- Comment on South Central Ambulance 999 call handler receives death threats 1 day ago:
Perhaps they could just send an email?
- Comment on This celling ruined my day. 4 days ago:
I guess we won’t ever know that, since your work is 90% hidden. Count your blessings my friend.
- Comment on This celling ruined my day. 5 days ago:
I take it you haven’t done T-bar ceiling install, or pretty much any real world installations. You start with a plan and then 6 other factors pop up.
Stuff like this makes me twitch too, but usually I’m looking for the cause/train of thought/error that lead to it. Often I’ll work backwards far enough to realize shits like that because it is.
- Comment on Day 206 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 weeks ago:
I must say I e never played Skyrim, and I didn’t know how beautiful it could be. I might have to have a closer look.
I play a game called “The Long Dark”, and the first screenshot with the aurora made me do a double take. In that game you are alone in a northern Canadian region that has been abandoned both due to economics as well as some in game magic that makes electricity not work. The survival mode is just “live as long as you can, then die.” It’s permadeath and can be incredibly frustrating and cruel, but the beauty in that game is unreal. I’ve ended a 6 day run (nothing to me now, but a big acheivement at the time) because I was watching the Aurora on a clear winter night. The music was somber and I thought I might freeze to death as I crossed this long rope bridge. I should have been looking at the bridge, because staring up into the sky I suddenly was getting further away from it … It was maybe a 3 second fall as I realized I either walked off the bridge or maybe there was a gap or something.
“You have faded into the long dark.” -wasn’t even mad.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
There’s a whole documentary about it.
- Comment on Day 171 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 1 month ago:
Oh… Oh is that what I was supposed to do?
Found the crafting systems (one for building I guess, one for weapons and food and “handheld” stuff) to be incredibly non-intuitive. For what we all paid, my family had a great evening each accidentally walking into the fire and then running around in a panic onfire while everyone else barely looked up from their craft books.
- Comment on Suspects in Vegas explosion, New Orleans attack served at same Army base, sources say 1 month ago:
Thanks for the follow up. Yeah this info seemed to make the rounds really quick and then go away.
Even if they never met and had no intention of working together, you’d think maybe the powers that be would recognise this potential correlation and have a closer look. (I mean big picture, long term)
- Comment on [Leonard French] Honey Sued in Class Action by Wendover & Legal Eagle (Wendover v. PayPal) 1 month ago:
Sort of. But basically yes, Honey pays creators to advertise their “product” then when a viewer downloads Honey and uses it Honey steals the affiliate code money by swapping their own code in. And also not necessarily giving you the best deal, so they can keep more of the payout.
- Comment on Suspects in Vegas explosion, New Orleans attack served at same Army base, sources say 1 month ago:
Anyone know if a credible source had confirmed this link? So far I haven’t found one.
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 2 months ago:
His supporters don’t ever shut up, despite how uninformed they tend to be.
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 2 months ago:
Ontario did this too. Took a few weeks tops, and now we pay the same as we always have, except none of the money goes to our roads, just to big oil.
Thanks Ford.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
Thank you for taking the time. I find it interesting that it is so important in some cultures for the woman to take the husband’s name, and yet in this example there seems to be zero problems with it …
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
That’s something I didn’t know. Do you have time to explain how that works in China? Or if there’s a good video essay on the subject I’d take that.
- Comment on According to the Wall Street Journal, "Wicked" Parts One and Two cost $320 million ($160 million per film). Both parts were shot back-to-back. 3 months ago:
I did ask for it. Not holding my breath thou.
Also I wanted a series, could have been a 1 or 2 season arch and then Netflix or whoever could flail off into other characters and deeper cannon and non-cannon lore, and I would have had my fill and moved on.
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 3 months ago:
He did tweet that.
- I am not in twitter and will not go to verify it. This is multiple third-party sources
- Comment on Mail addressed to Mr. and Mrs. (husbands name) 4 months ago:
monicle pops out
- Comment on Which are the lesser-known movies that are well worth seeing? 5 months ago:
Repo: A Genetic Opera
- Comment on Not again 5 months ago:
Alan Rickman, what a treasure.
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 6 months ago:
Just make sure to do it from Walmart or Lowblaw or some other government teet sucking price gouging corporation.
- Comment on Dashcam footage clears man of felony charge after showing constable injuring himself 9 months ago:
Then the driver should have been charged with those offences. Also I have no idea how YOU know he was breaking any traffic laws from that video. The officer onsite indicates the lights are not to be trusted, and “speeding”, I’d love to see how you went about determining that from this video…
The cop played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. In a just world once he heals up he would go to jail for the same crime/time as he falsely accused the driver of. Oh well.
- Comment on what's a good way to stick a laser leveler to the wall? 9 months ago:
What type/brand of laser level? Most have magnetic brackets so if you have an outside corner in the room that has a metal drywall corner it will stick to that, or any peice of metal can be screwed to the wall and the level can be stuck to that. Your level may also come with a metal part of the bracket that you can screw to the wall and then stick the lazer to, and slide it up and down to get the right spot.
- Comment on Disco Version of TOS theme with awesome brass and kickass flute solo 10 months ago:
8 year old video too… Wonder what the problem is?
- Comment on There is one uncleared level remaining in Super Mario Maker, with 18 days to go before the servers shut down 11 months ago:
Tool assisted speed run. People write programs to run the game over and over, and by doing that they can prove or disprove potential strats, routes and such and then humans can try them.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
“Passage” is a very short one. But the choices matter.