- Comment on 3,700 hrs in Rimworld - my current colony 2 weeks ago:
As you’ve played it for so many hours, what is it that hooks you about this game? I’ve never played it, but I heard it’s sort of a very deep / simulated survival game similar to dwarf fortress? Just love it when you can be so passionate about something that you can lose yourself in it for thousands of hours and keep coming back for more!
I have this with only 1 game (though I’m around the 1000h mark myself): Slay the Spire!
- Comment on 11 Best Indie Games of All Time 2 weeks ago:
Is Outer Wilds indie? Because Outer Wilds is my favorite :).
- Comment on need retro game recommendations 3 weeks ago:
I really like Donkey Kong Country as a kid. Great environments, fun platforming and a timeless soundtrack.
On GBA my most played game became an underated licensed gem: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. The GBA version is completely separate from the ones on other platforms, but it’s a great turn based strategy game in which you get to command the heroes and other units through all important battles of the original story. Really fun!
- Comment on Let's discuss: Pokémon 3 weeks ago:
I recently did the opposite, I sold my Emerald and Blue for a decent price, which helped fund my second hand new 3DS. I don’t really care for the cartridges as long as I can play the games, and I feel no guilt for playing roms for games that are no longer being produced :).
I do like seeing large collections of other people, but I don’t have the same satisfaction from that compared to what it would cost. (I say quite hypocritically, as I have a larger than rational LEGO collection including tonnes of Bionicle sets that I will never let go for any price)
- Comment on Meta fires 20 employees for leaking 3 weeks ago:
One of the very few good pee jokes, congrats!
- Comment on Let's discuss: Pokémon 3 weeks ago:
I have been a bit cheeky, as I have chosen my first Pokémon game as the thumbnail for this post: Pokémon Blue for the Game Boy.
Sadly, I was very young and English was not my mother tongue, so I had no idea how it worked. Skip to several years later, and I gave it another go (this time with some extremely rudimentary knowledge of English, but more importantly with some more experience in games in general). Playing Pokémon this way was a mix of an RPG and a translation based puzzle game, but I was absolutely hooked. Even though I never got past about halfway through the game before my attention faded, I must have done that first half about 10 times in those years.
Later I got Pokémon Emerald for the GBA after my previous GBA game was finished in only a few hours: I figured a Pokémon game would give me my money’s worth. Again, I played this numerous times and had a lot of fun, but never reached the ending.
A few years ago I was feeling nostalgic, and bought a second hand copy of Pokémon: Let’s Go Pikachu, knowing that it was a remake of my first Pokémon game of years ago. Reviews of this version are mixed because of the Pokémon Go like catching mini game, but nostalgia goggles made this an amazing experience for me. I especially remember one whole day where I was at home with a fever, laying on my couch and playing Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu while dipping in and out of the strangest Pokémon related dreams. Even with that bumpy ride, I was eventually able to reach the end of the story and beat the elite four! I know that there is stuff to do after that, but I was happy and sold my copy again.
I have recently bought a second hand New Nintendo 3DS and have been procuring a lot of games on it in a seafaring fashion. One of those that I’m giving a go is Yo-Kai Watch. I’m only a few hours in, and right now it looks absolutely gorgeous, but I’m unsure of the combat design and the actual design of the monsters. If any of you have some other 3DS tips, please let me now, I have a seemingly unlimited budget for 3DS games right now :).
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 32 comments
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on The UK Government Just Made Everyone Less Safe As Apple Shuts Down iCloud Encryption 3 weeks ago:
That’s the stupid part. Serious criminals will always find a way to encrypt their data. Any communication channel can be used for encrypted communication if you do the encryption part yourself (like with an agreed upon passphrase or something similar). The only people who are hit by this are the average users.
This makes me so mad.
- Comment on Google continues pulling the plug on Manifest v2 • The Register 4 weeks ago:
How come you have such strong feelings against Firefox?
Not trying to start a fight, just an honest question. Choosing to rather stop using the internet all together seems extreme for a browser that I use daily, but maybe I’m missing something in your use case.
- Comment on What are some games you like that most people hate and/or were panned by critics? 1 month ago:
Silent Hill: The Short Message (53 on metacritic)
This game is almost universally hated, but I really quite enjoyed it and even respected what they were going for with the writing. My 8/10 review from when I played it:…/1
I have no experience with other Silent Hill games, which might have made me less critical of this game. By no means a masterpiece, but an interesting experience for me.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Like a Dragon / Yakuza 1 month ago:
I had similar issues until I gave myself this rule: only do side stories and main story quests. If they require playing a mini game, sure, but only play the minigames as a novelty, don’t try to complete them!
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 25 comments
- Comment on Let's discuss: Assassin's Creed 2 months ago:
Thanks for the long and interesting writeup! I’m still working through AC 1 and enjoying it, I’ll see if I stay on the train as long as you :).
I did play Ghost of Tsushima. One of the most beautiful looking games I’ve ever played with amazing combat and good characters. For me, it was just way to long and repetitive. I eventually found the solution, playing each of the three acts and the DLC with a long break in between each time, so it felt fresh again. In the end I even got the platinum trophy for it, but I still see it as a great 8/10 game that could have been an all time favorite if it was trimmed to about half its runtime. Here’s hoping that they don’t make the same mistakes for Ghost of Yotei. If they can keep the good and trim the bloat, this could be the game of a generation.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Assassin's Creed 2 months ago:
It’s hard to discuss such a massive series. It feels as if everything has been said about it and people have largely gotten tired of the formula, but hear me out.
I actually never played any of them, I recently started playing the first one (from 2007) on my Steam Deck and I am actually loving it. It’s such a simple, straightforward game, with a basic but engaging story and honestly gorgeous visuals for the time. The mechanics are delightfully limited, in a sense that it really helps me to turn of my brain and just enjoy myself. I really like the world and how dense it is: all objectives are reasonably close and movement is quick and agile. A real gem for the Steam Deck!
I most certainly will get the sequel trilogy, as that one seems to be loved by a lot of people.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 27 comments
- Comment on What is your Game of the Year? 2 months ago:
You absolutely beautiful person! What a thoughtful and sincere reply, I cannot thank you enough.
You’re 100 percent right that those experiences will still be there for me in the future when I feel the space. For now I am limiting myself to your second group of suggestions (I’ve played the first Frog Detective and loved it), knowing that your first group is there when I feel like it.
I did already play Edith Finch though, a masterpiece in my opinion, but indeed quite heavy (but extremely hopeful too).
- Comment on What is your Game of the Year? 2 months ago:
Seems right down my alley. Does it feature any triggering subjects? (Mainly severe mental health stuff and suicide is stuff I avoid for the time being)
Do you have recommendations for similar games?
- Comment on Our first new Framework Laptop 16 Expansion Bay module - the Dual M.2 Adapter, enabling you to add additional storage drives or other high speed devices. 3 months ago:
I am am continuing to extend the life of my 6 years old laptop for as long as possible, hopefully I will be able to buy a framework when it does eventually die on me. (It’s a semi-shitty clevo model but I recently replaced the battery and it’s kind of decent again)
- Comment on The Two Genders 3 months ago:
I looked it up, the horrible sub is TheLastOfUs2 (avoid!), the normal one is LastOfUsPart2
- Comment on The Two Genders 3 months ago:
I completely agree with your last part, the story would have been perfect if it was switched.
To counter your other argument, the surrogate lesbian daughter is still more visually stereotypically attractive though. The number of hate posts for Abby that even go into transfobic territory and misgendering was massive. I made the mistake of wanting to read some discussion on part 2 after playing it on reddit: the whole sub is just hate (there probably is an alternative but I didn’t look further, I was to disgusted by it).
But your opinion on Joel vs Abby is valid, it’s actually annoying that actual discussion about storytelling gets overshadowed by bigots.
On a similar note, I had issues with the change in direction of Doctor Who which accidently coincided with the casting of the first female Doctor, and it was so hard to have genuinely critical discussions without misogynists taking over or being accused of being one myself.
- Comment on The Two Genders 3 months ago:
I also cannot understand how you could play the Last of Us Part 1 and not realise how horrible Joel is.
Spoilers for both games ahead.
The ending of 1 was super difficult for me to play and super powerful in its delivery. It was horrible to decide to “save” Ellie by literally murdering everyone in the research station and destroying all hope for a cure. I was really impressed that they went there storywise, but then when in 2 Joel gets killed, all these so-called “fans” are angry because their lovely protagonist was killed. It’s like they willfully ignore the complicated morals that were already present in the first game. When Abby does horrible stuff, they hate her. When Joel does horrible stuff in 1, it’s fine. Part 2 had some problems, but I hugely respect what they were going for and how it polarised the community.
- Comment on The Two Genders 3 months ago:
The bad reactions to this seemed minimal to me, but my god the woman in the Galactic trailer is driving them nuts.
Which I really don’t understand, because I find her look and vibe the good part of that trailer. The slurping drink and forced pop song on the other hand…
- Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? 3 months ago:
What are good starting points for the Deus ex series? I’ve got the original on Steam, but haven’t really gotten into it yet, feels very intimidating every time I start. Should I just push through or are there other entry points?
Btw, I loved dishonored 1 but somehow stopped playing, thanks for reminding me to get back to it :).
- Comment on What do we think will be GoTY and which game do we think should be? 3 months ago:
I think it will be Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
I think it should be Astro Bot or UFO 50.
- Comment on TikTok set to be banned in the US after losing appeal 3 months ago:
While technically correct, they do have it in China itself, it’s a modified version called Douyin. It is more restricted, censored and tightly controlled.
I agree that it is a cyberweapon, but don’t think that it’s only used against foreigners, they use it just as much to observe and influence their own population.
Finally, I would like to point out that to a lesser extent this is also the case for a lot of USA owned social media and tech companies. Edward Snowden’s revelations for example indicate this. While the extent of government control and influence is much larger in China, I wouldn’t underestimate the influences of Meta, Google and Microsoft for example.
- Comment on Side-view game recs? 3 months ago:
Journey of the Broken Circle! Played this on switch and it deserves more attention.
A short, side scrolling platformer about connection and love.
- Comment on Side-view game recs? 3 months ago:
“but won’t trow me into a pit of emotional despair”
Your suggestions are both amazing games, but I would like to confirm to OP that these games are quite distopian and feature some body horror.
- Comment on Let's discuss: UFO 50 3 months ago:
Could you elaborate? I have no idea what you are talking about.
- Comment on Let's discuss: UFO 50 3 months ago:
I think that is a bit the conceit of the collection: classic games in looks / features, but taking into account the progress that has been made in game design and mechanics. I actually prefer it this way, like an alternate timeline in which computers didn’t get more powerful and people were forced to iterate on ideas within these constraints.