- Comment on Anon is a gamer 12 hours ago:
Well they play for more than a year.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 3 days ago:
No, it is not accurate in humans at all.
Go learn some biology and human history, you are clearly not informed enough to be having opinions here if you’re at the level of thinking alpha is a thing in people.
- Comment on Oscar-Nominated and Broke: Two directors nominated for Academy Awards shine a light on the worsening economics of indie film 3 days ago:
Why are millions of dollar budget films being called indie?
At this point you need to go the gaming route and have up a AA term to encapsulate these businesses over the indies.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 3 days ago:
We co-operated, it was never a case of strongest = leader. They alpha shit is inaccurate.
- Comment on How would a stateless society handle serious threats such as mass murder and terrorism? 3 days ago:
States didn’t exist until a few thousand years ago. Hundreds of thousands of years of human history never had states.
You don’t need a state to function and reducing the concept of state to encapsulate non-state things (eg. Parenting) is a bit silly.
- Comment on This letter from "Friends of Zion" my grandmother received today 4 days ago:
We need to give the stolen land back to the people who live there.
- Comment on ‘There will always be people like you’: Tekken boss blasts ‘disrespectful’ fan for criticising character’s new look 4 days ago:
That’s a dev who’s tired of this fanboy shit.
- Comment on This letter from "Friends of Zion" my grandmother received today 4 days ago:
Israel should be destroyed completely. It’s a coloniser state actively engaged in genocide, let it go the way of Rhodesia.
- Comment on Just Need To Hover A Mouse Over It 5 days ago:
wtf is a vamp kid? And those are literally the goth kids from SP.
- Comment on I miss them so much. 5 days ago:
Oh that’s like every fried rice recipe
- Comment on Is there a !remindme bot scooting around lemmyverse? 1 week ago:
!remindme make a remind me not
- Comment on we are not so different 1 week ago:
The RAOU has set “Little Penguin” as the preferred name and that is why they do.
The gay claim is overblown alt-right shit, one SeaWorld claimed to have changed the name for that reason, no one else ever did.
- Comment on we are not so different 1 week ago:
“Little Penguin” is their more scientific name, so that’s why they would be using it the people living in Sydney would still call it a fairy penguin.
I’m from Melbourne, where the picture is from.
- Comment on we are not so different 1 week ago:
They’re called “Fairy Penguins” when here, “Blue Penguin” is their NZ name.
- Comment on How do we know this is actually Earth, and not just some torture chamber in Hell and we are just being punished? 1 week ago:
What sort of time frame are you expecting to live on if that’s soon for you?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
The idea of censoring key teeth is both hilarious and terrifying.
- Comment on Off-Topic Friday 1 week ago:
How can I be safe when cybering? Is there like e-protection I need to use?
- Comment on Former N.F.L. Player Is Arrested After Protest Over MAGA Plaque | Chris Kluwe, a former punter for the Vikings, was arrested after speaking at a City Council meeting in Huntington Beach, Calif. 1 week ago:
Americans would rather protest and write letters to representatives over actually doing anything constructive.
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 1 week ago:
Satellites aren’t world wide, they’re world orbiting.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 1 week ago:
Haven’t spoken to my brother in years, and we’re in Australia.
I’ve cut off everyone who ever expressed a positive opinion of him.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 1 week ago:
Oh yeah get them angry at you, than they’ll calmly sit by and listen to reason despite never reasoning themself into their belief in the first place.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 1 week ago:
I’d rather be left than right on that.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Don’t disparage Home Alone.
- Comment on Movie sales – including 4K Blu-ray – fell again last year, but if you're going streaming only, you're massively missing out 1 week ago:
I’m going piracy? Digital copies I own forever.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
That’s like every alt history book ever.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Any media that silences it is in support of Trump.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
And yet in all their decades none of them rallied the base like he did.
Remove Trump and you remove most of the power.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 1 week ago:
I think it was meant to be minor attracted person or some shit. I mostly just remember 4Chan trying to lump it into LGBT+ issues
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 1 week ago:
Was that with the MAPS thing?
- Comment on I miss myspace 1 week ago:
While Tom was tomming, Zuckerberg was zucking.
Before either of them Gates was gatesing. TechCrunch entrepreneurs have always sucked.