- Comment on Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? 1 month ago:
Have you played Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry? It’s not a perfect fit but you do get to hunt down slavers and slave ships.
- Comment on Are Asian Americans in the US more likely or less likely to get harassed by law enforcement compared to other racial groups? 1 month ago:
This is because racism is dumb, illogical, and inconsistent.
- Comment on Could every monarchy and authoritarian/tyrannical societies have been the result of child abuse? 2 months ago:
Don’t forget everyone was also drunk and suffering from lead poisoning
- Comment on do any alternative frontends for twitter still exist? 3 months ago:
I sometimes use, it works fine for me.
- Comment on Is it okay to take drugs to make yourself a better person? Does it make a difference if "better" is mental or if it's physical? 4 months ago:
If your own neurotransmitters aren’t working right, store-bought is fine.
- Comment on Why hasn't Kamala Harris's record of keeping nonviolent offenders in prison, despite SCOTUS ruling, while California AG been brought up much this election? 4 months ago:
Not political
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I can already hear the “Dongchuckler dry heave bubbleslide”
- Comment on [Opinion] Why do so many cozy games suck? 5 months ago:
- Comment on These Alabama Workers Were Swamped by Medical Debt. Then Their Employer Stepped In. 5 months ago:
I love that something like this exists for these workers and demonstrates how freely accessible health care saves everyone (including the company) a whole bunch of money.
I hate that this is a: reliant on the goodwill of a private company and b: bold and revolutionary for the US.
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago:
Disagree: if you start at the top and work down, then the wet spots don’t drip down onto the parts you’ve already dried.
- Comment on What's your favorite controller? 5 months ago:
Right up there with the ergonomic comfort and ease of use of the N64 tripod!
- Comment on How many comics need to be sold for a story to be considered a success? 6 months ago:
So with adjustment:
If the goal is to make a living wring a serial comic, success would be having C>=A so you can afford to keep making and publishing more comics.
- Comment on Blackjack Game Development Company 6 months ago:
BR Softech is a leading
gamegrift development company specializing in creatingimmersive and engagingaddictive and predatory Blackjack games. With a team of expertdevelopers and designerssociopaths and ghouls, we leverage advanced technologies to deliver high-quality graphics (to distract users), smooth gameplay (so they don’t notice how much time and money they’ve spent) and innovative features (to hijack users’ brain chemistry into making them spend money on virtual cards). Our solutions are tailored to meet theuniqueextremely common needs of clients, ensuring a customizedgaminggrifting experience. Whether formobile appspredatory scams for children,online casinospredatory scams for adults, orsocial platformspredatory scams for seniors, BR Softech is committed toexcellence in the gaming industrybilking suckers out of as much cash as possible while providing nothing of value to the user or society as a whole. - Comment on Day 38 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (Minecraft 1.5) 6 months ago:
Man, I remember I got Minecraft right after the Nether’d been introduced. Played pretty constantly until right around the oceans update, and then I got distracted and fell off.
Now looking at it there’s so much it seems almost unrecognizable.
- Comment on After three hours of Bloober's Silent Hill 2, it's unclear who is remaking who 6 months ago:
Later in the article:
I’m writing about the Silent Hill 2 Remake in this scrambled, back-to-front, obnoxious way partly to piss off whoever edits this (to be 100% clear, Team Silent are the creators of the original Silent Hill 2, which Bloober are remaking), and partly to make a point about remakes: that they tacitly or openly position the original game as an “obsolete” museum piece in need of replacement, dismissing the old artistic choices as primitive and incomplete, re-defining the old creative parameters as constraints that need to be lifted. It’s all in the service of the market’s cannibalistic mania for the new, its structural need to ceaselessly bury “the past”, often by directly obstructing non-commercial preservation efforts, and sell you Progress that starts to wither and fade the second you peel away the cellophane.
- Comment on Why won't companies release old games or at least make very old ones free? 7 months ago:
In fact, you can copy and paste this for pretty much any business large enough to have shareholders.
- Comment on Can someone define "liberal" (in its use as an insult) for me? 7 months ago:
Basically liberalism tends to be capitalist, whereas leftism tends to be anticapitalist. Historically, there’s been a pattern of centrists and capitalist allying with authoritarians and fascists against leftists, so the insult boils down to “you’d support a fascist before you went against capitalism”
- Comment on Louis Rossmann's response to harsh criticism of "Stop Killing Games" from Thor of @PirateSoftware 7 months ago:
Only if you think the campaign means that companies must pay for the multiplayer servers forever which Ross has said on MULTIPLE occasions is not reasonable and not what he wants.
Giving players the tools to host their own servers or adding LAN functionality, though? That’s entirely reasonable seeing as that’s how multiplayer always used to work. I mean, there are still plenty of Unreal Tournament servers active today without any involvement from the developer in decades.
Especially since, if this initiative works, developers will make games with that functionality in mind.
- Comment on Do you prefer RTS or Turn based tactics 7 months ago:
See, I like RTS for the same comp-stomping enjoyment because I like the spectacle of it more.
- Comment on Fortnite Players Band Together to Pick on In-Game Tesla Cybertrucks: 'Destroy on Sight' - IGN 7 months ago:
Quoted in the article:
“i propose a new fortnite rule: if you see someone in a cybertruck, you are now in a truce with everyone else in the lobby until they’re taken out. this repeats as many times as necessary until everyone that bought this stupid thing is gone. normal gameplay proceeds.“
- Comment on Google Maps tests new pop-up ads that give you an unnecessary detour 8 months ago:
Please drink your confirmation can now
- Comment on Why is it a common insult for someone to say they slept with your mom? 8 months ago:
The other misogynistic element is the Madonna/Whore complex, in my opinion.
Mothers are often classically viewed as the Madonna (it’s in the name), so they’re good and kind and virtuous.
However, I’ve insinuated that I fucked your mom, and if your mom has fucked, that means she’s a Whore because a Good Woman^tm^ doesn’t have a sexuality. By claiming that I’ve fucked your mom, I’m claiming to have defiled the sacred Madonna and turned her into a profane Whore.
In other words, saying “I fucked your mom” is basically saying “your mom’s a slut”, and in a worldview where women wanting to fuck is a sign of evil, that’s an insult.
- Comment on Why English language is sometimes "lazy", sometimes not 8 months ago:
Re: #6 prior to the invasions of the Angles/Saxons England was invaded by the Romans and a number of cities sprung up in the south populated by latin-speaking peoples. When Western Rome collapsed, the state capacity needed to maintain large urban centers went with it. The Roman inhabitants didn’t leave, though, but instead mixed with the local culture and dispersed into the general population of England.
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
Irish isn’t a race
Well, not any more, anyways.
- Comment on Discussions in the past about not being able to access digital gaming content that users had paid for... 8 months ago:
Digital media of any sort, really.
- Comment on Biden Urged to 'Put Up a Major Fight' Over Mass Layoffs at John Deere 8 months ago:
but the Dems chose Hilary instead
Seems to be implying Bernie Sanders
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
Do you think objectification is good and healthy?
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
Here’s exactly what you want: a feminist forum that’s specifically for discussing men’s issues (including sexuality) in a constructive and healthy manner.
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
See, that’s really interesting to me! The mainstream feminist spaces I’ve interacted with have been very sex-positive, so I’m curious how you’ve experienced this demonization.
- Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months ago:
Christianity I can understand, but would you mind explaining why you think feminism demonizes masturbation?