- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 3 months ago:
I use refrigerated filtered water in mine. Maybe I just don’t set the heat too high though? I use a coil stovetop and put the knob around 7.5/10. Coffee takes 7-8 minutes after I turn it on.
- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 3 months ago:
I’ve used a moka pot nearly every day for 10 years, never burned my coffee with it. I’m not even sure how you’d do that unless you just completely ignore it when it’s done and leave it on the stove forever.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
I love Reign of Fire. And honestly I think the CGI has held up surprisingly well for a 2002 movie (although not at all perfect).
6.2/10 IMBD, 41% critic/49% audience on Rotten Tomatoes.
- Comment on House Centipedes 4 months ago:
Took a lot of getting used to when I moved to the East Coast for grad school. Supposedly they do live in my home state but I can’t recall ever seeing one here. It’s mostly spiders, millipedes, and earwigs where I’m from.
The thing that really freaked me out about centipedes is how absurdly fast they are. Also the one time I watched one crawling above me in bed and then it dropped onto my pillow **what the fuck**.
- Comment on Subnautica 2 - Official Teaser Trailer 4 months ago:
Agreed, I loved Below Zero. It was very much a small step forward from Subnautica, and I think people were expecting a bigger step forward. But it was always a glorified DLC for the original. Knowing that, it’s extremely enjoyable. I’ve played it through twice and I do love it in it’s own right.
This teaser has me hopefully that Subnautica 2 will be a true sequel. More polished, a bigger improvement on the original. Maybe I’m naive, but I’m gonna choose to be hopeful.
- Comment on Don't do it. 4 months ago:
It’s one big maple in the front yard, and it only killed the grass in a circle under the thickest part of the canopy. Come spring we had a brown circle that only dandelions were growing in with grass doing just fine outside the circle.
I do think part of the problem could have been the extremely wet fall & winter we had. Felt like the rain never stopped.
- Comment on Don't do it. 4 months ago:
See, I did the whole “leave the leaves” thing last year and it completely killed the vegetation under my big maple tree. It was kind of nice since it gave me a chance to replace that grass with clover, but now I don’t want the clover to die.
It’s been a year and we will have maple leaves from last year that haven’t decomposed. Not quite sure what I’m supposed to do.
- Comment on Follow this daily workout for huge gains 4 months ago:
Now everyone needs to play all the clones of that dumb auto-shooter on rails. Their ads keep telling me that game is going VIRAL right now. I think they must have misunderstood someone saying their ads are like a virus.
- Comment on Social media in a nutshell 5 months ago:
I will absolutely not bitch about the cold. I spend every day above 70 F wishing it were the dead of winter. I spend every day of winter in pure bliss because I’m not just permanently uncomfortable.
You can mitigate the cold in a plethora of ways. Layers, blankets, central heating, radiators, fire, cuddling. The heat will make me miserable all the time and the best I can do is temporary relief by a cold shower.
On a subzero winter day I’m having the time of my life in the morning walking to a local bakery for some donuts to bring home. No way I’m doing that in summer, I’d be absolutely drenched in sweat when I got home.
- Comment on Coming up with new names is hard 5 months ago:
Could be a lot of places. Washington is full of them, too.
- Comment on Animals that use Drugs 5 months ago:
“Ualabis”? Is that supposed to be “wallabies”?
As best I can tell from searching, that’s kind of the Spanish word for “wallabies” (translate gives “ualabies”). Seems like a weird choice.
- Comment on Twitter API has a list of users who are allowed to use racial slurs 6 months ago:
The same kind who have a separate variable for
that’s just another list of users almost identical to the first one. - Comment on Linguistics 7 months ago:
Gen Z slang really pushes my descriptivist tolerance.
- Comment on Funding 7 months ago:
- Comment on Big & lil bros 7 months ago:
*Except cheetahs.
- Comment on Funding 7 months ago:
Sorry. Age gets us all! If it’s any consolation, depending on when you started reading we may not be more than ~10-15 years apart. I remember the 2004 ones being new and I’m in my early thirties.
- Comment on Funding 7 months ago:
I’ve been reading them for something like 2/3 of my life based on the first one I remember reading new.
- Comment on Alignment Chart Shitpost 7 months ago:
Yeah, all it takes is one cat who goes for it and you’d have to adjust. I just don’t believe it’s super common the way common wisdom on the internet suggests.
I also think the amount of other enrichment your cats get can deter this sort of “naughty” behavior. I see that as them trying to find something fun to do. If they have other outlets I would hypothesize they’d be less inclined towards this.
- Comment on Alignment Chart Shitpost 7 months ago:
Either I’m the luckiest person ever or this isn’t as universal as everyone always makes it out to be. My house was always a multi-cat household growing up and I’ve got one cat of my own now. In total I’ve lived with 8 cats and my parents have had another 3 since I moved out. We have always aligned the toilet paper and not once that I’m aware of did our cats ever unroll it.
- Comment on Planning to propose in a few months, what should I look for in a good value engagement ring? 7 months ago:
IMO, an agreement to get married should be a mutual discussion, not a surprise. My wife and I also decided to get married by having a discussion and then went ring shopping together. We went with a blue topaz. Super pretty and didn’t break the bank.
- Comment on answer = sum(n) / len(n) 7 months ago:
I agree with your first paragraph, but unwinding that emergent behavior really can be impossible. It’s not just a matter of taking spaghetti code and deciphering it, ML usually works by generating weights in something like a decision tree, neural network, or statistical model.
Assigning any sort of human logic to why particular weights ended up where they are is educated guesswork at best.
- Comment on Academia to Industry 7 months ago:
I generally tell people the only reason to do it is if your career pursuits require it, and even then I warn them away unless they’re really sure. Not every research advisor is abusive, but many are. Some without even realizing it. I ended up feeling like nothing more than a tool to pump up my research advisor’s publication count.
It was so disillusioning that I completely abandoned my career goal of teaching at a university because I didn’t want to go anywhere near that toxic culture again. Nevertheless, I did learn some useful skills that helped me pivot to another career earning pretty good money.
So I guess I’m saying it’s a really mixed bag. If you’re sure it’s what you want, go for it. But changing your mind is always an option.
- Comment on Anon gets calls from scammers 7 months ago:
Using racial slurs isn’t only damaging and insulting to the person being directly talked to or about. I suggest adopting a blanket position against racial slurs in any context.
- Comment on Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.? 8 months ago:
My current workplace has an official policy of flexing hours for salaried employees. Which is exactly what you just described: if you work time outside of your regular hours, take comp time off for it. And my supervisor is probably the best boss I’ve ever had, she’s super respectful of our team’s time and work-life balance so we don’t even need to run flex time by her. As long as we mark it on our calendars we can just do whatever. A good boss makes such a huge difference.
- Comment on Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.? 8 months ago:
I’m also 9-5 salaried, hybrid with 1-2 days in office each week and the rest from home. It’s very nice.
Salaried can be a double-edged sword. The occasional self-motivated “I actually really need to get this done” is no big deal, but some workplaces will pile work onto salaried workers with no respect for work-life balance. So you’re left with either not getting your work done and feeling stress because you can’t keep up, or regularly working extra hours for free so you feel stress because you don’t have enough personal time. What kind of job it is can depend really heavily on your direct supervisor and general workplace culture. I had to suffer through a few of the bad kind of salaries positions before I lucked into finding a good one.
- Comment on Remembering the legend 8 months ago:
I sincerely doubt anyone at that zoo didn’t suffer a severe emotional loss that day. That was an awful situation, and while I do think the zoo has the blame it is not because of their decision that day. For the employees, the death of an animal at a zoo can easily cause grief akin to the death of a family member or pet, depending on how closely they worked with the animal.
Once that child was in the enclosure they really didn’t have time to try out different options that may have aggravated Harambe. Any option, including the lethal one, presented a risk to the child. They chose the option they thought gave the best chance to save the child.
Where the zoo has blame is the design of the habitat such that a child could just crawl in. I know they’ve learned from their terrible mistake and changed the design, but they really should have known better in 2016.
- Comment on Don't let your dreams be memes ✨️ 8 months ago:
The bunnies in my neighborhood appreciate this very much.
- Comment on Don't let your dreams be memes ✨️ 8 months ago:
For better or worse, my local/state government doesn’t consider them noxious weeds because they’re so firmly established that we can never get rid of them.
- Comment on Autism 9 months ago:
I’m pretty sure the age and gender in that table is just showing the frequency of the ages in the sample, not a crosstab of age or gender with personification/anthropomorphism.
So that’s saying their autistic population skewed younger than their non-autistic population. Which isn’t unsurprising, it’s a lot easier to get a diagnosis as a child, and generally easier to get diagnosed now compared to a few decades ago. So people over 35 or so are going to just be less likely to have had the opportunity for diagnosis. The authors do address differences in gender representation between the samples but I don’t see age addresses specifically. It could just be that younger people tend to personify/anthropomorphize more, so since the sample of people with autism skewed pretty heavily towards the 16-24 group the results could instead be displaying differences by age. I don’t think they quite have the sample size to delve into age too much. I think they’d only be able to get away with doing two groups at 34 & under and 35+. That would be a good start though.
This is also a heavily self-selected population, apparently largely from social media. I’m always automatically skeptical of social media sampling.
I would’ve liked to see a little more detail about exactly which tests and assumptions they were using. The gender difference looks like they did a t-test, but it’s left to the reader to assume they ran a two-tailed t-test. They could easily have bolstered their numbers by reporting the one-tailed test.
- Comment on Core Keeper - Console & PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement Trailer 9 months ago:
Oh nice, I picked this up a while back to play on Steam Deck. Very nice 2D Minecraft/Terraria-esque sandbox game. Looks like I’ll be starting a new playthrough for 1.0. 😁