- Comment on Hey is Sharing Luigi’s Manifesto on Social Media Actually "Glorifying Violence"? Because Reddit Said So 😭 3 months ago:
r/combatfootage has glorified violence for years now. That’s the only reason it exists.
- Comment on They're called leaves for a reason. 4 months ago:
I deal with 3 massive city-owned (and admittedly beautiful) removedapin oaks and two privately owned red maples on a 1/3 acre lot. If the leaves don’t get removed then everything dies as a result of the acidity and thick leaf cover that wont fully decay before the next autumn. There is no room for a compost pile of that size considering that the leaves couldnt make up more than half of it. I’m not a fan of grass lawns but the city and the HOA have to give the ‘okay’ before a lawn change can be made.
- Comment on 50% survival rate 5 months ago:
the gambler’s fallacy is the opposite of what applies to #1
“is the belief that, if an event (whose occurrences are independent and identically distributed) has occurred less frequently than expected, it is more likely to happen again in the future (or vice versa).” -per wikipedia
#2 is an optimist? A glass half full type of guy
#3 i’d guess is inferring that the statistics are based on an even distribution where the failures are disproportionately made up of by the same select few surgeons. or maybe that’s #2 and the scientist actually know the theory of how the procedure works in addition to what #2 knows.
- Comment on Could an American please prove me wrong? 6 months ago:
Fuck! I can pick out Italy, France, Portugal, spain, and even Cypress. Is it that ancient world country, you know uh Atlantis?
- Comment on Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that? 6 months ago:
Businesses have more money than individual citizens. You will get what you want from the U.S. government when we get money out of politics -Full-stop.
- Comment on Animals that use Drugs 6 months ago:
Based on a cursory Google searchch with the terms “bighorn sheep”+“Psychoactive fungi” it would seem they are referring to rumors of a psychoactive lichen that have not been formally identified.
-Also, mushrooms are fungi.
-Thirdly, you don’t want to eat Amanita Muscaria aka fly agaric unless you have thorough knowledge of what your doing. It contains a hepatotoxic compound (hence the deer piss reference in someone else comment) and it’s not to be confused the Psilocybin containing mushrooms AKA magic mushrooms. —The more you know 🌈
- Comment on Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement. 6 months ago:
But we’re too busy stopping literal fascism and nearly every GOP-packed court will uphold it as perfectly fine and normal for everyone making less than 150k a year.
“Bread and circuses”
- Comment on Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement. 6 months ago:
The non-union* drivers in cooperation with Amazon actively undermined another established union sure, yeah. I’d say until they organize or shut-down, they can share some of the blame.
- Comment on Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement. 6 months ago:
I mean Amazon started it’s driving program to undercut UPS -A Union shop. How is this not just scabs getting their comeuppance?
- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 7 months ago:
Lately most airlines are making insane profits from their banking-skymiles partnership deals and less from actual ticket-holders
- Comment on Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. 11 months ago:
are leeches not a concern?