Dominatrix in the PNW
- Comment on Freedumb 1 week ago:
That isn’t why antivaxxers exist. Antivaxxers exist because they believe the vaccines themselves are poisonous or harmful as a core belief. Whether they believe the diseases are severe or exist is moot because that’s not what they have a problem with.
Many antivaxxers’ children do get severe disease and they do not change their stance because they genuinely believe the vaccines are so harmful.
It’s not that life is so good they are afraid, (doesn’t even make sense) but rather life is so bad and such a distrust in our medical system that they feel like they can’t risk what they see as a bad product.
Misunderstanding these people may make the problem simpler and may make you feel good about yourself, but it doesn’t do much to address their actual beliefs.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 5 weeks ago:
Everyone has been bought and paid for
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Please read this, my comment from months ago:
- Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 2 months ago:
Yeah, you abusive piece of shit your mom should have aborted and flushed down a toilet, and so when it gets posted here that shit is spread to gender narcissist misogynistic abusive shitheads like you.
This is why we are not only going 4B, we will end paternity rights. You make 0% of cells of the baby. You contribute 50% DNA. If I make a desk, with 50% of instructions from someone else, and 50% from my own knowledge, and then I supply all the materials and build it myself, it’s my fucking desk. If I eat a sandwich and shit out the cells, it’s my fucking shit. And the DNA from a sperm cell is substantially less material and less contributive in terms of cells than the sandwich is to shit.
Have fun never having a woman consensually love you your whole life.
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 3 months ago:
That’s the part you’re most worried about, huh? Lol, hit dog hollers
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 3 months ago:
Nope, people are writing me back now and defending it. Because Lemmy is literally full of misogynists amd the mods refuse to do anything about it, because they are misogynists too.
And you all wonder why women despise you. Lol.
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 3 months ago:
Sure, Jan. You didn’t need to write so much, you could’ve just admitted you’re a pedo too.
- Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 3 months ago:
What site did it get posted to and updated on, genius?
- Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 3 months ago:
Try thinking, for once ever, about why they made it a woman. And why this story with extreme violenece towards women appealed to so many on Lemmy. Try thinking about why that’s relevant when we have women’s rights being actively eroded with Project 2025.
Or don’t think and stay smug in your little man cult. Be a gender narcissist and abuse women because of your delusional beliefs. Harm everyone and everything because you lack humility and honesty. Fucking cowards, all of you.
- Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 3 months ago:
Lemmy will make up any excuse to be violent towards women, huh?
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 3 months ago:
I left Bluesky to read men’s takes on Lemmy being “child rape is equivalent to a brown suit, despite the child herself writing and speaking about the pain and agony of that relationship,” and "autism is the same as pedophilia "Amazing takes, Lemmy.
- Comment on Reliable bank account 3 months ago:
No, he’s stupid. Gamestop could change their policies at any time making deposit refunds store credit only. Gamestop could go under and he wouldn’t be FDIC covered. Can’t emphasize enough the store credit policy switch which they’d do just in response to him.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Thank you for proving you are a rapist and a creep. Go download Grindr like you were begging to satiate your thirst for conservative cum
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Go away, rapist creep
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Yet again calling me sweetie. You just can’t respect a woman’s bodily autonomy, huh?
Well, keep sweet. When all the women kill themselves, they will turn the lib men into sex slaves. The guy that shot Osama is all for it. Have fun being treated exactly how you treat women.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago:
You’re correct. Their wage is often ~$3/hr. It’s nearly slave labor.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Sure, be abusive and about your ego. That’s more important, right? You and your self.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
I didn’t say “rightwing fight.” I said this war we have going with Russia started, as in the first battles began, in 2016, or rather with the 2016 election.
Sure, we can also argue that this is a global backlash against civil rights, I agree there.
It’s not bigger than Russia or gender. Lol. Yoy just mean that you are so narcissistic, that you don’t care about the Russia war or women so you think thats objective and no one should. Lol.
The left can’t unify because nonviolent antiabuse and antifascism, in a fascist abusive system, requires humility and people changing themselves and instead of that, we have men telling women that the “gender stuff” isn’t a big deal and dismissing them. Like I get it, you abuse women, you could not make it clearer that you want me to be okay with violence towards women.
Biden was on the side of the US. Where we physically reside. This means he cared about making sure our country was relatively stable and not being bombed. Now that a foreign hostile nation has control of our government, they can just bomb us. Or starve ur or blockade us. Trump is already talking about putting tariffs on us, just like we did to Russia as punishment for their war. It’s revenge.
I think you live too comfortably and you don’t understand how bad it can get here. Hubris etc.
Yeah I’m so bad for pointing out Trump is a racist and the peak of toxic masculinity and patriarchy, and me trying to subvert those systems so we don’t get more Trumps. I’m so stupid for understanding how masculinity, male/gender narcissism, and fascism all interrelate along with Abrahamic religions, superhero tropes, Call of Duty, and war propaganda to create these exact men who lack empathy and sit with delusions while trained to blame and dismiss women (because we are the ones telling you to not go to war… so tbe war propaganda really needs you to disrespect our opinions). Like I’ll explain it all for you if your little man ego can take it, but I really doubt you can.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Lol yes, I love being gaslighted.
If you can’t see how this specific Russian war offensive began in 2016
If you can’t see the ongoing war men have had on women resulting in our literal enslavement
If you can’t understand intersectionality so you just tantrum and refuse to acknowledge it
If you can’t see the ongoing war white people have had on PoC
That’s on you!
We are all dead to climate change anyway!
But yes clearly the fascist dictator will be cool with his rival. We only have a few months to find out. And when I’m right, I won’t DM or comment back to you because your opinion was always worthless anyway.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
If it helps, there’s absolutely no way Biden is getting out of this unscathed unless he leaves the country too.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
So you think that violence doesn’t count? Nancy Pelosi’s husband being hospitalized isn’t violent enough?
Trump has survived 2 assassination attempts himself since this. Biden doesn’t need to survive a coordinated attack. He needs to survive every interaction he has with a stranger from now until he dies, plus hope he will avoid prison by Trump, plus hope that once he’s jailed and in prison, he doesn’t get Epsteind or Navalny’d.
Bruh Trump is starting this presidency off with trying to remove birth right citizenship and denaturalize 25 million Latinos, about 23 million of whom are here legally. They didn’t do anything to him - they voted for him amd he’s going to deport them. Biden actively thwarted him and you think he’ll just be cool with it? Lol you’re projecting the moron thing
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Oh so it’s not just Biden who is delusional
Were you in a coma for Jan 6? They were going to execute Nancy Pelosi. Speaking of, they hit Nancy Pelosi’s rich white husband on the head with a hammer. She didn’t embrass Cheetoh even 10% of what Biden did. Biden beat him. Trump is a literal narcissist. Idk how to be more clear.
Men, most people really, just cannot fathom the depths of male abuse ig. Always gotta run interference for male abusers, even with obvious serious abuse histories, as your default rhetoric. Maybe stop doing that and start empathizing with victims. I’m telling you that man’s psychology will not allow him to let Biden live peacefully. Not to mention Trump is literally Putin’s puppet, another raging narcissist, and Biden cost Putin billions. It was found in court he colluded with Russia. America Kompromat by Unger shows a long history of blackmail by Russia to Americans including Trump. Active Measures documentary with John McCain and Hilary Clinton does as well.
What is happening next is 2 fold:
- Proxy war. Trump will destroy America as much as possible from the inside for Russia
- Theft. Wars only result in an economic boom if we are essentially grave robbing the loser. What’s about to happen is a massive wealth transfer from the US to Russia and other countries. They will absolutely be killing off wealthy white men. They’ll kill everyone. They literally don’t care. This is a war and has been since the 2016 election. And you refuse to see it.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 3 months ago:
Does Biden seriously think Trrump will let him retire in peace? He needs to flee the country before Trump is sworn in or he and his family will be arrested. There’s no way Trump will let go the man who beat him, the man who made him look like a fool, the man who was going to have him arrested during his presidency.
- Comment on The man who took in orphaned Peanut the squirrel says it’s 'surreal' officials euthanized his pet 3 months ago:
They provoked the bite. You should see the video of how they ransacked his room and house to get the squirrel. It was likely terrifying for anyone, let alone a tiny prey animal. Most people familiar with proper wildlife handling should be able to put a little fat pet squirrel in a cage. That it bit them was their fault.
Whether it’s justified that both the raccoon and the squirrel were put down - imo, not really, no. Laws allow for it, but it’s very unlikely squirrels have rabies and again the bite was provoked.
But also, didn’t we all watch Tiger King? Can we stop giving these influencers views who use animals like props for money? It’s disgusting. It’s also gross when it’s a disabled person or a child.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
With AMOC collapse underway, the entire planet is fucked. Hope this helps
- Comment on Terraria hits over 60 million sales with Terraria 1.4.5 shaping up to be another big update 3 months ago:
- Comment on Terraria hits over 60 million sales with Terraria 1.4.5 shaping up to be another big update 3 months ago:
I was just scrolling on Steam one day and saw it. Loved the music and the aesthetic and when it went on sale (back when the Steam sales were mindblowing and Newegg was also mindblowing), I got it. Love it so much but these days I use TEdit/a map editor to make pretty designs on my worlds. I have a lava swamp in hell, a drag stage/nightclub in hell, several glittering giant forests (snow, fairy, and halloween), an erupting volcano, an amusement park off a pier, lots of planets in space, and my mushroom biome is starry night themed.
Meanwhile my brother in law plays huge pvp campaigns, and I had a friend who made those puzzle haunted house type maps. You can do so much in that game it’s wild.
- Comment on Terraria hits over 60 million sales with Terraria 1.4.5 shaping up to be another big update 3 months ago:
I bought Terria years ago for like $3 while it was still beta testing/first launching. I have played over 900 hours and still get use out of that. Some of the best $3 I’ve ever spent
- Comment on Anon trades and barters 3 months ago:
This is in no way how the adult entertainment industry works but whatever, men r so smart and if only they had tits they could rule the world /s