- Comment on Warning 2 months ago:
The species is a very old design relative other species. It’s had much more time to rise through the ranks.
Sturgeon '28.
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 2 months ago:
An authoritarian, controlled economy will fail. We don’t need any more examples to understand why.
- Comment on How likely will "Cloud Storage" eventually replace Local Storage? 2 months ago:
You misunderstood.
- Comment on How likely will "Cloud Storage" eventually replace Local Storage? 2 months ago:
Network latency is like seek time on a HDD.
- Comment on How do I search for this part? 2 months ago:
If you mount the camera below the rim of your helmet then you’re going to have a really bad time.
Mount a wedge to the helmet and the camera base plate to the wedge. I’d use wood for simplicity of fabrication. Throw some paint on it.
If you don’t have access to a wood shop then literally take your helmet into a big box hardware store and look around for something that’ll work as is, or to a small hardware store paying a little more for assistance in figuring out a solution.
- Comment on I am about to board a flight. What sequence of events would occur if (by chance) for no apparent reason a window got completely smashed out? 2 months ago:
Expired VFR from above:
Think about “aviate, navigate, communicate” and add to your pilot procedure. For example, the first priority is that the pilot in command establish straight and level flight.
Also, relate that descent to things people know, such as the typical max climb and descent angles passengers experience and the maximum grade found on US interstates.
Your work is pretty good. I encourage you to pick up the textbooks used in flight school. There’s lots of ways to be a pilot without actually obtaining a VFR license, such as a recreational license or MS Flight Simulator. You can even get a taste with a type of skydive called an “assisted free fall”.
- Comment on I am about to board a flight. What sequence of events would occur if (by chance) for no apparent reason a window got completely smashed out? 2 months ago:
Halfway decent comment so adding more:
The emergency descent altitude is almost always 10,000 feet. This is because most people will be able to breath without the oxygen mask at this altitude. But, do not take off your mask.
They do not descend lower because, succinctly, what if all engine power is lost? If that happens then the pilots want enough altitude to have enough time to try and restart the engines and, failing engine restart, to extend gliding range in effort to maximize choices of where to land.
Qualifications: expired VFR license (not a commercial pilot)
- Comment on I'm an educator and have to tell my students the same lie every day. 2 months ago:
I’m not going to waste minutes of my life to write that which you could look up in seconds.
Good luck. Sounds like you’ll need it.
- Comment on I'm an educator and have to tell my students the same lie every day. 2 months ago:
Huey P. Newton’s book Revolutionary Suicide.
Sure as shit sounds like you agree with him. Read the book.
- Comment on I'm an educator and have to tell my students the same lie every day. 2 months ago:
I recommend Revolutionary Suicide.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 2 months ago:
It’s basically the rules of a knife fight: The primary goal is to control the weapon, in this case the talons. Both of you are definitely going to get fucked up if you try.
The birds on the boardwalk for food. The most aggressive thing it’s likely to do is to steal your food.
- Comment on Went Off SSDI to work, hit with large FTB tax bill, lost power and can't pay for meds. Now what? 2 months ago:
There’s no hope for a life of dignity. I strongly encourage you to commit Revolutionary Suicide. That’s the title of a book. Read it. If you can’t afford it then message me and I’ll buy it for you.
- Comment on Should Democrats also gerrymander blue states to counterbalance any advantage that republicans have due to the gerrymandering in red states? 2 months ago:
What the fuck do we care if the accelerated fascists or the regular fascists win? Neither is going to provide me affordable food, housing, education, or hold the pig accountable for murdering me and my dog.
How soon we forget:
Fuck Donald Trump. And, fuck Biden, too. Neither of them give a fuck about you.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 2 months ago:
But don’t fall into the “green party” loophole of just sabotaging neo-liberal democrats and helping literal facists get elected.
Let me translate that for you:
I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action
If you take offense then take it up with MLK Jr.
- Comment on What is the stimulant Captagon? And how did it bring down the Syrian Regime? 2 months ago:
how a simple drug could collapse a long standing regime
You’ve misunderstood something. The Assad regime in Syria produced the majority of the world’s black market supply of an almost universally illegal stimulant. The regime fell because proliteriat revolutionaries leveraged sustained physical violence.
- Comment on Are there humans who require heating lights like pet reptiles? 2 months ago:
N = neonatal (newborn subset of pediatrics)
ICU = intensive care unit
pediatrics = branch of medicine having to do children and infants
- Comment on If a hostile country has installed a puppet leader to dismantle your government from the inside and the only thing that would expidite its destruction is a violent revolution how do you combat this? 2 months ago:
Manipulation in revolution is how we get a dictatorship.
- Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 2 months ago:
94% incorrect.
- Comment on Why can't someone create a public alternative to health insurance in the USA? 2 months ago:
One really couldn’t hope for a better response than yours, even in details like also adding Liberty Mutual.
State Farm’s adjustors act upon a universal ideology. Their captive agents have nearly zero influence over them. The only difference in service that you’re likely to experience is in communication between yourself and the captive agent.
You’re seem both knowledgeable and rational. My paragraph above is flawed or you’ve some sort of exceptional situation. If it’s flawed then please teach me why.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 2 months ago:
The UHC memoriam post on FB had reactions of 95% laughing face emoji and 5% everything else. It’s not the best cross section of humanity. But, public perception seems quite clear.
- Comment on Why can't someone create a public alternative to health insurance in the USA? 2 months ago:
Amica is mutual insurance company for auto, home, and life. But, they don’t obstruct and deny legitimate claims like State Farm. Also, real humans answer the phone. The catch is that they’re fairly risk averse.
I state this example because I don’t want people to equate mutual with shitty products and service.
- Comment on Related to the recent question: A family member has told me that my inheritance after they're gone is for becoming a live-with landlord. Is that ethical? 2 months ago:
You go tell somebody,
I’ma go into this. This is guerilla shit. I’ma go get the bag. I’ma get the pad.
I’m so cold. I’m so dope.
Grandma told me, ‘Get your money.’
- Comment on If landlords didn’t exist anymore, how would shared flats work? 2 months ago:
To us, for something to be labeled as socialized it must be operated for human welfare. But, most governments would gladly label something as socialized and continue to operate it for profit.
I think we’d agree about this word. In this post I’m only trying to clean up some ambiguity so others can more easily perceive the grift.
- Comment on Do you consider Taylor Swift to be of the working class and why? 2 months ago:
About a year ago I constructed a financial instrument that prevents me from having access to my money for several years. I’m now working to live and without a safety net for the first time in my life. And, despite all of this, I still wouldn’t call myself “working class” because I’ve a gigantic advantage in past educational opportunities.
Even my current effort is just a big learning opportunity that the vast majority of people could not choose. I’m not even worried about catastrophic failure because mommy and daddy wouldn’t ask, instead plop six digits in my account to tide me over until I’ve access to my own resources. No matter how hard I try I will never really understand what it means to be “working class”.
I’ll leave it to you to decide what Taylor is.
- Comment on why do i sometimes wake up feeling like a lot is going on? like why do i feel the day will be an adventure?? when i wake up 2 months ago:
Your ego is trying to communicate with your head. When you figure out what it’s trying to say don’t forget to listen to your heart.
- Comment on Is there anything Lemmy has more/better content for than Reddit and other mainstream sites? 2 months ago:
There’s a much higher ratio of real humans to bots in most Lemmy communities.
For technology, sexuality, and socio-politico-economic discussion it’s as if Lemmy “stole” the users most the most developed perspectives.
However, all the problems are still present. Users still perpetually struggle to discern their right from left. And, there’s certainly at least a few mainstream mods that’ve their self-worth entirely contingent upon others agreeing with them.
- Comment on Achilleis NOOO 2 months ago:
Do you believe weed have made Socrates proud?
- Comment on Achilleis NOOO 2 months ago:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
- Comment on Does anyone think it's poetic that in 2024, Trump is re-elected similarly to the same way George W Bush was in 2004? 2 months ago:
MLK Jr. turns in his grave.
Reminder that intelligence is inversely correlated to the capacity to love at an individual level. Stupid Trump voters understand the problem but have no idea how to fix it at scale. Harris voters wish to continue to ignore the problems because they don’t really care about anything more than their individual physical and emotional comforts. And, everyone else is called stupid and told to shut up.
Be part of that everyone else. We’ll teach you how and why. Then, we’ll respect your choices about who, when, where, and what, especially when we disagree, because those choices are reasoned.
- Comment on Why don’t more people start profit-sharing companies or co-ops? 2 months ago:
Capitalism and socialism are the same thing.
You should probably ask more questions and make less statements.