- Comment on 3,700 hrs in Rimworld - my current colony 4 days ago:
Just an idea: I think screenshots like this look better with the all the zones set to transparent.
At least in my mind, it makes the colony look more like the inhabitants of the world see it.
- Comment on I'm doing the challenge of top comment on X. Go check out the post! 6 days ago:
Which is precisely what the other person is asking you to stop doing. I agree with them.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 4 weeks ago:
No dude, please don’t spread the neo-nazi’s myths for them.
Your comment reeks of “they were snobby elites and are therefore partially at fault for their own persecution.”
Even if I accepted the first statement as true, your insinuation that jews in Weimar believed themselves to be of a superior class after they have already been the subject of discrimination for centuries is ridiculous. On top of that, your final statement that this is “the main reason” for the rise in antisemitism in the third reich is frankly disgusting.
- Comment on It's real. 1 month ago:
Please, indulge us!
- Comment on It's real. 1 month ago:
More of this please. Way closer to “science” than about 2/3 of what people post to this community.
- Comment on I'm the developer of WalkScape, the RuneScape inspired fitness MMORPG where you progress by walking IRL. We're now accepting more people to the Closed Beta! 6 months ago:
I’m whole-heartedly impressed with what you are presenting here. I wish I’d seen your booth at gamescom, since I am sincerely excited by the non-predatory design philosophy you’re describing in your blog posty on your website.
I have already set up an account and written an application. Hopefully I’ll have the chance to try this out. :)
- Comment on Anon tries to be ethical 6 months ago:
Sure buddy
- Comment on Nintendo increases Switch Online service with three distinctive GBA games 7 months ago:
Have you read the article before posting it? You should be ashamed of yourself.