- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 1 day ago:
All I know is that Lexus Texas (that is what TX means to me) sounds like the name of a porn star. Is that the message Lexus wanted me to take away from their advertising and branding?
- Comment on Caveman technology 2 weeks ago:
The caller is inside the house with you.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 3 weeks ago:
You guys are forgetting an annoying encumberance system where in order to pick up the heavy object (example: plate mail) you have to drop a light weight object (example: ring) because you are out of item slots.
- Comment on Time is an unstoppable force 4 weeks ago:
The worst part is knowing you can’t afford to and yet being forced to watch your elderly parents/friends who might be able afford to but can’t because of their health and/or the need to save their money for assisted living (which gets more and more expensive each year).
I’m not suicidal, but as I watch my parents age I think I will be. I have known several recently deceased who were miserable for the last couple of years of their lives. People who if they had been pets, we would have euthanized. It’s sobering and depressing.
- Comment on Time is an unstoppable force 4 weeks ago:
1973 gang. I have dementia now so I don’t even know how old I am. Someone tells me I am 207 but it doesn’t seem right.
- Comment on master manipulators 4 weeks ago:
They don’t even meow to each other, just to humans. They know what they are about.
- Comment on Well, they finally got around to me 4 weeks ago:
I am looking forward to someone suing YouTube for deceptive advertising after they get ads on premium.
- Comment on Destiny 2 Players Struggle To Find Fireteams As Population Drops To All-Time Low 4 weeks ago:
The story is done. Even when it wasn’t, the game felt like you were getting eight paragraphs of story per season spread over one paragraph per week.
I mostly pvp, the population is so bad that matchmaking has necessarily become terrible or there would be no matches. Every lobby has outliers on the high and low skill. The algorithm seems to put the six best players on the same team. I am either slaughtering the other team or getting slaughtered. A competitive match is a super rare occurrence. Anyway the lack of players makes the experience bad which is causing a death spiral. Anyone new is virtually guaranteed a bad experience, because most of the people left are the sweats.
I don’t know why I still play. Habit I guess. I have a huge backlog of games I ought to be playing instead. I game to relax and investing in the learning curve of a new game doesn’t feel very relaxing.
- Comment on Or Polio. Guess we should invest in iron lungs. 5 weeks ago:
Smallpox was definitely one of the things that made America great.
- Comment on What are examples of things that would get you banned on reddit, but is okay on most major instances of Lemmy? 5 weeks ago:
I got permabanned for saying I would like to see how Eisenhower would treat some Nazi marchers in Wisconsin. Apparently, that is not a commentary on how far the Republicans have shifted, but is actually advocating violence. I haven’t been supplying Reddit with free content since. Their loss, I had a pretty decent amount of karma, so I probably was contributing to the popularity of their site.
- Comment on NYPD confirms suspect had a British accent 1 month ago:
I too fake an accent when I am carefully planning an assassination. I hope he is already somewhere with no extradition treaty.
- Comment on How embarrassing 1 month ago:
If I was the defense attorney, I think this would be the test case for instructing the jury on jury nullification (which will get you sanctioned at a minimum and probably disbarred if you’re the attorney that tries it). I think defendants ought to be entitled to instruct the jury about the possibility. I personally would never disclose that I believe in it during voir dire and also would never vote to convict on some crimes.
- Comment on How embarrassing 1 month ago:
I too am Spartacus.
- Comment on How embarrassing 1 month ago:
FBI searching for the killer: United Healthcare denied 2.8M insurance claims in the last year and most of those people have families, so it looks like we have around 10M suspects.
- Comment on This map will hopefully clear up any further confusion. 1 month ago:
As a stereotypical American, I thought Corsica was Northern Ireland and Sardinia was Ireland. Thanks for clearing up my confusion.
- Comment on Why isn't Putin receiving the same level of hate than people like Trump and Elon are? 1 month ago:
Because people don’t like jumping out of windows to their death.
- Comment on I put on my robe and my wizard hat 2 months ago:
An older reference, but a meritorious one. We will need to delve deeper into this dungeon to determine how you master it. Perhaps there’s a tome of rules to guide our journey into this pursuit.
- Comment on Funny but it's even less funny 2 months ago:
Interest declined when they discovered the immigration process was non-trivial. I checked into Canada back in 2016. Didn’t bother this time. I think a lobotomy might be the answer. It would be nice if I could just have my empathy surgically removed.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 2 months ago:
To be clear, sometimes authority bias is good and proper. For instance, valuing the opinion of a climate scientist who has been studying climate chaos for thirty years more than your Aunt who saw Rush Limbaugh say climate change is a hoax in the 1990s is normal and rational.
Basically, authority bias as a reasoning flaw stems from misidentifying who is authoritative on a subject.
- Comment on Ah yes, regression 2 months ago:
They’ll also try to linear fit even the most obvious exponential curve.
- Comment on Please don't crash. Please don't crash. Please don't crash. 2 months ago:
That’s an amazing name for a horse.
- Comment on Which one is you? 3 months ago:
Centos 7.3 in an oracle virtual box on windows 10, but I definitely feel like the “hello, how are you fellow kids?” guy. There is not even a RedHat in the graphic for me to pretend is me.
- Comment on Please stop 3 months ago:
I am trying to think of a mildly entertaining game that was ruined after being purchased by a third party. Maybe Populous? Musk is definitely EA.
- Comment on Oh Shit 3 months ago:
Rumor is he is going to release an album that is hours of recordings of Boris just destroying that toilet. Preliminary grammy favorite for best new artist.
- Comment on Anon enjoys a quiet night at home 3 months ago:
Cougars in heat sound like a woman being murdered. Bigger louder sound than a fox. Terrifying if you don’t know what it is, and a bit terrifying if you do.
- Comment on Sample Text 3 months ago:
At least it isn’t a couch at Ashley’s.
- Comment on Lord, I was born a scramblin' maaaaan 3 months ago:
I looked out the window and seen his bald head,
Ran to the fridge and pulled out an egg
Scoped him with my scopes he had no hair
Launched that shot and he was caught out there
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
AI prompt was probably “draw Hillary, but make her as fat as Donald.”
- Comment on Anon experiences summer love 4 months ago:
Someone needs to tell him. If you can get a mosquito to bite you on muscle that you then flex. They can get trapped. They can be overfilled with blood to the point where they burst.
- Comment on Swifties wasted no time... 4 months ago:
Somewhere Howard Dean is wondering how the fuck he was too unhinged to be electable in the face of daily insanity from the orange.