- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 6 days ago:
This feels so much closer to the real truth than anything. It really can be this simple for the trump cult.
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 2 weeks ago:
OMG I’ve been playing FPS with a controller since I was a baby.
It’S an FPs I HAve tO USe keYBOard aNd MoUSe othERwiSE I CaNt dO iT!!
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
Does wine cause farts? News to me.
- Comment on I welcome our new alien overlords 1 month ago:
Agreed 100%. Be thankful you didn’t read the 2nd book. So ridiculously silly and predictable. To the point of absurdity.
I love sci-fi. Cool unique ideas, terrible execution. These books are so overrated.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 2 months ago:
CapITAlisM iS thE BeST sysTEm wE HAve! SOCialIsM doeSNt woRK!
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
The best answer. It really is that simple LOL.
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 2 months ago:
and/or is very stupid
Yes. We have a rigged system with propaganda and a poor educational system by design. This is very powerful and possibly unstoppable at this point. The main reasons our stupid populous vote against their own interests. They are stupid, but it’s not necessarily their fault. Again, propaganda and education.
This is not an easy problem to solve. Mercing CEOs might be the only option… The whole voting and playing by “the rules” isn’t working. The rich are getting richer, poor poorer, and corruption is becoming even more acceptable and in our faces.
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 2 months ago:
Even in fictional universes that have wizards in space with swords made of light?
- Comment on A real landlord special. 2 months ago:
I don’t get it. What’s the problem?
- Comment on Related to the recent question: A family member has told me that my inheritance after they're gone is for becoming a live-with landlord. Is that ethical? 2 months ago:
It’s not about making big money. These small time landlords still drive up the cost of rents by going with “market rates” and increasing rents over time. They are just “small time greedy”.
Not nearly as evil as large scale landlords obviously, but rare to nonexistent is a landlord who won’t continually raise rent when they don’t need to.
- Comment on Hey Libtards, if you want my guns you'll have to take it from my cold dead hands 2 months ago:
Haha puppy dog feet.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
Exactly. The “love thy enemy” nonsense always got me too:
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you
- Mathew 5:44
Think about slavery in history. Christianity was forced upon slaves in US history. Think about current era people working horrible conditions, factories, sweatshops, whatever. What a CONVENIENT verse for the slave owners.
Just be good, do what you’re told, don’t fight back, and love your enemy (exploiter/persecuter). If you do, promise of heaven like you said.
But if you disobey (commit murder, dare I say of the person exploiting you), infinite and eternal torture and suffering in hell.
Also don’t commit suicide, that’s a sin too so straight to hell if you do.
Its just so fucking obvious.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
This is the most important part.
And also they push religion hard which is inherently a system of control for the uneducated and exploited.
- Comment on Ghost jobs are wreaking havoc on tech workers 4 months ago:
No, capitalism. Working exactly as desired.
- Comment on The Dangers of Donald Trump, From Those Who Know Him 5 months ago:
Yep, that is what I wrote.
- Comment on The Dangers of Donald Trump, From Those Who Know Him 5 months ago:
Huge portions of christians ate fervently supporting him still so arguably its christians themselves who are antichrist.
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
You got one too you better go talk to 'em, it wasn’t me though I swear
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
womenizer, cheat, narcissistic, conman, and he’s been wrong about fundamental science
Care to provide any objective evidence/sources for these claims…?
- Comment on My wife misspoke and said "Neil Degrasse TITAN" 5 months ago:
He’s not that bad. He’s not perfect by any means, but the Neil hate cult is just over the top.
- Comment on At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars 5 months ago:
I do, just not with elon’s musk or ruthless hellscape exploitative capitalism.
- Comment on 5 Reasons Why Bill Skarsgard's The Crow Remake Bombed At The Box Office 6 months ago:
This is like the only movie I’ve actually wanted to go see in a long while. Haven’t yet, but I will.
Skarsgard is dope, and the trailer made it look really bloody, in a good way. That shotgun blast right to the face…
Doesn’t mean it won’t be a dissapointment. It just looked promising to me.
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 6 months ago:
Revanced for android. Not a single add.
- Comment on Why We Need a Four-Day Workweek. 6 months ago:
Yep, and that 4x10 nonsense happens every damn time.
32hr workweek, as a transitionary period towards a 24hr workweek. Dead serious.
No more billionaires, or even hundred millionaires for that matter.
- Comment on UAW Rips 'Corporate Greed' of John Deere as Mass Layoffs Follow $43 Billion in Stock Buybacks 7 months ago:
Capitalism LOL.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 8 months ago:
Yeah, it’s a silly tradition. But old habits die hard and traditions like this die even harder.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
If he had any decency or moral,
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
Agreed, and by this argument it will only get worse. The next versions of biden and trump will both be worse if we keep going the same route.
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
The point is they’re improving. And there will be a time when we won’t be able to tell. Like, completely indistinguishable from a real picture. It’s only a matter of time.
- Comment on Jori - shadow of the erdtree 8 months ago:
Yep I was being dumb playing it safe behind the gravestones. Soon as I went up close got him on 2nd try
- Comment on Jori - shadow of the erdtree 8 months ago:
Lol thanks, so easy. My dumbass kept trying to play it safe hiding behind Graves to block. As soon as I went up close I got him 2nd try with ruins greatsword.