- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
I agree it’s a huge concern and I also absolutely don’t trust the CDU, and especially Merz, as far as I can throw them. However I’m just saying that the situation is not identical to the USA, there are some points of difference.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
The mid-right said they wouldn’t work with them, but as we have seen that means absolutely nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the
SDPCDU broke that and started working with AfD.I’m also very worried about that, but it’s another point of difference - there were historically enormous protests (tens to hundreds of thousands per city, well over a million total, more than a percent of Germany’s total population) several times recently because CDU looked like it was slightly cooperating with them with an informal and unbinding agreement about immigration. These protests had the support of the churches, the sports leagues. Various senior government figures support outright banning the AfD. It would not be as easy for them as in the USA, where everyone immediately capitulates.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
Let’s be clear here, the right extremist party got over 20% which is really bad for sure, but the mid-right party rules out working with them in a coalition no matter what. That’s rather different from where the rest of the republicans and many democrats fall over themselves to do whatever the lunatic fringe says. Further, the American billionaires are strong influencers of these trends in other countries. The core of the disease is the USA even when there are symptoms everywhere.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Oh yeah then explain this *gestures broadly at everything*
- Comment on Giving the neighbors a laugh 2 weeks ago:
Lmao at the slogan “EasyToys home delivery service. We always come.”
- Comment on WHY 2 weeks ago:
That’s a dishwasher, a “washing machine” is for clothes
- Comment on Is there really a difference between my understanding the phrase "go for a walk" and my dog understanding the phrase "go for a walk"? 2 weeks ago:
No other animal has even come close to creating such a close co-existence with humans.
Horses are at least close
- Comment on Lost in translation 3 weeks ago:
This is getting so tired. Take it up with Facebook.
- Comment on Doordash deserves it's fate 3 weeks ago:
You can definitely get a week worth of groceries for that in the UK or Europe. Nothing fancy, only ingredients, but good nutritional food and enough of it.
- Comment on Select a tip 4 weeks ago:
95, lol, the percentages are there on the screen
- Comment on get a free GOAT (shipping not included) 5 weeks ago:
Dialup? In 2006? Pretty sure we’d had ADSL for well over five years by then, pretty sure everyone had switched where I lived (not USA).
- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 1 month ago:
“30 below [zero]” expected
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 month ago:
This is a good joke but it really lets itself down by switching from “guys” to “dudes” when it’s about the former word…
- Comment on Anon expects more 1 month ago:
I guess that’s not totally wrong but I think being Muslim is definitely one of the things that is scary about the migrants
- Comment on Anon expects more 1 month ago:
Fear mongering from the RN/AFD/PVV/PP/FdI/PiS/Fidesz and other Nazis like them
- Comment on Anon visits America 1 month ago:
No, they’re right, it’s extremely unrealistic to lose much weight in fat in one week. Even if you ate literally nothing and hiked up mountains 12 hours a day, which is obviously impossible, it’d be maximum like 10 pounds. Walking a bit and eating normally? No more than 2, that’s already extremely rapid weight loss.
Water weight on the other hand you can easily lose more than 5 pounds in a day.
- Comment on UFO sightings 2 months ago:
That’s not flying, it’s falling (and based on the shape of many flightless birds, rather likely without style)
- Comment on UFO sightings 2 months ago:
every bird is a UFO if…
Not all birds fly
- Comment on GET REKT 2 months ago:
It’s a good joke but American oligarchs are much richer than Russian ones
- Comment on GET REKT 2 months ago:
Yes, Russia became capitalist so
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
Mostly water, in that case
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
Right, but it doesn’t capture the whole story, namely that it’s arranged in a very particular way
- Comment on We dumb 2 months ago:
Best to rest the comment you’re replying to before going on a tirade - this guy interrupted OPs conversation to lecture them, it’s a proportionate response
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 2 months ago:
Sales tax, has different acronyms in different countries such as Value Added Tax (VAT), Goods and Services Tax (GST)…
- Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 2 months ago:
Of the variable alleles, not all DNA
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
Yes, I’m talking about the state owned companies versus both private companies and individual landlords, rents with the state owned ones are like 20% or more lower than the others and they are usually more responsive to fixing problems, don’t play too many games
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
Yes, that’s ideal. In Germany (where there is a culture much more oriented towards renting than owning) there are a lot of state run landlords and they are great to rent from, reasonable rents, reasonable to deal with (in the local context), etc. And of course they have good laws to protect tenants to back it up. Not necessarily a perfect system but definitely one the rest of the world can learn from. Unfortunately things are still heading in the wrong direction there too right now.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 2 months ago:
- Comment on definitely 2 months ago:
“Commend” is not as difficult for me so I just remember it as re-commend
- Comment on SHINY 2 months ago:
There’s nothing “special” in the way you imagine about quantum phenomena. They are complicated to describe mathematically because we are limited to a fundamentally imperfect set of symbols, but they are not complicated to obtain the requirements for.
All chemical and light-interaction processes use quantum phenomena if you dig enough into how they work, and it’s especially clear on a smaller scale. If you just make something thin enough, it will start displaying quantum effects, but there is nothing that complicated about “thin”.