- Comment on Since they wouldn't understand phones, I'd just tell them I was speaking to demons. 22 hours ago:
I know you said read, but the reason this came to mind was from rewatching an excellent Down The Rabbit Hole video recently. It’s a good one, 24 minutes long and no annoying bullshit or filler. The concept of social density is mentioned in the video, which isn’t something I saw reading the wiki on it or during a quick search.
Side note, these experiments are what inspired the Rats of NIMH books which you may be familiar with.
- Comment on Since they wouldn't understand phones, I'd just tell them I was speaking to demons. 1 day ago:
Makes me think about the concept of social density in the mouse utopia experiments. It wasn’t population density per se that caused the decline of the mouse society, it was the inability to escape social situations.
- Comment on What's the problem sweetie? You've barely touched your eggsicle 1 day ago:
Fantastic post workout snack, hydration and high quality protein.
- Comment on u up babe? 1 day ago:
He’s a thirsty, thirsty man.
- Comment on FOREX is not for the faint hearted 1 day ago:
Using an ATM to get foreign currency is still insanely better than using a currency exchange place like you see in international airports. Talking 1-2% fees versus 15-20% or higher.
- Comment on Good to exercise at home instead of gym? 5 days ago:
I spend a grand on a nice adjustable dumbbell set and a bench and went from 165lbs to 210lbs over the last 18 months with a combination of weight training and eating better. It’s absolutely possible to work out at home with the resources that are out there these days. I do miss some of the equipment at the gym but the convenience of a home gym is just too good.
I would point out that getting lean/shredded is not a function of the gym, it’s a function of the kitchen. You cannot out exercise a bad or even mediocre diet. You can use a gym to build muscle, increase flexibility, or improve cardiovascular fitness, but there’s no avoiding making changes to your diet if you want to decrease body fat.
- Comment on rising sun redbud tree 6 days ago:
Very cool looking plant, but it doesn’t look out of focus to me.
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
I think it’s kinda dumb, much like putting whole little tomatoes on a pizza It’s hard to get topping consistency from bite to bite and they’re likely to roll off.
Taste wise, everyone’s different, I’m not going to judge in that aspect.
- Comment on Marc Rober shows why Tesla's camera-only self-driving system is dangerous 1 week ago:
What makes you think it’s unsure?
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
it’s in the shitpost community and there’s no sources cited
- Comment on Why hasn't video quality improved much over the past ten years? 1 week ago:
A Blu-ray is absolutely compressed. There is no way to get raw video unless you’re shooting it yourself.
- Comment on Happy Pi Day!! 1 week ago:
I write all my dates in military format i.e. dd MMM yyyy, so 16 MAR 2025 for today. Zero ambiguity.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
I don’t follow the logic. Human teeth would be better if more children died? That “quality check” only applies if an organism dies before mating, which happens usually around teenage years for humans.
- Comment on Happy Pi Day!! 1 week ago:
Despite living in the US my whole life, I don’t subscribe to the insane mm/dd/yy ordering, it’s the most ass backwards shit. That’s why I wrote 22 July. Not sure how you got 22nd month out of that when it’s unambiguous.
- Comment on Happy Pi Day!! 2 weeks ago:
Real heads know 22 July is the more accurate Pi day.
22/7 = 3.143
- Comment on You have to pick one 2 weeks ago:
The spring imparts the same amount of energy to the marble and bowling ball. The two objects are not at the same velocity, the marble would be moving significantly faster.
- Comment on You have to pick one 2 weeks ago:
Air resistance will affect the marble more since it’s traveling faster. I also feel like either mass (or more likely, density) of the object matters, which would advantage the bowling ball in this aspect too.
- Comment on You have to pick one 2 weeks ago:
I think they’ll both be exactly the same difficulty to stop due to conservation of energy. If the spring used is the same for both the bowling ball and the marble, the bowling ball is going to be going much, much slower than the marble.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Get a deep UV flashlight (280nm Nichia LED works very well) with a high pass filter on the end to eliminate any stray visible light it emits. Fire it up in your own home in the dark. Deep UV is great for making things fluoresce and the high pass filter increases the signal to noise ratio, so to speak.
You will be absolutely disgusted. There are drops of liquid and other flakes of random shit everywhere. There is no escape, it would be a Herculean effort to clean it all and keep it clean.
Not saying that hotels aren’t nasty, but you’ve probably got a bunch of similar stains in your home or apartment right now.
- Comment on What does a week of groceries look like to you? 2 weeks ago:
Trip to Costco every 1.5-2 months to stock up on meat and whatever else we can buy in bulk and freeze. This trip completely fills the freezer and requires reorganizing it and breaking down the bulk packages and vacuum sealing smaller portions for single meals for two people. We also do a similar trip to H-Mart for Korean things and a huge bag of rice.
Trip to the grocery store weekly to grab smaller things we might need. Sometimes it’s much larger than others. Big meal prep day on Sunday so we don’t have to do as much work during the week.
Lists are essential so I can free up that memory for something else. I also will think of things at the most random times and I’d never remember them without immediately putting them on the list.
- Comment on Wankpanzers 2 weeks ago:
The same way it works in any vehicle with a motor and a transmission.
- Comment on How was this old "no hands pushup" viral video made? 3 weeks ago:
You’d have to have the most insanely strong calves in history to push up using your feet only.
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 4 weeks ago:
Horses still breathe through the same pharynx that food goes through, a lot of people here are misunderstanding the question.
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 4 weeks ago:
That air is still going through the same tube as the food though, regardless of nose or mouth breathing.
- Comment on I miss them so much. 4 weeks ago:
I don’t think I’ve had fried rice without eggs before. Isn’t that one of the core ingredients?
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 4 weeks ago:
I got called into the office by my supervisor for a verbal counseling because I used the words “myriad” and “recalcitrant” in an email to a subordinate who was not doing their job.
- Comment on Get a smiley for driving too fast 5 weeks ago:
It’s an arrow.
- Comment on Where did Captain Planet go when he flew away? 5 weeks ago:
Captain Planet has to go off and use his prostate massager so he can bust so hard he’s reduced to his constituent elements.
- Comment on The IT Crowd: Jen has been transported 5 weeks ago:
It says “speaking in Italian” on my pirated copy.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 5 weeks ago:
I think probably because there’s no sensory input and I’m just there floating in the darkness with only my breathing and heartbeat. It’s not like the whole time I’m in the tank I’m tripping, but I have had some psychedelic adjacent experiences. Not so much the visual and auditory hallucinations, but rather the psychedelic thoughts. Pondering the nature of my existence, fleeting moments of feeling cosmic and eternal, that sorta thing.
I wouldn’t recommend psychedelics to everyone but I’m glad I’ve dabbled. Those in a stable mental state would probably have a worthwhile experience eating some shrooms and sitting down in the woods.