- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Aside from telling your parents you probably need to change your toilet habits and diet. You should spend less than a couple of minutes on the loo to open your bowels. Lots of water and a high fiber diet will help. Most people spend way too long straining on the toilet and that’s how you get haemorrhoids. Don’t be embarrassed though it’s a really common problem your parents likely have them themselves or know people who struggle with them.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th 3 weeks ago:
The original is one of my favourite games of all time. I love everything about it. The setting is phenomenal. The mix of plasmids and gunplay. 2 is also really good and being able to use gun and plasmid simultaneously was a great quality of life improvement.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th 3 weeks ago:
Playing some more of DA: Veilguard. My wife is desperate for me to finish it so she can discuss the ending with me. I’m really enjoying how dynamic the combat is definitely the most fun from an action perspective on the series, less tactical but more technical with the parries and dodges. I’m digging the found family vibes too, it’s just nice to hang out with some good mutually supportive people sometimes rather than loads of conflict drama.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th 3 weeks ago:
One of my favourite RPGs from growing up. Such a cool game. I loved the variety of builds you can make. Have you tried playing a low INT character yet? Really entertaining. Totally new dialogue options. Honestly though the main thing I remember is that metal door sound effect they use for basically everything.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 9th 3 weeks ago:
How are you liking 4? I really enjoyed 3 but haven’t picked up 4 yet. Does it stack up?
- Comment on Let's discuss: Assassin's Creed 1 month ago:
Hell yeah it did. I spent 10 minutes sat on a bench not doing anything and it was some of the tensest and best gameplay I’ve had in a multiplayer game.
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 1 month ago:
Humans have a really good digestive tract for getting nutrients out of food. So you take a lot of the mass of the food you eat and use it in your body as energy or building material. As such your poop has significantly smaller mass because it’s made up of all the stuff you’re body can’t use after it’s pulled out so the good bits.
As for dogs my understanding is they have a shorter digestive tract to allow them to eat the nasty stuff does seem to like without getting sick so they are probably less efficient at removing nutrients and poop more proportionally to what they eat.
- Comment on Single-bladed razors are superior! 2 months ago:
Of course you can, I just really like the ritual with the brush and soap.
- Comment on Single-bladed razors are superior! 2 months ago:
I love my safety razor. The ritual of shaving is soo much better with a brush and soap bowl rather than squirty cream from a can.
It’s a learned skill though and does take practice, I recommend the book Leisureguys guide to Gourmet shaving.
Get a multi pack of blades and work out which ones you like best.
- Comment on how do you separate your clothes and linens to avoid fabric degradation and bleeding? 2 months ago:
We do: my wife’s stuff and our t-shirts with pictures for delicates wash and literally everything else goes in on a standard wash cycle.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 15th 2 months ago:
I really enjoyed Tunic. I loved collecting all the pages and learning about the world. I had to turn the difficulty down for the final boss as it just wasn’t fun but everything else was great. The ending was really good after I found all the collectables. Though I did look up where to find them after working out what I was looking for.
- Comment on Related to the recent question: A family member has told me that my inheritance after they're gone is for becoming a live-with landlord. Is that ethical? 2 months ago:
Sounds like you’re getting a house at some point. That’s great for you. Regarding the whole landlord issue you are struggling with: not all landlords are bad, in this circumstance your basically just offering extra space your not using in your house to someone else. That’s pretty reasonable. If you really don’t vibe with being a landlord in any capacity you could always sell up once it’s your house and buy something smaller just for you.
- Comment on Side-view game recs? 2 months ago:
I’ve played an hour or so and enjoyed it so far. I hope you have fun with it.
- Comment on Side-view game recs? 2 months ago:
Inside is good, less story heavy and more fascinating world that makes you think. It’s pretty short and maybe not quite what you’re after but as it’s often on sale dirt cheap and like 2 hours long it’s probably worth a look.
- Comment on Gloves and Boots Very Budget 2 months ago:
Yeah seconding this. If your work is putting you somewhere you need protective equipment they should provide it or a budget for you to get your own. That’s how it works in the UK at least, it might be worth asking if they provide a budget or anything.
Otherwise for boots your first step is to get some decent socks, I’d recommend wool outer layer and something absorbent as a base layer. Then you want to go try on some leather boots with a rubber sole wearing your socks, you might want to get a slightly bigger size so you can put an insole insert in as well. Make sure the boots aren’t too tight with your extra socks on as you need space to trap the heat but they shouldn’t slide around.
- Comment on How do I get over fear of cooking? 3 months ago:
Take a cooking class. Learn how to manage a kitchen fire with a fire blanket or extinguisher and get one of each. Start practicing. You’ll burn stuff and make food that’s no good but you’ll get better. Start simple with stuff like pasta.
- Comment on Het Pijnstillersparadijs: Europese Zelfbeheersing vs. Amerikaanse Pillenfeest 3 months ago:
Yeah, in the UK they reduced the amount you can buy at once too, so drugs like paracetamol and ibuprofen only come in 16 tablet packs and you can only buy 2 packs at a shop., It’s helped lower suicides quite well.
People here have a real aversion to taking tablets a lot of the time. I have to convince people to take regular paracetamol (which is non addictive and doesn’t have side effects so long as you don’t take more than the recommended amount) after they have had surgery semi-regularly.
- Comment on I screen, you screen, we all screen for I screen. 3 months ago:
Wow that’s a lot of phone time. The only time I get close to that amount of screen time is when I’m doing a long drive using maps to get there. My average looks to be around 1-3. Though mine doesn’t work it out nicely like yours.
- Comment on Grr Windows 4 months ago:
I had one back in the vista days (I had the pro version it wasn’t totally terrible) that bricked my laptop and I had to do a clean install from bios to get it working again. That was fun.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Uplifting Games 4 months ago:
That’s impressive. My wife got all the achievements for it and that seemed very stressful. But just as something to experience is a really chill game.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Uplifting Games 4 months ago:
Journey is a beautiful game with excellent music and visuals. It’s coop where you can only make a ping noise and run around each other so no possibility of negative interactions. There’s a little challenge and adversity at times but the ending is phenomenal and joyous.
Sayonara wild hearts is a playable music album about a lady learning how to love herself. It’s got simple game mechanics but the mechanics all compliment the music and the music is so so good.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of October 13th 4 months ago:
I’m still regularly going back to Hotdogs Horseshoes and Hand grenades to play take and hold. Easily my favourite VR game.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of October 6th 4 months ago:
I’m playing fallout London. Super impressive for a mod. I’m really enjoying it.
- Comment on Hell is Us - Gameplay Reveal Trailer 5 months ago:
This looks real interesting. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it and see what the reviews say.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Hollow Knight 5 months ago:
Same. I enjoyed a lot of what I played but I don’t get on well with metroidvanias. So I only played a couple of hours before I either got lost or died too often to a boss.
- Comment on let's discuss: non major systems 5 months ago:
I recently got myself an Anbernic, it’s the one which looks like the GBA, see through plastic and all. It’s a surprisingly competent little console. It even comes preloaded with a shed load of retro games. I’ve been enjoying playing games from systems I missed out on growing up.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Nintendo DS 5 months ago:
My family had about 5 of these between us by the time we started getting into lites and 3d versions. I had the original chunky boy and a 3ds. We took them on holiday and played the brain training multiplayer games. Great fun, my parents even got into them for a bit and they said off video games a long time beforehand.
- Comment on Help me to settle on a face design for the character I've just added to my game, called The Humorless Toaster. (It's only here to make toast, not listen to your nonsense.) 5 months ago:
Depending on what you’re going for, 1 and give them a German accent. Otherwise 2.
- Comment on Is Callisto Protocol a hidden Dead Space remake? 6 months ago:
It’s very similar but nowhere near as good. I got it for free on playstation a while back and stopped playing it to go back and play the dead space remake again.
- Comment on Can non-airborne viruses become airborne through mutation? 6 months ago:
Yes I’m theory but it’s very difficult / unlikely to happen.