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3,700 hrs in Rimworld - my current colony
Submitted 6 days ago by to
Comments 6 days ago 6 days ago
Snap 6 days ago
Changed the link. 6 days ago
It works for me! 6 days ago
As you’ve played it for so many hours, what is it that hooks you about this game? I’ve never played it, but I heard it’s sort of a very deep / simulated survival game similar to dwarf fortress? Just love it when you can be so passionate about something that you can lose yourself in it for thousands of hours and keep coming back for more!
I have this with only 1 game (though I’m around the 1000h mark myself): Slay the Spire! 6 days ago
Single player, not competitive and easygoing. Easy to pause when life demands and easy to pick up again when I get back to playing. Love they every time is different. Make your own goals and try to achieve them. 1 day ago
Also the modding community is absolutely outstanding. Endless, high quality content that basically works out to dozens and dozens of base game quality DLCs for free. You can almost literally enhance or fix any facet of the game. Have an issue with the gun animations? Fix is there. Want 400 rug patterns? Yiu got it pal. Want to fully overhaul the game with hundreds of vehicles fuel mechanics? Done deal.
With even just the most popular “vanilla expanded” mods from Oskars team, the modded game easily gains 5-10x content for absolutely $0 dollars. 5 days ago
Just an idea: I think screenshots like this look better with the all the zones set to transparent.
At least in my mind, it makes the colony look more like the inhabitants of the world see it. 6 days ago
Dang, I need to get back into rimworld. Not too much time on my hands rn u fortunately 6 days ago
Your colony looks a lot like how I do mine. Only difference is I really don’t do animals, and only do barracks in the beginning 6 days ago
3700 hours. You must have committed a lot of crimes against humanity. 6 days ago
Just a few. It’s not a war crime if you’re not at war…