To clarify, they want me to use the money to buy a duplex / other property for me take care of (for the entire place) and to renovate and to live in, while renting out the other unit/room/whathaveyou so that I don’t have to worry about property taxes or the basic necessities of life.
(feel free to ignore this paragraph explaining my anxities and ignorance)The entire topic of inheritance and the circumstances leading to one has caused several of my worst panic attacks when it has been brought up in the past. (Bad enough to require medication assistance to regulate) And thankfully, this family member was aware and stopped bringing it up as they were in the habit of doing. Over the last 2 years I’ve come a long way with my issue and getting help fortunately, which has proven to be useful in this context recently. Their health recently took a scary decline, I’ve been able to regulate myself in the discussions that have followed, within reason.
I haven’t yet been capable of asking the specifics on how much money it will be, or if there will be any trusts or whatever etc. And honestly, I don’t think I’ll be able to in the near future. But the way they talk about it, it sounds as though it will be enough to at (at least almost) pay for a small duplex type of situation.
I’m currently unhoused, and have been for over a year, so there is no love of capitalism in me, much less any desire to “be a landlord”. I feel very ethically convicted against becoming what I think of when I think of Landlords, even one of those local 2-3 property owning ones.
Unfortunately I feel that clashing with the rest of values surrounding honoring the wishes of what is currently my last surviving relative (who I still remain in contact with and love dearly). Not to mention whatever might be a part of any legal stuff pertaining to her will. (which I know hardly anything about and still makes me panicked just typing about)
My main question:
Is it ethical to own a property that I live in, provide the standard maintenance for, and work on renovating… and also rent out part of it?
I value my ethics, and part of that has always been assessing the nuances thoughtfully. When I think about the specifics of this, I find difficulty in framing that situation as the role of a landlord. Landlord being defined, at least the way I think about what a landlord is / the way other people use it.
My followup question:
Is anyone who is paid money that is for sure another person’s “rent money” considered a landlord, regardless of it being the only property they own? Even if they also live there? 3 months ago
We’ll see if I’m in the minority here, but owning one property and renting out half of it is small potatoes. Think of it as trading one necessity (housing) for another (food).
Now, if you’re making big money doing this, then you’ve passed a line. 3 months ago
It’s not about making big money. These small time landlords still drive up the cost of rents by going with “market rates” and increasing rents over time. They are just “small time greedy”.
Not nearly as evil as large scale landlords obviously, but rare to nonexistent is a landlord who won’t continually raise rent when they don’t need to. 3 months ago
Here’s the issue. He’s getting this house for free. It’s going to cost him money to sell it.
He’s living in it. He doesn’t need to add his extra room to the housing market. He could just live in that house alone. His choosing to put his room onto the market drives down costs. That’s a net positive. 3 months ago
Charging market rate? Can be scummy.
Changing market rate by charging less? Overall win.
This person never said anything about charging market rates, and seeing that they are asking explicitly from an ethical point of view, they don’t want to.
(I’m saying I generally agree with you ) 3 months ago
There’s nothing wrong with being a landlord.