The format of these posts is simple: let’s discuss a specific game or series!
Let’s discuss the Assassin’s Creed series. What is your favorite game in the series? What do you like about it? What doesn’t work for you? Feel free to share anything that comes up and react to other comments. Let’s get the conversation going!
If you have any recommendations for games or series for the next post(s), please feel free to DM me or add it in a comment here (no guarantees of course).
Previous entries: UFO 50, Platformers, Uplifting Games, Final Fantasy, Visual Novels, Hollow Knight, Nintendo DS, Monster Hunter, Persona, Monkey Island, 8 Bit Era, Animal Crossing, Age of Empires, Super Mario, Deus Ex, Stardew Valley, The Sims, Half-Life, Earthbound / Mother, Mass Effect, Metroid, Journey, Resident Evil, Polybius, Tetris, Telltale Games, Kirby, LEGO Games, DOOM, Ori, Metal Gear, Slay the Spire 2 months ago
My favorite overall is Black Flag but it’s not really an AC game so Brotherhood. AC really died with Desmond 2 months ago
Ouch, right in the nostalgia. 2 months ago
I’ve stared from Black flag up until Odyssey, then I went back the Ezio Trilogy.
At firt the Ezio games seemed janky and unpolished, but boy was I wrong. The percieved “jankiness” was due to the fact that you have actual control over the character, which can be difficult at first but extremely rewarding later in the game(s), with tombs and catacombs that feel like actual puzzles to traverse, nothing like the "parkour on rails of ACIV. Unity’s parkour really felt like a step in the right direction, but players complained about it being a broken and rushed game and somehow Ubi understood that they needed to turn AC into The Witcher.
As for the present time story arc I think they really nailed it with Desmond. I love games that take real world history as a base and add fictional twists to it, and the sense of uncovering an actual, worldwide conspiracy and the origins of humankind itself was there.
I understand that they’ve acknowledged the fact that people don’t play AC for the present time story arc, but there was no reason to let it die in irrelevance from ACIII onwards. Layla’s arc might be a slight step towards the right direction, but we’re still far, far away.
This is all to say that yes, I agree with you. This series had (and still has) so much potential, but it was unfortunately hijacked by corporate greed time and time again, straying further from the original concept as time goes on.
I’m currently playing valhalla and plan on tackling ACIII next, and then Mirage.