- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 2 days ago:
Why is there still debate?
Because “driving beyond skill” needs more than a speed limiter to fix.
- Comment on novelity 3 days ago:
- Comment on There are great movies, and then there’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit. 1 week ago:
Asking the crucial question.
- Comment on AI will replace us all... trust me 1 week ago:
a image
Obviously the requester is a child. It’s best to keep American children free of anything that may suggest harm or upset. Also, school shootings are up, but obviously that’s not a risk to OOP.
- Comment on Mickey 17 is a big middle finger to space-obsessed strongmen [Review] 2 weeks ago:
Gilliam esc
Gilliam-esque? Gibson-esque?
- Comment on Homer Simpson irl 2 weeks ago:
a brainless human to [defy] science
I think you spelled ‘politics’ wrong.
- Comment on /c/NotTheOnion post got downvoted because people didn't like the (real) article title 2 weeks ago:
Remember when the WaPo had integrity? Good times.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
- consolidated health spending for single-payer services with far less admin slop? Conservative.
- taxing like it’s 1945 to build and maintain infrastructure? Conservative.
- reliable and varies power source? Conservative.
I dunno what these guys are on about.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
Can you imagine them federaring their content? What a stream of odd toots that would be!
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
We need to bring manufacturing back to America and revitalize the rust belt. We can’t do that if companies find it more profitable to go over seas and pay people pennies when they’d have to pay Americans much more.
Canada has
- Higher wages
- More safety regs
One of those must be the issue. ;-)
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 2 weeks ago:
Both of them?
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 2 weeks ago:
I worry it’s a lot, and many different varieties. They may be thunder-doming in his body as we speak, with only the injections from the pre-teen blood banks he has trapped in the basement keeping everything at bay.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
handwaving away valid criticisms
If you look carefully, you’ll find statements about how “neither option affects [this particular thing] but we have the best chance of fixing it after the election if we still have a country”.
It was never handwaved. It was the least-worse option with some kind of hope given that issue and a thousand others. How many times this has fucking been fucking explained and not fucking understood.
- Comment on Anon works from home 3 weeks ago:
100% remote here – staff not permitted in the office (5 ‘hotel’ spots and a walk-in desk behind a buzz-door staffed by a rotating helldesk rep to receive deliveries and give/get laptops for repair/re-image/replacement. This from like 400 onsite) unless there’s a good reason.
We have a few meetings, but they typically go 15 min or so; CAB meetings, strategy, an hour’s status-and-plans that goes long at 30 min, a ‘watercooler’ meeting for breakfast and random chat, to build the team and get the nerd zoomies out. No one wants to prolong a meeting, and that’s awesome. It’s an interruption, but they block together what they can so it gets it out of the way, and Monday and Friday are kind-of a bust because it’s common for 9x9 ‘compressed’ time workers to take those days off. So Monday and Friday are quiet work-times.
Everything else is handled by a slack-like chat setup, but we light a call if someone needs to show a screen or we need fast chat between many people – crises and the like.
You should come work here. We have a few spots open but they go fast; and people only leave on retirement (thus the opening today).
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
#6 is my Favourite. (Office Cubicle)
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
Cunningham’s Law, where are you?
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
Unless they’re a proper trainer, it’s not a service dog anyway.
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 weeks ago:
1 mile take the bus
This is a complete fiction, right?
Wait. Hear me out.
Chilly snowy winter campuses, especially in the frozen North where it gets chilly and snowy, will often be nigh impassable after they close down the underground tunnels – which they invariably do permanently as soon as there’s any report of crime down there - and then it’s either walking in your moon boots across the couldn’t-afford-to-clear snowy campus pathways in 2ft of snow, or take a bus from one collection point to another and cut down on the trudging.
I dunno how OOP rode his bike, though, unless it wasn’t snowy and kids are used to the shuttle service (me, I’d speed-walk across campus a few times a day. I was in great shape!) .
Just, small bus routes can be crazy-valuable if they avoid risk. That’s all.
- Comment on Chat, is this true? 3 weeks ago:
Like, just the most recent indigenous names, or from one of them before that? It seems arbitrary to fixate on just one civilization just to avoid fixating on exactly one other.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 3 weeks ago:
Not a word. Nice journalism grad.
- Comment on Plex ending support for Watch Together 3 weeks ago:
Plex experience
Fuck you right in your marketer whore mouth.
Sorry. I kinda lost it for a sec. I’m absolutely done with this marketing speech where everything’s an experience or the spend on actioning the ask is the goal of our synergy win. I feel dirty using those whore words, and I feel people are cheap skanks when they use them as well.
I hate thinking people I don’t know yet are just filthy whores, even if the signs are there in full stereo sound. Like somewhere, I hear a shitty saxophone and a porn bass, the jungle drums of cheap sleazy late-stage porn star fucklumpdom.
And I should be better. The whores should be better, bimbos and jimbos, also. Maybe if they all died of syphilis right now I’d be happier.
Yes. Yes I would. I would be happier if everyone who said ‘experience’ like that, or ‘the ask’, or ‘the spend’, or ‘action this’ like they’re too fuckknuckled to choose a fitting verb, or a sales ‘win’, or synergy outside a bio lab; I would be happier if they all died of syphilis.
And then cluster migraines every time someone says ‘emails’. Wait. No, that’s mean. Just a game misconduct penalty of some kind.
-fweet- illegal construction. Penalty! 10 yards. Repeat first grade. (‘yard’ here is a junk punch)
Yeah. Now I’m smiling.
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a femcel 4 weeks ago:
I had a job where the new management lumped “biz casual for keyboarding” under “hygiene”, like anything less than dockers was uncivilized for the dank dark basement.
- Comment on Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude? 4 weeks ago:
accustomed to taking their time
Taking time to do it right? What fucking losers. Wait; why did my heart monitor stop workin--------
- Comment on Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude? 4 weeks ago:
linguistic evolution
“Usage dictates form” is how vapid influencer bimbos are driving English into the dumpster. French evolves: it has a committee to weed out stupid. English has no such guidance, and that’s why it trends toward an appearance we’d call ‘platypodian’ if we could only find some instagram bimbo to promote it.
- Comment on Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude? 4 weeks ago:
I don’t want to agree. Also, I often agree.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 4 weeks ago:
I’m not buying it to give money to Luigi. I’m buying it because it’s good art and I am told I can exchange money for things like good art and - here’s the neat part - I get good art out of the deal.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, my dude.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 4 weeks ago:
Oooo kintsugi. Nice metaphor.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 5 weeks ago:
Surviving Mars: Free Earth Radio
I’ll listen to that on eternal repeat through a full day of work.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 5 weeks ago:
I love how it went from a pic to a shop to a meme to now merch.
I’d buy it.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
Have we applied the same scrutiny to HFCS or refined Sugar itself? Or does sugar get a pass because it was the first plant processed for its sweetness?