- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
Shoo, shoo
- Comment on Meow 4 days ago:
Doesn’t work on me, I just shoo them away. Gotta evolve harder if they wanna try manipulating me.
- Comment on Instant removal 2 weeks ago:
Fun fact: people in Brazil used to cook black beans with an iron nail inside the pot to threat anemia and iron deficiency. They removed the nail, in case someone is wondering. Some people might still do it.
Another fun fact: I remember a research concluding that it’s actually effective.
- Comment on Mitosis 2 weeks ago:
My head literally exploded with that meme!
- Comment on South Afruleca 4 weeks ago:
Needs some deepfry
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 5 weeks ago:
And the pollution isn’t a problem, because the strong winds generated will dissipate it away.
Oh, and the entire system must be ai-based
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
I live in a place where people don’t have money to pay for music streaming services, and even here, no one knows about soulseek or similars. What people do is listen to music via youtube. The only reasonably popular music piracy method around here is using telegram groups.
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
Also the book piracy that existed in universities through photocopying and sharing pages.
- Comment on Companionship 2 months ago:
Ouch. Fixed it now, thanks.
- Comment on Companionship 2 months ago:
Fells sad and relatable…
- Comment on Cetaceans 2 months ago:
But how long will your storage media last? Will the technology required to read it still be available in 1500 years?
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
If true, that’s very interesting. A very practical result
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Out of curiosity, is that true, or just your speculation? Are there public data of number of denials per day?
- Comment on Cetaceans 2 months ago:
That if Wikipedia survives 1500 years. Digital media tends to be much more fragile than traditional ones in that aspect.
Well, that if we survive 1500 years, but I’ll let that for another discussion.
- Comment on Judas 2 months ago:
Now everything makes sense
- Comment on cry harder 2 months ago:
Sorry, I didn’t know there was that annoyance in the article, because I use blockers. You can try using to read it, or maybe the reader mode if your browser has it.
- Comment on cry harder 2 months ago:
For the curious ones, a very interesting read:…/moths-drink-birds-tears-…
The “exclusively” part from the meme has apparently no source, though.
- Comment on brains! 3 months ago:
I Upvoted just for the tapioca mention
- Comment on Stress 4 months ago:
I’d love to see the bibliography from that elective
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
The universe was created along with the release os temple os. Everything before are just memories implanted on us.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
Don’t listen to the mods, it’s authority bias!
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
Same for not standing up in the middle of everyone to go out from watching a bad movie in the cinema.
- Comment on Just Terrible 4 months ago:
This is the first time that I see this meme and I’m on the friend group B side, now I know how it feels.
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
It’s because of that kind of thing that I’m always skeptical of startups bringing new and shiny things, that weren’t properly studied or tested, and promising to revolutionize something.
- Comment on He's just lucky I guess 4 months ago:
But what happened to the bug? Found nothing about it in the case report.
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
Shhhh, don’t spoil our secrets!
- Comment on Crypto bros have discovered idle games, and the results are incredibly boring 5 months ago:
I bet you will need a crypto-backed ai startup for that!
- Comment on Biodiversity 5 months ago:
From what I’ve read, they often get trapped in human-made containers and die. The containers are also often less resistant and durable. However, it seems to be still unclear why they do that, if purely by lack of proper shells, or if they see some advantage in some containers.
- Comment on Biodiversity 5 months ago:
But unfortunately, the ocean housing market has been facing a crisis, and a lot of them are finding themselves having to live in plastic waste.
- Comment on Animals that use Drugs 5 months ago:
They even make those ads with images from accidents, saying “if you drink, don’t fly”.