If you’re wondering if I’m insane or something, just reply to the comment I made since I’m dyslexic and it might just be that I wrote it weird. Skipping letters, words or even sentences is very regular for me.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 2nd 4 weeks ago:
Finished playing Elden Ring DLC. Started going through Kenshi in Japanese and continued MH Stories (in Japaneseas well).
- Comment on Reviewers giving high scores to poorly optimised games really grinds my gears 5 weeks ago:
I don’t even see the optimising problem as bad probably because I’m used to it. Evil Within for example ran terribly on launch but since then I have upgraded my setup and played through it. Checking the benchmarks just is something you should do on PC. Reviewers usually are pretty out of touch with rest of the world or average gamer just doesn’t care about drops and sub 30 framerates.
I feel like a worse problem currently is how games are made with TAA in mind or with forced TAA so you just can’t make them look good even with time and more powerful hardware. It’s either blurry mess with artifacts thrown in or something that doesn’t even look like 1080p on 4K resolution.
- Comment on Reviewers giving high scores to poorly optimised games really grinds my gears 5 weeks ago:
Sure it wastes your resources but the devs don’t need to do much so it speeds up their workflow. You are a sacrifice they are willing to make.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Assassin's Creed 1 month ago:
My favorite overall is Black Flag but it’s not really an AC game so Brotherhood. AC really died with Desmond
- Comment on The Path To Release (Skyblivion Roadmap 2024) 1 month ago:
The meat certainly was elsewhere and you even got punished for clearing the main quest early. I’ve always loved the Daedric prince quests as they are all kind of wacky and Dark Brotherhood is pretty good. Best thing about Oblivion has to be Shivering Isles though and I will fight anyone who dares to say otherwise.
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 2 months ago:
That looks bad sure but I wouldn’t look at that closely anyway and the filtered one looks even worse. I have played that game without any filters and I didn’t get any urges to use any. I have also played it on CRT but there wasn’t any choice back then.
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 2 months ago:
That’s not better. That’s more accurate. Is preference really this foreign of a concept to you?
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 2 months ago:
There is no “looks objectively better” since it’s a subjective thing. I’ve seen those examples multiple times and they look as blurry as ever.
What makes you push this tech to these limits?
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 2 months ago:
I said that it doesn’t matter. Only the end result does. There is no game I would play on a CRT simply because it looks worse. It’s not an objective fact but my preference. I don’t care how you are trying achieve the “CRT look” since it looks like shit and I don’t want to see it.
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 2 months ago:
That’s still some Vsauce level reaching that “we don’t actually even see anything”. The tech doesn’t matter when playing and if it looks blurry, then it is blurry.
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 2 months ago:
But do they still look like blur? That’s the only thing that matters. Ray tracing is also cool but if my frames die because of it, it gets disbled.
- Comment on You're Emulating Retro Games Wrong (you need CRT Shaders) 2 months ago:
My aim was never to emulate but to play. Blur filters are something that I won’t be using.
- Comment on New Steam Controller 2 and VR controller designed got leaked 2 months ago:
Well the joy-cons kinda do that but if you wanted something that’s actually adult sized you’d have to check 3rd party options and there’s probably no guarantee that it will work on anything other than the Switch.
- Comment on #StopKillingGames Update: Initiative reaches seven country requirement 2 months ago:
Do you mean like they are on the home page?
- Comment on What type of game do you want to see? 3 months ago:
Like a sim game or Planet Sweeper?
- Comment on PC Gamer: The top 100 PC games 4 months ago:
OTXO just might have been better than Hotline Miami if it was actually released in 2012. My personal gripe with it is how using a mouse at 60fps in [current year] just feels awful.
- Comment on PC Gamer: The top 100 PC games 4 months ago:
I would say that it’s offensive to put Early Access games on those lists. It clouds people’s judgment as they are valued with different standards and are expected to get better (especially if more people support the game). Any game that’s not fully released is a 0/10 in my book even if they were my favorite games.
- Comment on What game had the most hype cover dissapointing gameplay? 4 months ago:
For me the biggest one will always be WoW. Love the covers but the game itself is not for me.
- Comment on Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to PC October 29 - Rockstar Games 4 months ago:
Ah, so Read Dead Revolver?
- Comment on Ghost of Yōtei (Ghost of Tsushima sequel)- Announce Trailer 5 months ago:
So just like how Assassin’s Creed does it? I really hope they do more than just a reskin.
- Comment on Mobile classic Flappy Bird comes back, immediately ruined by fact it is seemingly just a vehicle for blockchain nonsense with the original creator not involved 5 months ago:
Btw if you actually enjoy Minesweeper, try Globesweeper.
- Comment on What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty 5 months ago:
Uncharted on console/with a controller. Unless you really love sitting behind knee-high-cover™ I highly recommend playing them on easy and like an older Tomb Raider game. Much more fun that way.
- Comment on PlayStation 5 Pro Blog Post 5 months ago:
I have some games that I’m sure I didn’t purchase but are not tied to the PS Plus. Maybe it’s a bug?
- Comment on PlayStation 5 Pro Blog Post 5 months ago:
That’s usually without tax in US, right?
- Comment on Let's discuss: Monster Hunter 5 months ago:
I just started playing Stories yesterday in order to learn Japanese. It’s wild how different some of the names are. Hopefully the language barrier will keep me occupied until Wilds is released.
I’ve been playing since Freedom 2 and have played almost all of them to at least village completion. Exceptions are Tri and Frontier(s?). Def my favorite series by far and even if they have had their failed experiments, I’m glad they tried them.
I’ve tried fair share of clones as well but they usually don’t hit the mark.
- Comment on Concord is going offline beginning September 6th 5 months ago:
This would be a perfect spot to advertise that EU petition. There must’ve been at least 1 person who liked the game and now can’t play anymore.
- Comment on Risk of Rain developers join Valve, announced in a twitter post. 5 months ago:
Well I already run an adblocker in 1 game so I guess another won’t hurt. At least after I’m actually willing to update. (Yes there is a mod that does that)
- Comment on Risk of Rain developers join Valve, announced in a twitter post. 5 months ago:
Oh I do play it regularly as well but I would never let a minor setback like this to gate me from one of my favourite games.
You can download old depots from Steam and even keep games from updating. Very useful if you want to try outdated mods or prevent devs like Beat Games from forcing monthly updates on you.
Not really excusing Gearbox since I like to think that I’m sane but the game is really good. They really should’ve released the update as a beta first.
- Comment on Risk of Rain developers join Valve, announced in a twitter post. 5 months ago:
Why? They are not live service games.
- Comment on Need tips, when is a non-campaign game considered 'completed'? 5 months ago:
If the meat of the game is in it’s multiplayer, then you just need to be declared as the grand champion.