And there are monkeys that steal drinks from beach resorts.
Animals that use Drugs
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
What’s really interesting is that study was made and the distribution of social drinkers, nice drunks, mean drunks, etc, roughly matches that of the humans. 5 months ago
I mean it’s not really that surprising. We are pretty similar to apes (and maybe monkeys?) socially. 5 months ago 5 months ago
And dolphins like to kick puffer fish around to get high 5 months ago 5 months ago
First time I laughed out loud today. Thanks! 😀 5 months ago
Thanks for clarifying. At first I mistook it for a photograph. 5 months ago
Puff, puff, pass. 5 months ago
Jaguars actually eat the leaves of b. capii, which acts as a MAOI in the Ayahuasca brew.
While there is some discussion that the harmala alkaloids in b. capii might also be slightly psychoactive in high doses, the actual main compound in Ayahuasca is DMT, which is certainly very psychoactive, but not bioavailable when consumed orally without a MAOI. Unless the jaguars have figured out how to combine the two and/or brew ayahuasca, I strongly doubt that’s their intention and that they’d get comparable effects.
I think the idea stems from BBC show Weird Nature showing a jaguar eating yage leaves in episode 6, “Peculiar Potions”.
I’m not really sold on how well that content was researched. 5 months ago
B. caapi is called ayahuasca, as well as being an ingredient in the brew with the same name, so the image is not technically wrong. 5 months ago
Sure. In my opinion, however, the overall context of the image would lead people to believe the jaguar enjoys similar effects to those clearly requiring the presence of DMT, as that is what is most people commonly associate with ayahuasca.
It’s a bit of a “look at all those animals getting high, this jaguar is even talking to machine elves in the 19th dimension” kinda thing, where - if I remember correctly - they actually consume the leaves for digestive purposes. 5 months ago
The mental images of the consequences of running into, and then having to fight, a jaguar who’s high on ayahuasca is both hilarious and terrifying.
„Bro, chill out! The strawberry fractals are a mere figment of your imagination and can’t hurt you.“
„CHRAOW! CHRAOWOW!! Satayskewers!“ 5 months ago
Came here for this, was planning a trip to see a Jaguar shaman but I guess that’s off now 5 months ago
I remember reading that the Sami people used to drink the piss of a reindeer that had eaten fly agaric/fly amanita mushrooms since even though they’re poisonous, most of the poison gets left in the reindeer while the nice hallucinogenic stuff passes through. Wikipedia put it a bit differently:
Patrick Harding describes the Sami custom of processing the fly agaric through reindeer.
Processing does sound nicer. 5 months ago
I remember reading about this too (cannot remember where exactly. It was a long time ago) and how that practice helped shape the idea of Santa’s flying reindeer. 5 months ago
“Ualabis”? Is that supposed to be “wallabies”?
As best I can tell from searching, that’s kind of the Spanish word for “wallabies” (translate gives “ualabies”). Seems like a weird choice. 5 months ago
The ulabis doesn’t really seem to fit the infographic.
Eating opium plants when food is scarce doesn’t really fall under the “drug use” category as it seems like it would have to be done.
The other uses were chosen 5 months ago
opium plants
Do you mean “poppies?” 5 months ago
Aye, poppy 5 months ago
also, if it’s the australian marsupial that it looks like… “Wallaby” 5 months ago
What? No way bats can fly under influence! They are not above the law. 5 months ago
Why is he running, Dad?
Because we have to chase him 5 months ago
That’s why they fly upwards into international space first, duh. 5 months ago
They even make those ads with images from accidents, saying “if you drink, don’t fly”. 5 months ago
Bees also get drunk. If they try to enter the hive while drunk, they get kicked out to sober up 5 months ago
From what I read they don’t only get kicked out but absolutely mutilated by ripping their limbs off 5 months ago
:( 5 months ago
Whoa jeez, that wasn’t in the documentary I saw but I do see on YT that it happens. Jeez 5 months ago
Meanwhile the Siberian Nomad off to the side waiting for whichever reindeer that gets the plants to take a piss 👁️👄👁️ 5 months ago
I am not sure if I am scared of a high jaguar or want to pet it. Maybe both?
Jaguar to his buddy: “Dude, I was so baked I let a hairless monkey pet me. I got the munchies though, so I ate him.” 5 months ago
This is documentary video of animals on the savannah eating fermented marula is great
the hung over warthog is so relateable! 5 months ago
I was going to recommend the movie this is from, “Animals are Beautiful People”! It’s an older Disney produced documentary from the 70s I think. They put a comedic twist on the narraration and add plenty of cartoon sound affects throughout the film 5 months ago
I do not recommend it. Firstly, it’s not a Disney movie. It was made by a white South African in South Africa during apartheid.
A lot of it is just made up and some of it is clearly animal abuse. There’s no question that a weaver bird nest was set on fire for the movie.
The elephant thing isn’t even true. It’s staged with creative editing. 5 months ago
ualibis 5 months ago
Apparently the Spanish translate Wallaby. TIL 5 months ago
I thought it may have been a more accurate and respectful transcription of the First Nations language the word came from, as opposed to the simplified colonial-era anglicisations, though it being Spanish orthography makes sense. 5 months ago
Humans: hold me beer, joint, shrooms, cactus, and chemistry set 5 months ago
I bet other animals would do the same if they weren’t getting high all the time and could figure it out for themselves. 5 months ago
Oh, heck yeah! 5 months ago
Is there a reason we haven’t tried this narcotic fungi?
Shrooms are great, why not try other 'gi? 5 months ago
Humans actually do, but they do it by drinking the reindeer piss after the reindeer have eaten it. 5 months ago
I imagine it’s either there’s a chemical in the new fungi that specifically makes the rams high but not us or there is something in there that doesn’t affect them but is toxic to us 5 months ago
Based on a cursory Google searchch with the terms “bighorn sheep”+“Psychoactive fungi” it would seem they are referring to rumors of a psychoactive lichen that have not been formally identified.
-Also, mushrooms are fungi.
-Thirdly, you don’t want to eat Amanita Muscaria aka fly agaric unless you have thorough knowledge of what your doing. It contains a hepatotoxic compound (hence the deer piss reference in someone else comment) and it’s not to be confused the Psilocybin containing mushrooms AKA magic mushrooms. —The more you know 🌈 5 months ago
There’s an urban legend that koalas spend their entire lives drunk because the eucalyptus leaves they subsist on ferment inside them, though maybe that’s just because they look a bit dopey. 5 months ago
Amarula logo. Not a bad liquor at all. 5 months ago
And wasps! They get drunk and aggressive in years with lots of overripe fruits. 5 months ago
the fuck is a ualabi.
(Bad example if they mean wallaby, opium is an invasive species and they only eat it out of desperation. A better one would be the chronically addled eucalyptuc meth head that is the koala) 5 months ago
[off topic]
Some believe that beer was the trigger to the change from hunter/gatherer to agricultural society. 5 months ago
There’s also a stoned ape theory about the cognitive evolution of human consciousness through consumption of psilocybin mushrooms. 5 months ago
thats so epic 5 months ago
How can jaguars consume ayahuasca if it is a beverage containing various ingredients that work together to be potent? What do they actually consume?
Ayahuasca is a hallucinogen commonly made by the prolonged decoction of the stems of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub, although hundreds of species are used in addition or substitution (See “Preparation” below). P. viridis contains N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a highly psychedelic substance. Although orally inactive, B. caapi is rich with harmala alkaloids, such as harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine (THH), which can act as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOi). This halts the liver and gastrointestinal metabolism of DMT, allowing it to reach the systemic circulation and the brain, where it activates 5-HT1A/2A/2C receptors in frontal and paralimbic areas. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Thanks. That was a bit too anecdotal for me so I actually searched around a bit more. Didn’t find much but at least this one review article:…/a-1586-1665.pdf
Banisteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) C. V. Morton (Malpighiaceae): jaguar Some Amazonian people credit their uses of Banisteriopsis caapi, also widely known as ‘ayahuasca,’ from watching jaguars [14]. In the Amazonian rainforest, jaguars have been filmed gnawing on the bitter roots, bark and leaves of this plant, after which they appear dazed, rolling on their backs ( A similar behavior reported in many felid species, including domestic cats, is the frenzy induced by catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) or silver vine (Actinidia polygama [Siebold & Zucc.] Planch. ex Maxim.), which are reported to also have mosquito-and bedbug-repellent activities [54, 55].
Jaguarsʼ ingestion of ayahuasca can tentatively be classified as Mode 3 self-medication, for many of the same reasons given above, or possibly Mode 4 if evidence were available to show jaguars using the plant were doing so directly for its anthelmintic properties. However, more detailed information is needed to further understand the context of jaguars and other animals consuming plants with hallucinogenic properties by; for example, do they hunt afterwards, or do they ingest plants when parasite levels are high, and does it subsequently lower these levels? The plantʼs properties could promote alertness or simply be a byproduct of Jaguarsʼ hedonic attraction to the plant, with the functional value being its antiparasitic properties. These pharmacological properties lend support to the functional aspects of the plant for jaguars, but more work needs to be done to understand the possible adaptive value of hallucinogen ingestion in animals.
Although the presented evidence is again this same short, very heavily edited video of a jaguar supposedly tripping on the yage vine.
And regarding the effect on or the reasons of the jaguar, we apparently don’t know and how could we, if all the evidence is this one short clip already suggesting what it is doing? Not very satisfying I must say. 5 months ago
Just a guess, but carnivores usually have extra potent stomach acids. Maybe there is a different chemical reaction that activates the ‘DMT’ effect in a different but similar way? 5 months ago
Apparently the jaguars don’t eat the DMT containing shrub P. viridis, but this other ingredient in ayahuasca called yage (Banisteriopsis caapi) that does not contain DMT (see the other response to my last comment).
Harmine, 0.31–8.43% Harmaline, 0.03–0.83% Tetrahydroharmine, 0.05–2.94% These alkaloids of the beta-carboline class act as monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOIs).
So, no psychoactive substance, right??
Maybe the jaguars are not actually tripping but are just using it for their metabolism?
MAOIs are also used as antidepressants in humans because they inhibit the metabolism of monoamine compounds such as serotonin and norepinephrine.. Maybe the jaguars are going for this? 5 months ago
What about the birds that get drunk off of fermented cherries and smash into a stuff? We need to do something about these FWIs or nobody will be safe. 3 months ago
honestly basically any animal that eats fruit will end up drunk at some point, a classic children’s story here in sweden has a scene where their chickens get drunk, and it’s pretty regular fare to hear about moose getting drunk on fermented apples from peoples’ back yards. 5 months ago
inb4 catnip 5 months ago
It makes a nice tea. 5 months ago
The Catnip police coming to jail your cat. 5 months ago
You know that mountain what where Moses did the thing with the burning bush? Hallucinogenic mushrooms. 5 months ago
Cedar waxwings get drink on fermented mulberries and roll around on the ground. 5 months ago
The Elephant getting drunk bit is a bit sus
They’d have to eat a massive amount to get drunk. 5 months ago…/elephants-get-drunk-because-they-ca…
This disagrees 5 months ago
now i can only think of a group of reindeer in DEA vests fighting another of group of reindeer not wearing DEA vests 5 months ago
Leemurs provoke centipedes to make them excrete their defensive toxin, but then the lemurs just use that toxin to get high and repel mosquitos. 5 months ago
The word just is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.
Get high _and_repel mosquitos?
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