- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 1 week ago:
Most games (pre-ai at least) would use a brush for this and manually tweak the result if it ended up weird.
E.g. if you were building a desert landscape you might use a rock brush to randomly sprinkle the boulder assets around the area. Then the bush brush to sprinkle some dry bushes.
Very rare for someone to spend the time to individually place something like a rock or a tree, unless it is designed to be used in gameplay or a cutscene (e.g. a climable tree to get into a building through a window).
- Comment on Water addiction 1 month ago:
The biggest factor is diet - a large portion of ingested water comes from food.
Someone who snacks on carrots is going to need to drink a very different amount of water to stay hydrated as someone who eats jerky and crackers.
There’s also obviously differences in kidney function, salt retention, even just body size. Current medical advice is to just drink when you are thirsty, which works for just about everyone.
- Comment on PhD ain't no MD 1 month ago:
Completely correct. There is also a (much rather in the US) ScD degree - Doctor of science.
In the US, it is often identical to a PhD. If your institution offers it, you just check a box at the end of your program on whether you want a PhD or ScD. In Europe, an ScD is a higher degree than a PhD and requires some extra work to obtain.
- Comment on So I cut my wrist and black my eyes 2 months ago:
I find it kind of bussin’, I find it kind of cap. The dreams in which I’m dying are the ones that kinda slap.
- Comment on The grand prize 3 months ago:
The issue isn’t forwards, it is down.
You have a tungsten rod held in a clamp on a satellite in a nominally stable orbit. Releasing the clamp just means the tungsten rod is now in essentially the same nominally stable orbit as the satellite.
To deorbit it, you need to meaningfully change its velocity. As tungsten is very dense, that takes a lot of fuel. The more fuel that is used, the sooner the rod will hit the ground and the higher the angle.
Simply dropping it means you have to wait months or years for the orbit to naturally decay, a lot of energy will be lost to atmospheric friction, and there is little control over the impact point. Not exactly what you want in your WMD.
- Comment on The grand prize 3 months ago:
Dropping anything in orbit just means it is still in orbit.
You’d need a lot of fuel to deorbit that cube on a steep trajectory.
- Comment on Last channel rule 4 months ago:
But if you could see them, they could see you …
- Comment on California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it 5 months ago:
Well, sort of. HDCP exists, and does make it harder to capture an AV stream.
For interactive content, the current push online components hosted on external servers adds a lot of complexity. While a lot of that stuff can be patched around by a very dedicated community, not every piece of content gets enough community appeal to attract the wizards to do such a thing.
And while anyone can digivolve into a wizard given enough commitment and effort, the onramp is not easy these days. Wayyy back when cracking a game meant opening the file and finding the line for 'if cd_key == ‘whru686’, it was much easier to get casually involved. Nowadays, DRM has gotten so much more sophisticated that a tech background is essentially required to start.
- Comment on Anon makes bad decisions 5 months ago:
Pretty sure he is talking about Burn After Reading, the green text image is from that movie.
- Comment on Those poor plants 5 months ago:
The ideal answer is compost, regenerative agriculture, and (better treated) human-sources waste.
Organic crop yields will almost certainly reduce a bit without animal waste fertilizer, but that is fine since crop consumption will fall by a greater amount due to not needing to feed a bunch of extra animals.
- Comment on Anon gets laid off 6 months ago:
Cats convert CO to CO2, and NOx to N2 (mostly irrelevant for this conversation). In closed space, the exhaust is still deadly, but you are correct in that CO would cause quicker death than CO2 displacing the oxygen.
Relatively low concentrations of CO will cause severe drops in red blood cell’s ability to transport oxygen, then follows unconsciousness and death. CO2 in contrast would require higher concentrations to be effective, as it would only reduce the efficiency of gas transfer in the lungs and lead to slow and painful decreasing blood pH - and a strong panic reflex and the ‘I can’t breathe’ feeling - until eventual unconsciousness and death.
- Comment on Do you prefer RTS or Turn based tactics 6 months ago:
FAF absolutely benefits from action spam, to the point where it breaks the game balance.
T1 assault bots lose to T1 tanks, and they are supposed to because they are half the price and much quicker to build. You can dance them around if you click enough and they will dodge the tank shells… a few micro’d bots can then defeat 10s of tanks. That swing in mass efficiency is already enough to decide the game on maps smaller than 20km.
RTS will always benefit from intensive micro because time is another resource. Doing more actions, assuming they are of positivity utility, gives an advantage over an opponent who does not.