- Comment on How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be 6 months ago:
How’s that Godus game working out for you Mr. Molyneaux?
- Comment on How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy? 6 months ago:
You’ve got to cast that shit out my man. Bitterness is a poison and will only turn you on yourself or others. I’m not in that situation but you have to look at things as if you haven’t met the right one yet. I won’t tell you to lower your standards but maybe consider trying to find the beauty of a person in a different light. Their intelligence, humor, mannerisms, there’s so many aspects of people to hate and appreciate.
Look at it this way, it’s hard to meet people these days. You go to parties, and find people that go to parties. You get on any dating sites? Chat rooms?
- Comment on Do you prefer RTS or Turn based tactics 7 months ago:
Complicated answer. I love RTS games, grew up with command and conquer. At some point RTS games hit a peak and never quite got back there. In that time, turn-based strategy games continued to grow and evolve and innovate.
But they bore me to fucking tears. I prefer RTS games, but I just don’t play them anymore. None of my friends play them. I can’t get them into it either. So I play turn-based very occasionally.
Also Zero-K has held my attention a bit but it got old after awhile. I miss Westwood.
- Comment on New Scam: Asking to download Signal/Telegram? 11 months ago:
Everyone musing that it’s a legit offer, It’s a pretty common tactic. OP is right to be wary and seek advice. I had someone try #5 on me last week. I enjoy messing with them so I toyed with them until I got several phishy links to the play store in an effort to help me locate Telegram. In OP’s case I would assume it’s either social engineering or phishy hyperlinks. It’s almost like trading for a Shako in D2, you know the dude is probably going to tell you he has to put something in his chest real quick to make room or “accidentally” click off the trade hoping you won’t check it again.