- Comment on People who live in hot climates, how do you deal with the heat? 12 hours ago:
Expose yourself to moderate heat as much as possible. Your body adapts and then you can handle the extreme heat better.
- Comment on The Fall of the Regime — A video about the fall of Bashar al-Assad and the surreal rebirth of the Syrian Revolution 2 weeks ago:
Great video, also hosted here for those who prefer to watch on an alternative platform:
I’m particularly interested in the mention of democratic structures created by Syrians during the revolution—this is my first time hearing of the topic, does anyone have any further reading on this? It is interesting that Rojava is so widely discussed but whatever the narrator is referencing is largely unknown here in the west.
- Comment on GET REKT 4 weeks ago:
Pretty uncommon but it has happened. Especially with agricultural pests where there is a large industry that can push for a proper response. I’m guessing beekeepers were the industry in question this time.
- Comment on Does the USA simply have no food safety standard at all? 4 weeks ago:
Probably not collectively but for the people making these decisions it is.
- Comment on Why is Trump orange? 5 weeks ago:
He kinda looks better. If he just stopped making that face he would look like a normal human.
- Comment on I'm thinking taffy. 5 weeks ago:
Depends on the exact composition but most lavas are going to be way more viscous than honey.
- Comment on What is the typical sentence for Hunter Biden's Tax Evasion? 1 month ago:
So the people who were saying this is a political witch hunt are full of shit.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
The judge won’t allow that as evidence, I guarantee it.
- Comment on conditional probability 1 month ago:
We’re not even talking about insulting people. We’re talking about humor that points out the very real fact that men are by a huge margin the main perpetrators of violence against women (and against men too!).
Again, how is that harmful?
- Comment on conditional probability 1 month ago:
Attempts to dodge the question make it clear that you cannot articulate any harm here. Which is exactly what makes it not bigotry. Go touch grass mate.
- Comment on conditional probability 1 month ago:
No, I’m asking you to explain a specific harm in a specific case which I don’t believe matches any reasonable definition of bigotry.
- Comment on conditional probability 1 month ago:
Is it? Men as a class are privileged. I’m fine with punching up.
Note this does not apply to individuals and certain subsets of men who may be relatively less privileged (gay men, black men, etc.)
Why do you think it’s fucked up? What’s the harm?
- Comment on conditional probability 1 month ago:
All good points I hadn’t considered! However, some people did try to turn it into a math problem which I had to object to at that point.
- Comment on [from 2020] Why Don’t We Just Ban Targeted Advertising? 1 month ago:
This seems to be mainly about billboards. I’m talking mainly about a sign on your door that explains what your business is. I hadn’t initially thought of this as a form of advertising but it technically is.
I’d be open to discussing a broader ban but my current thinking is that this very basic type of advertising which is primarily informational may be do more good than harm.
- Comment on conditional probability 1 month ago:
Do they? That’s hard to believe but if they did the stats right then feel free to share. How do you even measure the number of encounters?
- Comment on [from 2020] Why Don’t We Just Ban Targeted Advertising? 1 month ago:
Sure. I was thinking of advertising in media but I don’t have a problem with a sign on your business or very basic things like that. So I guess not quite all advertising but the advertising industry needs to go.
- Comment on [from 2020] Why Don’t We Just Ban Targeted Advertising? 1 month ago:
Why don’t we just ban all advertising? It’s a waste of human labor that not only contributes nothing to society but actually makes it worse.
- Comment on conditional probability 1 month ago:
The people pointing out the women killed by bears vs men stats a few months ago need to understand this as well lol
Like I am fine if you want to meme or dunk on men but once you bring bad stats into it that’s when I get serious.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 1 month ago:
Well plants and leaves can definitely help with this. Your state DNR may have resources on which plants are most effective for this in your area and site conditions.
Also, if you are getting a lot of runoff from upslope, you might need to investigate whether changes are needed at the source of this runoff rather than in the immediate area of erosion. If you can slow that upslope water and allow it to absorb in the soil up there, that help a lot even without changing anything lower down.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 1 month ago:
Well, based on our prior conversations I suspect you know far more about soil science than I do, I only know the basics necessary for arboriculture.
So what you wrote is of course accurate but I understand both to be at play here—leaves break down into humus that chelates minerals and supports fungi that can hold onto nutrients and keep them from leaching away in rain. Leaves also provide a physical barrier that protects soil from physical erosion. But let me know if I got anything wrong.
My overall point was mainly just that you don’t need to replace leaves with fertilizer if you are removing them, but it’s still a good idea to leave them in place for other reasons.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 1 month ago:
I’m sure it does vary—my impression is that N fixing trees in particular are going to have higher N levels in the leaves they drop but I’m sure it varies by species as well.
But from my experience, most urban shade trees don’t really need to be fertilized unless they are exhibiting symptoms of nutrient deficiency—and even then, this is often a symptom of poor soil and root health overall more than a specific lack of a nutrient. Most urban soils tend to be fairly high in nutrients due to air pollutants, excess fertilizers, pet feces, etc.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 1 month ago:
Fallen leaves are generally pretty low in nutrients, so you probably don’t need to fertilize shade trees whether they stay or go. The bigger issue is that removing a huge input of carbon into the soil leaves you with low organic matter and lowered ability to retain what nutrients do exist. This poor soil quality will stress your trees, but adding fertilizer doesn’t address the root issue.
Fruit trees generally do need to be fertilized since fruits are much higher in nutrients and are not generally returned to the soil unless you’re doing some kind of poo composting scheme.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 1 month ago:
Too many leaves will definitely kill the grass.
Whether that’s a bad thing is a separate question.
- Comment on Would Kamala Harris have won the 2024 election if Latinos didn't shift hard to the right? 1 month ago:
I don’t think this is what you intended OP but we should be careful not to blame voters here. Trump and his enablers are to blame for what he does, not voters.
That said, this is interesting. The shift to Trump among most communities was tiny, which could explain why most people were so surprised by this outcome. But why did Latinos shift to the right so much? That’s what I’d like to know.
- Comment on Would Kamala Harris have won the 2024 election if Latinos didn't shift hard to the right? 1 month ago:
I think you’re getting confused by the column placement. This appears to be a 16 point shift with another 3% loss for Harris on top of that.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 1 month ago:
These days, they usually use a variety of financial instruments distributed across a wide variety of accounts in tax havens.
- Comment on Mollusks 1 month ago:
Thank you. I’m getting some slightly different answers here though so I wonder if everyone even agrees on what this means.
- Comment on Mollusks 1 month ago:
But what does Nobody: mean? How does it relate to the second part of the meme? Why is it funny??? I’m still confused.
- Comment on Mollusks 1 month ago:
I’ve been consuming this meme format for years and it still makes absolutely no sense to me
- Comment on [Kitboga] Shut Down a Scam Car Dealership 1 month ago:
Aren’t they all scams?