Personally, I’m more an RTS guy playing games such as command and conquer, AOE 3 (first aoe game I played) and supreme commander.
For the tactical side I have played the newer XCOMs and Commandos on PS2.
I don’t know but the turn based ones never clicked for me, I prefer deciding in real time whilst my opponent is also scrounging up for resources and fueling their armies, I find it to be more engaging because you’re trying to put more map control on you and time for better units etc.
For turn based, it was the core mechanic of waiting for your turn and hoping to fudge the other guy hasn’t sussed you out with good placement.
What about you my fellow Lemmoid/Lemming/Lemmy user? What’s the genre that you like most of the two? 7 months ago
Turn-based all the way. RTS is a test of how fast you can click. APM is king. Turn-based allows you to think and plan and make decisions. Brain is king.
To be clear there’s nothing wrong with liking RTS, it’s just not for me. 7 months ago
I feel the same. Some rts games feel to me more like a test of motor skills than anything else. 7 months ago
Yeah same. Although I started liking RTS but then over the years realized that the stressful click centric realtime part was something I liked the games in spite of, not because.
So voer the years, I slowly went more and more towards TBS.
My current game of choice is Age of Wonders 4. 7 months ago
If you haven’t tried Total War it honestly is the best of both worlds. Manage economy and movement in turn based, RTS battles that let you slow down and pause to issue orders.