HDCP exists, and does make it harder to capture an AV stream.
Not really. You can just use a $10 splitter from Amazon
Comment on California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it
skibidi@lemmy.world 5 months agoWell, sort of. HDCP exists, and does make it harder to capture an AV stream.
For interactive content, the current push online components hosted on external servers adds a lot of complexity. While a lot of that stuff can be patched around by a very dedicated community, not every piece of content gets enough community appeal to attract the wizards to do such a thing.
And while anyone can digivolve into a wizard given enough commitment and effort, the onramp is not easy these days. Wayyy back when cracking a game meant opening the file and finding the line for 'if cd_key == ‘whru686’, it was much easier to get casually involved. Nowadays, DRM has gotten so much more sophisticated that a tech background is essentially required to start.
HDCP exists, and does make it harder to capture an AV stream.
Not really. You can just use a $10 splitter from Amazon
Mango@lemmy.world 5 months ago
I figure the content that’s not popular enough to already be pirated is coming from smaller artists who should probably have my money.