- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 4 days ago:
There’s no leader. Most people are followers.
- Comment on If I was a Health Care CEO after Luigi and felt in fear of my life from someone else how would I hire security? What would be a good deal? And does security act like the Secret Service to take a bulle 4 weeks ago:
That’s why Luigi was arrested, so he wouldn’t murder anyone else. Society can’t let crazies like that roam free.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
There’s a lot of everyday millionaires that live pretty average, mundane lives.
No life is “carefree”. There’s stuff that happens that you can’t predict. Car accidents, bad weather, people dying, bad hair days, falling down, etc.
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 5 weeks ago:
No he’s trash.
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 1 month ago:
For this he is scum.
- Comment on What we all want deep down 1 month ago:
If people really didn’t want to be rich, no one would play the lottery.
- Comment on Why do some people think others are troll just because they don’t like what they have to say? 1 month ago:
It’s easier to insult someone you disagree with than to have a rational, intelligent discussion.
- Comment on Clarifying questions about the Musk salute 1 month ago:
Trump gets to do anything he wants; Musk wants the same treatment.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 2 months ago:
Murdering this person was not right.
You’re acting like no one had any other choice. That is not true. Murdering this person was the wrong choice.
It’s not a war. It was an act of senseless violence.
- Comment on If you're not attracted to anyone "in your league", but you cannot choose who you are attracted to, then what are you supposed to do? 2 months ago:
What you’re describing is two opposite ends of a bell curve. Most people are in the large middle range of being normal (average) looking.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
This makes it seem like men can’t learn. There’s nothing biological about organizing an event or talking to people.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
If people are lonely it’s because they cause it themselves.
I’m in an activity group and it’s mostly the women of the group who are organizing the events. The men sign up to attend. The women are the ones who make plans and the men just go along.
Why don’t the men take initiative?
Even playing a board game, the guys just sit there playing a game. The women are the ones who introduce themselves, ask other people their names, what they do for a living, engage in conversation. This is all stuff men could be doing themselves but choose not to.
Some men isolate themselves using video games and didn’t join any social groups then complain that they are lonely. It’s like complaining you’re hungry when the food is right in front of you but you just won’t eat it – you’re expecting someone else to literally feed you.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 2 months ago:
There’s no “war”. Stop glorifying cold blooded murder.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
Don’t insult me.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
It was murder, very simply.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
No cause.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
We’re talking about a human being.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
This was murder. It was a crime.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
The murder wasn’t justified. Don’t act like everyone is okay with it.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
You wouldn’t be advocating for having people killed if it was your own friends.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
You want to bring back “mob rule” such as allowing people to gang up and lynch people they don’t like? That’s disgusting.
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
The killing of Brian Thompson was cold blooded murder and should not be celebrated. No one is saying we should celebrate any other average person who gets gunned down like that.
- Comment on the people have spoken 2 months ago:
Insulting people shows you have nothing intelligent to say. Blocking you.
- Comment on the people have spoken 2 months ago:
Insulting people shows you have nothing intelligent to say. Blocking you.
- Comment on the people have spoken 2 months ago:
Not out of touch. I just don’t worship murderers like this guy. Not sure how anyone could.
- Comment on the people have spoken 2 months ago:
Insulting people demonstrates you have nothing intelligent to say. Blocking you.
- Comment on the people have spoken 2 months ago:
One of the worst people of the year for sure.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 2 months ago:
Fine then all guns AND all ammunition should be gone.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 2 months ago:
He never had to kill anyone. He chose to murder someone.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 2 months ago:
That’s a sick and disgusting attitude. Blocking you.