- Comment on Anon is a specific type of prepper 21 hours ago:
You do realize States have their own laws?
- Comment on Not today 5 days ago:
In my town the CVS has a self checkout unless you hunt someone down. So maybe OP was talking to themselves
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
If I knew how I’d already have a cult of my own. I hear being charismatic is a prerequisite
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
Start a cult
- Comment on We exist to pay rent, wage slave, and to generate new wage slaves for exploitation. 1 week ago:
When you think about it we’re kinda like worms. Stuff goes in the front end and shit goes out the back end. Day in and day out
- Comment on Anon judges books by their covers 1 week ago:
We judge, it’s what we do. Anyone who says otherwise is lying
- Comment on The landlord special 2 weeks ago:
Could be the agreement stated the painters weren’t responsible for masking anything not to be painted
- Comment on The landlord special 2 weeks ago:
The landlord wouldn’t have done that because they know it’ll have to be replaced. That’s a low skilled idiot’s work, the same thing happens to me at work. It is possible that the agreement between the landlord and the painters stated they weren’t responsible for masking anything that wasn’t to be painted
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 3 weeks ago:
I’m curious, have your interactions with Americans been with those that have traveled to Europe? The reason I ask is because I was able to visit years ago and wondered if maybe European’s view of Americans is skewed because they mostly see those of us that come from well off backgrounds (upper income). I met young Americans that had been there multiple times because their parents paid their way while they were on summer break from school. In contrast, I was the exact opposite. You’re not likely to see many low income folks visiting so you may have a skewed viewpoint.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 3 weeks ago:
That reminds me April Fools Day is approaching. When I was young I worked in a haunted house where we made blood capsules using Karo syrup, red food dye and put it into empty capsules. I deal with two guys at work that like to get stupid stoned at lunch time
- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 4 weeks ago:
I was just making a joke, but don’t doubt that you’re right. It’s a tough thing to measure as people aren’t always honest. Like if somebody took a poll in 1986 asking folks if they smoked weed, paranoia might cause smokers to say no
- Comment on Anon envies the boomers 4 weeks ago:
Premarital sex being taboo sped things up
- Comment on Life goals 4 weeks ago:
Cheaper to buy a coconut
- Comment on Life goals 4 weeks ago:
Shit, in the US you now gotta swipe a credit card to buy air. TO BUY AIR!
- Comment on Life goals 4 weeks ago:
Maybe if we weren’t weird about sex, folks wouldn’t need to fuck a balloon.
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 5 weeks ago:
I don’t doubt you’re right nobody cares about the lowly pigeon, in fact some cities encourage nesting of raptors to keep their population in check. I do doubt any protected birds are allowed to be kept. Hawks are very common where I live, seeing a red tail or cooper’s hawk is a daily occurance where I live so I assume the regulations are for humane treatment rather than preservation. My friend and his son came across a dead bald eagle while hiking and they kept it as they had a large skull collection. I looked it up and as you said it’s against the law with very steep penalties so I advised him to make sure his son kept his mouth shut in school.
- Comment on Is it possible to get/train a carrier pigeon today? 5 weeks ago:
There’s a homing pigeon club not far from where I live.
- Comment on At this rate, why not. 5 weeks ago:
Just spitballing here. These grand ideas good/bad practical/or not are the beginning of mankind learning how to geo engineer planets or moons. I’ll be long dead before I get proven right or wrong so it’s easy to spitball
- Comment on Anon is a veteran 1 month ago:
Moral of the story? Don’t be kicking down people’s doors
- Comment on The Man Who Met Kit Duncan 1 month ago:
They peaked with Jaws 3D. No other credits since. I wonder what Kit has been up to?
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
Capitalism or communism the greedy and power hungry will weasel there way up. The only thing that will save us is a vigilant electorate.
- Comment on Solid Advice 1 month ago:
Sure hard work pays off eventually but procrastination pays off today
- Comment on 🐐 🥵 1 month ago:
One thing that’s occurred to me. The argument on the Trump side against DEI is that folks should be hired based on their ability to do a job yet the main qualification of the people he is putting into positions of power is their loyalty to him
- Comment on Can we stop asking people who are on the brink of death and suffering greatly to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of able bodied people who refuse to stand up and sacrifice themselves for us? 1 month ago:
There’s a lot of losers on Lemmy. They talk tough but they’re full of shit. Sorry to hear you have to put up with that
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
When he runs out, just grab the bottle out of the trash and fill it with soap and hand it back to him. You’re welcome
- Comment on How do I find a job that's unionized outside the trades? 1 month ago:
Maybe try the SEIU?
- Comment on Anon has cold feet 1 month ago:
Try neoprene liners. They’re not expensive so it’s worth a try. It’s possible your feet get too warm and sweat which makes them cold and clammy. Synthetic liners wick the moisture away. Works in bed also
- Comment on Darn it 2 months ago:
Replacing hate with another hate. Just goes to show you, haters gonna hate
- Comment on Anon makes a troubling connection 2 months ago:
Anything to keep from having to provide sex education, birth control, socialism!
- Comment on Anon makes a troubling connection 2 months ago:
Same here (am old man) but in the context of this post one can make the argument that pornography in general is reducing the population. Not necessarily a bad thing.