- Comment on Mother 2 hours ago:
Johnathan Swift would have a field day with this.
- Comment on How much of a risk is it for naturalized US Citizens (or those with Derivative Citizenship) to protest against the US government, compared to natural-born US Citizens? 1 week ago:
If no consequence comes for not following court order it wouldn’t matter if you were Hunter Biden, they’d deport you and no one could stop them.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 4 weeks ago:
They’re already posturing Pete Buttigege to be their next chosen one. I wonder if the dems will even bother with primaries this time around.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 4 weeks ago:
If you dont understand the refrence you probably wont be able to tell if it’s necessary for understanding though. Sure youll underatand the second line on its own but that doesn’t necessarily mean the part you dont understand isn’t important. For all the out of the loop reader knows, that’s info is pertinent to the title too, how could they even evaluate if it is or isn’t if they don’t understand it. Less than half of English speakers had English as a first language, its still built up on needless pretense for the sake of what?
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 4 weeks ago:
Her reference here is certainly more of a turn of phrase but the fact that shes defending pop culture references as communication while accusing of gatekeeping is what’s more hypocritical.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 4 weeks ago:
References not everyone gets are a form of gatekeeping too just saying.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
because the people who do the punishing also like money and get more of it from continuing the status quo than punishing other money makers.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Because our society financially rewards people for taking advantage of other people, so it would be silly to expect it to stop.
- Comment on In some countries (such as the USA), sending encrypted communications via Amateur Radio is illegal, but how likely will the government actually enforce it, and how severe would the consequences be? 1 month ago:
Its not too hard to set up most modern trancievers for digital modes, I think the harder part would be making the mode itself.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
The laws exist for the same reason they always did, to stop us from acting like them.
- Comment on Are affordable apartments easy and cheap suicide prevention? 2 months ago:
Disease prevention too
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
How much you poop is going to vary based both on your body and your diet. Ive read anywhere from 3 times a day to once every 3 days can be normal.
- Comment on DNA 2 months ago:
My favorite part of the atom is the &uclease
- Comment on Related to the recent question: A family member has told me that my inheritance after they're gone is for becoming a live-with landlord. Is that ethical? 3 months ago:
This may be cliche but your actions always extend further than you, the people to whom you chose kindness will help that kindness ripple out. If we had the clarity to be able to see the entirety of the consequences of the actions we take like that we may just become overwhelmed with positive feelings for once.
- Comment on Related to the recent question: A family member has told me that my inheritance after they're gone is for becoming a live-with landlord. Is that ethical? 3 months ago:
In the city I live in there are a lot of larger old houses that have been split into three living units on each floor. Theres no way to buy individual floors of these houses so if you want to own it yourself you either rent out two units or take two units of liveable space out of the market.
Owner occupied small properties are probably the least offensive kind of landlording, and in the example above, taking two units off the local market because you want to make sure the ethics are in check likely means two families will end up with worse landlords.
From a technical standpoint its still probably not ‘ethical’ but neither is half the things we have to do daily to not die the way the system is set up. Child and forced labor exist deep in the supply chain of materials that goes into our goods and food. Underage undocumented migrants fill US meat factories too.
First and foremost though, physician heal thyself. If this is the way you have to get housing for yourself, house yourself. No one else is going to house you because your ethics are on point. Maybe im a bad anarchist for this one, but if this property is the difference between you having a house and not, dont sweat it too much. Our society doesn’t exactly shower us with housing choices these days.
- Comment on conditional probability 3 months ago:
The new women in mens fields trend is the same thing. Its there to agravate people by doing the thing people claim to hate just to a different group. Equality does not mean every one gets a turn at being the opresser and I can see why young people start to consider themself anti feminists if these two trends are the most interaction you’ve ever done with feminism. Which is likely since I don’t really see any other big social movements.
Maybe its not my place to critisize the way they choose to operate but all im saying is if you told me both of those trends were Russian plots to stoke anger at feminists I’d believe you easily.
- Comment on alpha 3 months ago:
Alpha, beta, sigma, all just types of prison bitch. Scientifically speaking.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
You and me baby aint nothing but mamals, so lets lead a revolution like on discovery channel
- Comment on USA President term limits 4 months ago:
So then what does the insurrection clause of the 14th amendment do? Just paper filler? If someone was under 35 it wouldn’t matter how many votes they got for president, if someone wasn’t a naturalized citizen it wouldn’t matter how many votes they got. Im not asking for antidemocratic things to be banned, im asking for the law to be followed.
- Comment on USA President term limits 4 months ago:
Well its a good thing Biden avoided seeming like a tyrant so that an actual tyrant could take power. That makes it make sense.
- Comment on USA President term limits 4 months ago:
Whos gonna enforce their decision? Executive brance is every cop and every corrections officer in the country, they are under the executive branch ans answer tl the president, not the judicial or legislative branches. What Biden tells them goes, no ifs ands or buts.
- Comment on USA President term limits 4 months ago:
Biden was the chief executive I don’t know why the courts had any say in executing a law that is already on the books. A strong president would have done his job executing the law and making the SC enforce their over reaching decision themselves.
- Comment on USA President term limits 4 months ago:
In that case free his would be assassins, nothing illegal about trying to kill a movement, just ask the CIA, they do it all the time.
- Comment on is "oh boy" considered a gendered term? 4 months ago:
If anyone gets upset at that, start saying ‘Oh trans masc’ instead of ‘oh boy’ until they leave you alone forever.
- Comment on Is it okay to continue to work for a (non-defense) federal government agency under an administration hostile to my own moral and ethical beliefs? 4 months ago:
Bro I may sabotage it until I get dismissed and use that insider information to short his stock. See how elmo likes being on the losing end of stock manipulation.
- Comment on Is it okay to continue to work for a (non-defense) federal government agency under an administration hostile to my own moral and ethical beliefs? 4 months ago:
I know this is cliche as hell, but only you are going to be familiar enough with your position to be able to know if you can effect change, prevent harm, or if your labor won’t be able to do much but perpetuate things you stand against. Id wager it wouldn’t happen all at once, but eventually you may see a red line you don’t want to cross. Use the time you have now to keep an eye out for a job listing that looks like a Cinderella slipper, and if you start seeing that red line coming up, then start to seriously consider whatever offers you cant find that seem workable to you.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 4 months ago:
Im using this comment to make myself avaliable for communication for anyone who’s considering getting a gun. The only thing I like more than guns in the face of fascism is taking gun culture back from the chuds and giving it to the people who are actually at risk. I’ve introduced many of my friends to firearms both on and off the firing line. Anyone reading and curious can comment or message me, I will do my best to give good, safe advice appropriate for your situation and flat out admit if I don’t have the answers you’re looking for.
- Comment on What can I do to help? 4 months ago:
Mutual Aid networks and Direct Action groups. Build paralell power structures. Even a violent revolution is useless if we don’t have these bases to build progress on, and if we’re really really lucky, we may even be able to avoid violence with such a network.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
The real answer is resistance is a network, no one is a video game protagonist, its a little late to start networking but look for whats called direcrt action groups. Dont expect rambo shit, mostly you’re going to be removing fascist stickers and posters and helping the local unhoused and at risk populations.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Not today, CIA