little blurbs about a mcdonalds nearby on the map - eh. fine.
This shit though, that pops up and distracts me while I’m driving? Nah fuck that, I’ll get rid of google maps over it 8 months ago
Yep. I might buy a fucking beater vehicle just to insure and subsequently softly careen into a boulder as soon as that shit occurs.
Make Google fucking liable for forcing content on me. Fuck them. 8 months ago
They most likely won’t let you. Also Google android is spyware so I use Lineage OS with F-droid apps